Meeting Time: February 17, 2021 at 2:30pm MST
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Agenda Item

81 Human Services Campus Request

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    Janelle Wood over 3 years ago

    Mayor & City Council, on behalf of the Black Mothers Forum, we have always been in support of the Office of Accountability and Transparency (OAT) and was very disappointed when the ordinance for the OAT office was not approved. Efforts to defund police accountability and oversight is irresponsible and continues to show a lack of concern for the welfare of our community. Please find the dollars for the Human Services Campus from another funding source. The OAT office is still needed.

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    Gail Knight over 3 years ago

    Please do not approve defunding OAT and redirecting the $3 million to the Phoenix Human Services Campus. Rather, direct the City Manager to identify other available funds if needed. I agree with the Human Services Executive Director--"the recommendations pits the issues relating to homelessness against citizen oversight". The protection of "ALL" Phoenix citizens is critically important. That is your duty!

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    Will Kessler over 3 years ago

    The Phoenix Police Department should immediately return all personal property to protesters they unlawfully arrested, create a reparations fund for all individuals directly impacted by the PPD’s use of excessive force at protests, and a fund for all individuals directly impacted by the PPD’s practice of politically and falsely prosecuting protesters. We must have guidelines to prevent officers from lying under oath against protesters exercising their First Amendment rights. Drop the charges now

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    Jisoo Kim over 3 years ago

    I have to hand it to the three shameless councilmembers who so openly display their hatred for the poor while hiding behind flowery language and their McMansions in the very outskirts of Phoenix. Let’s pretend they actually want to “address the needs of one of Phoenix's most vulnerable populations”. They should consider that ending houselessness inherently requires ending the terror that PPD inflicts upon our unsheltered population daily. Fund HSC, defund PPD!

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    Nanda Vann over 3 years ago

    City council & Mayor, demand Phoenix Police Department immediately return all personal property to protesters they illegally arrested. Create a reparations fund for all individuals directly impacted by the PPD’s use of excessive force at protests, and a fund for all individuals directly impacted by the PPD’s practice of politically and falsely prosecuting protesters. We must have guidelines to prevent officers from lying under oath against protesters exercising their First Amendment rights.

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    April McCue over 3 years ago

    City council and Mayor, our demands are simple! We want true public safety, and we want you to use your power to stop cops from killing and caging Black folx with impunity. Stop supporting the anti-Black neo-Nazi killing machine that is the Phoenix PD. Instead, protect the community by defunding the Phoenix Police Department and terminate City Manager Ed Zuercher. Ed is responsible for allowing Chief Jeri’s deadly cops to behave so despicably. Blood is on your hands. Do something. #DefundPhxPD

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    Kara Hyland over 3 years ago

    Why would you defund police oversight when the police themselves have called for independent investigations of their actions? OAT needs to be fully funded and have investigatory powers. Charges against ALL protesters need to be dropped. The world is watching and it sees that Phoenix voted to give racist neo-nazi police more money to harass protesters (see ABC15 article on the challenge coin and your "riot" funding vote), while taking money away from the office set up to hold them accountable.

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    Mario Guzman over 3 years ago

    Carlos does not care about his district. I’ve been here 5 years and this place is a nightmare. It’s dirty and full of the homeless population. Please reallocate those funds to those who are on the street. We want to take these people off and make them productive members of society.

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    Tina Demonte over 3 years ago

    please we need funding to our homeless. I’ve seen so many mentally ill people roaming the streets. It isn’t good and if Phoenix has the opportunity to reallocate funds from something that won’t amount to anything but more hatred...please put that money towards the population who needs it most.

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    Abel Ramirez over 3 years ago

    I’ve lived in this district over 15 years and the homeless population, crime, and drugs have gotten worse. I’ve tried to reach out to Carlos Garcia many times and it’s like writing to a ghost. I can’t imagine funding a citizen board that will probably equate to the same thing...USELESS. Put that money towards getting these folks off the street away from the drugs and crime.

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    Rita Esperia over 3 years ago

    City council and Mayor, stop trying to defund Police accountability, and instead fire police that have shown us their racist & Neo-Nazi ways. If you are truly appalled by PPD actions, then work to make them accountable. Stop supporting "rotten apple" police. Twenty plus people still face prison time because they were targeted and slapped with false gang charges by dirty lying cops, April Sponsel and Nick Michaud. We demand MCAO drop all charges now! #EndPoliticalProsecutions

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    Elena Pierson over 3 years ago

    I am strongly opposed to allocating any new money to the City of Phoenix Police Department. Increasing the budget of The Phoenix Police Department has never proved to reduce the trauma they continuously inflict on our community members, trauma including the charges placed on protestors this past summer. These charges need to be dropped. Our community constantly under attack by the Phoenix Police Department while the department is kept protected by special protections.

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    Flor Ochoa over 3 years ago

    I oppose we need less violence and more helping community with resources!!

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    Daisy Hernandez over 3 years ago

    Being that the Phoenix Police Department is infamously known for being one of the most violent departments in the UNITED STATES, we the people demand that Phoenix PD does NOT RECEIVE ANY NEW MONEY for this year. We have so many other members of our community that NEED these funds like the homeless and/or community members who lack mental health services. DROP all political persecution charges against Phoenix protesters and IMMEDIATELY END special police protections. Beontherightsideofhistory.

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    Jennifer Valencia over 3 years ago

    This contract proposal is a major step backwards. Why are we defunding police accountability? It decreases transparency, while increasing the police budget and influence of the police union. We should be investing money into resources that actually help keep our communities safe.

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    Kiara Damon over 3 years ago

    I oppose this measure, I do not want any new money allocated to the violent City of Phoenix Police Department. Any remaining charges need to be dropped against protestors with prejudice. Special protections for the Police Department need to be addressed and negotiated in a more transparent manner. Our unsheltered population also needs to be addressed and provided with funding for social services, housing and mental health services as well.

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    Jonathon Taylor over 3 years ago

    REALLOCATE FUNDS. We need HELP. And our so called leader Carlos Garcia is never there. He only shows up when there’s a possible opportunity to make him look good. Our police are drowning—people fail to realize that businesses and residents call on these homeless who are sometimes mentally ill. Why don’t we want to help get these people off the streets and away from the crime? Please city of Phoenix, help your residents and the homeless population for a long term solution.

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    Cleo Warner over 3 years ago

    I oppose this measure and believe that the solution to creating a safer community is by moving money away from the Phoenix police and instead investing into services for our unsheltered neighbors. In the two years since the last police contract was negotiated, this council has spent over $1.3 BILLION paying for the salaries and benefits of Phoenix cops. Please pull resources from this violent and unaccountable department that creates more issues than it solves.

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    Daniella Luria over 3 years ago

    There should be no need for more money going the police department when it is known to be one of the most violent departments in the country when our neighborhoods and communities need resources that are constantly overlooked especially in a pandemic.

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    Jaime De La Mora over 3 years ago

    Drop all charges against all the protesters. End Special Protections for Phoenix Police.