Meeting Time: February 17, 2021 at 2:30pm MST
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Agenda Item

81 Human Services Campus Request

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    Joseph Mulkern over 3 years ago

    America was built under the idea that those in power could be held accountable for their actions. Please do not take money away from an office dedicated to protecting the citizens you represent.

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    Matthew Aguilar over 3 years ago

    You claim you want to clean and safe neighborhoods but it is you, the Mayor and council that are trash. It is you that commits acts of violence, robbing folks of their livelihood, keeping resources from who you deem as disposable. Not only do we call for the termination of Jeri Williams, Ed Zuercher, and all involved in the political prosecutions, but if you can't do your jobs (which so far you have proven you cannot) then you too should be removed with the rest of the white supremacists.

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    Tanzida Zaman over 3 years ago

    City council, an independent investigation is NOT enough to remedy the depth of deceit and violence in this toxic Phoenix Police Department! There is enough evidence right now to disqualify EVERY police report and EVERY piece of testimony that came from the tactical squad!! The cops that are still assigned to protests are lying in an attempt to silence dissent against them. Use the power your office affords you and do your job! Demand MCAO drop the charges and end political prosecution now!

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    Anne Ender over 3 years ago

    Please vote to reallocate the $3M funds to support the work that the Human Services Campus does every day to effectively the homeless population.

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    Jade Catron over 3 years ago

    City council and Mayor, our demands are simple! We want true public safety, and we want you to use your power to stop cops from killing and caging Black folx with impunity. Stop supporting the anti-Black neo-Nazi killing machine that is the Phoenix PD. Instead, protect the community by defunding the Phoenix Police Department and terminate City Manager Ed Zuercher. Ed is responsible for allowing Chief Jeri’s deadly cops to behave so despicably. Blood is on your hands. Do something. #DefundPhxPD

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    Patricia Pagliuca over 3 years ago

    Council and Mayor, none of you seem to be bothered by the neo-Nazi gang activity happening within PPD or the fact that your officers lie under oath and kill every week. It is literally your job to make sure your constituents are taken care of. Yet, you protect the violent anti-Black PPD because clearly you share their values. Fire these dirty cops, including Jeri, and fire Ed Zeurecher. Pay reparations to PPD's victims. I fully support the nine items on the citizen’s petition. #DefundPhxPD

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    Kharli Mandeville over 3 years ago

    Do not rescind this funding! Defund the police.

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    Ashlynne Pesch over 3 years ago

    We are outraged at the latest news about Phoenix PD. We demand that the officers we already know aided in the creation of the neo-nazi challenge coin and/or kept or shared it are immediately fired! Fiire all the officers involved with the neo-Nazi coin, including: Lt Ben Moore, George Herr, Jeffrey Howell, Glen Neville, Jay Scott, John Sticca, Bury Bryce. Fire all other officers not currently named that helped create, share or keep this disgusting coin that celebrates PPD’s neo Nazi culture.

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    J R Gaelick over 3 years ago

    City council and Mayor, it is public knowledge that the Tactical Response Unit (TRU) are violent neo-Nazis who celebrate their violence against protesters. The public is outraged yet, not a single one of you has publicly denounced Phoenix PD for their horrific mistreatment or protesters. How is it you care so little about what is happening? We demand you call for an immediate investigation of the Tactical Response Unit’s racial bias. We demand all officers involved with protest abuse be fired.

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    Annalisa Cardon over 3 years ago

    Council and Mayor! Do your job! Publicly denounce these charges! Demand MCAO adjust the motion to dismiss on the 10/17 cases to be with prejudice. Pass a resolution to call on MCAO to drop ALL charges including - 7/18, 8/9, 10/3 and any other outlying charges - with prejudice. Demand municipal court dismiss all misdemeanor charges. Demand MCAO hold the officers who lied under oath accountable, and fire all prosecutors involved in the protest charges! #DroptheChargesMCAO #EndPoliticalProsecutions

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    Cris McDaniel over 3 years ago

    OAT was voted for by the people, approved, and funded. Now, because of your poor decisions about how to address homelessness in Phoenix (ignoring many experienced people's advice), you want to shift funding away from an initiative the people voted for. Ridiculous. You know where this money could come from. Defund the police. Stop using initiatives that would inherently work together, against each other. You know the problem, it's Phoneix PD. Do better.

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    Kelly Kwok over 3 years ago

    We are outraged at the latest news about Phoenix PD. We demand that the officers we already know aided in the creation of the neo-nazi challenge coin and/or kept or shared it are immediately fired! Fire all the officers involved with the neo-Nazi coin, including: Lt Ben Moore, George Herr, Jeffrey Howell, Glen Neville, Jay Scott, John Sticca, Bury Bryce. Fire all other officers not currently named that helped create, share or keep this disgusting coin that celebrates PPD’s neo Nazi culture.

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    Rebecca Denis over 3 years ago

    Once again, PHX council members make it clear they want nothing more than to protect the corruption and violence in the Phoenix PD department. This proposition to kill and defund OAT and abandon any form of police accountability is disgusting when there is clear corruption and racism in the PHX PD. Phoenix could have voted at any time in the last few years to redirect money to the human services campus, using the needs of the homeless as your manipulative political tool is even more abhorrent.

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    Marcus Reid over 3 years ago

    In the midst of the news of MORE corruption in the Phoenix Police department's ranks you are choosing to attempt to defund transparency and accountability. This would have blaring consequences. The department has managed to become more unaccountable for their actions. We need to put every penny we can find into holding rogue police officers such as Ben Moore and his crew absolutely responsible for their actions. Without OAT you are rubber stamping the poor behavior within the Phoenix Police.

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    Nicole Mehaffey over 3 years ago

    An independent investigation is NOT enough to remedy the depth of deceit and violence in the PPD! Disqualify EVERY police report and EVERY piece of testimony that came from the anti-Black neo-Nazi "tactical force" that imagined up fake gang charges and fake crimes. Both you and I know these lies are an attempt to silence dissent against the killing machine that is our police force. DO YOUR JOB.

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    Marie Coovert over 3 years ago

    It is very shameful to see how this city approves items to placate the public eye and then tries to revoke them when it is believed the citizens are no longer looking. In what kind of job can someone avoid any form of standards and expectations? If someone fails to perform their job well, they should lose it. It is no more difficult than that and every other industry has it figured out. Why is this such a difficult concept for policing? Not to mention the coin that's just being ignored. Shameful

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    Dana Reed over 3 years ago

    City council, an independent investigation is NOT enough to remedy the depth of deceit and violence in this toxic Phoenix Police Department! There is enough evidence right now to disqualify EVERY police report and EVERY piece of testimony that came from the tactical squad!! The cops that are still assigned to protests are lying in an attempt to silence dissent against them. Use the power your office affords you and do your job! Demand MCAO drop the charges and end political prosecution now!!

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    Kimberlee Adkins over 3 years ago

    Council I ask you: what is accountability? an obligation/willingness to accept responsibility for ones actions. What is transparency? A person who cannot/does not hide or conceal anything.
    What these 3 council members suggest in item 81 is gaslighting, silencing and isolating the very constituents you are supposed to be accountable to.
    Do better. Police must be held accountable AND we can find programs to help unshelled community members.
    Defund the police AND we can start to be accountable.

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    Michelle Meyer over 3 years ago

    Phoenix City Council and Mayor, it is reprehensible that we must track your every move and exert so much extra labor at these boring meetings to force you to look at the most pressing issues our city is facing right now. It is literally your job to make sure your constituents are taken care of. Yet, you protect the violent PHX Police and use city funding to chain off easements forcing the unhoused population into parking lot corrals. Do your job. Make policy and change that actually matters.

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    Monlau Kwok over 3 years ago

    City council, an independent investigation is NOT enough to remedy the depth of deceit and violence in this toxic Phoenix Police Department! There is enough evidence right now to disqualify EVERY police report and EVERY piece of testimony that came from the tactical squad!! The cops that are still assigned to protests are lying in an attempt to silence dissent against them. Use the power your office affords you and do your job! Demand MCAO drop the charges and end political prosecution now!!