Meeting Time: February 17, 2021 at 2:30pm MST
Note: The online Request to Speak window has expired.
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Agenda Item

81 Human Services Campus Request

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    Lenys Andrade over 3 years ago

    City council, an independent investigation is NOT enough to remedy the depth of deceit and violence in this toxic Phoenix Police Department! There is enough evidence right now to disqualify EVERY police report and EVERY piece of testimony that came from the tactical squad!! The cops that are still assigned to protests are lying in an attempt to silence dissent against them. Use the power your office affords you and do your job! Demand MCAO drop the charges and end political prosecution now!!

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    Stephen Kraus over 3 years ago

    Council and Mayor! Do your job! Publicly denounce these charges! Demand MCAO adjust the motion to dismiss on the 10/17 cases to be with prejudice. Pass a resolution to call on MCAO to drop ALL charges including - 7/18, 8/9, 10/3 and any other outlying charges - with prejudice. Demand municipal court dismiss all misdemeanor charges. Demand MCAO hold the officers who lied under oath accountable, and fire all prosecutors involved in the protest charges! #DroptheChargesMCAO#EndPoliticalProsecutions

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    Karen Olson over 3 years ago

    Council I ask you: what is accountability? an obligation/willingness to accept responsibility for ones actions. What is transparency? A person who cannot/does not hide or conceal anything.
    What these 3 council members suggest in item 81 is gaslighting, silencing and isolating the very constituents you are supposed to be accountable to.
    Do better. Police must be held accountable AND we can find programs to help unshelled community members.
    Defund the police AND we can start to be accountable.

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    Margaret Shalley over 3 years ago

    OAT is likely dead in the water this fiscal year since the ordinance was not approved. I support using the $3M instead to provide the HSC with additional $$$ to use right now to help more homeless. Also, OAT is redundant since investigations and accountability options already exist within several citizen boards made up of unpaid volunteers. We don't need to pay six figures to potentially biased people to hate on our officers and duplicate an existing process. Be good stewards of our funds.

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    Twanna Ray, Neighborhood Leader over 3 years ago

    Any officer that is acting with integrity should have no issue with an OAT. If 2020 has taught society anything, it should be that accountability is necessary. Minorities are disproportionately arrested, assaulted, and murdered. Regardless of compliance, this continues to occur and officers are not being held accountable. Why would our elected officials have an issue with transparency, if there is no corruption?

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    Saretta Morgan over 3 years ago

    We are outraged at the latest news about Phoenix PD. We demand that the officers we already know aided in the creation of the neo-nazi challenge coin and/or kept or shared it are immediately fired! Fiire all the officers involved with the neo-Nazi coin, including: Lt Ben Moore, George Herr, Jeffrey Howell, Glen Neville, Jay Scott, John Sticca, Bury Bryce. Fire all other officers not currently named that helped create, share or keep this disgusting coin that celebrates PPD’s neo Nazi culture.

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    Ash Uss over 3 years ago

    it's incredibly frustrating as someone working in homelessness to know that certain members of the City Council are trying to use non-profit organizations in need of funds as a vehicle for defunding the OAT. City Council approved the creation of the Office of Accountability and Transparency and it deserves funding. Issues surrounding police volice and homelessness are significant in Phoenix and we deserve funding to address both.

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    Caitlyn Hall over 3 years ago

    The police has shown their inability to investigate wrong-doing within their department and OAT is necessary for public health and safety. This budget has already been appropriated for OAT and rescinding this is unacceptable. This is a show of bad faith from the supporting council members that they are not representing their consitituency who have overwhelmingly called for OAT and support for those unsheltered. There are plenty of line items that could support these vulnerable populations.

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    Byron Ripley over 3 years ago

    Council and Mayor! Do your job! Publicly denounce these charges! Demand MCAO adjust the motion to dismiss on the 10/17 cases to be with prejudice. Pass a resolution to call on MCAO to drop ALL charges including - 7/18, 8/9, 10/3 and any other outlying charges - with prejudice. Demand municipal court dismiss all misdemeanor charges. Demand MCAO hold the officers who lied under oath accountable, and fire all prosecutors involved in the protest charges! #DroptheChargesMCAO #EndPoliticalProsecutions

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    Emily Jespersen over 3 years ago

    Council and Mayor, none of you seem to be bothered by the neo-Nazi gang activity happening within Phoenx PD or the fact that your officers lie under oath. We demand you call for an investigation into Sgt. Doug McBride and his handling of the Tactical Response Unit during the ongoing challenge coin scandal. Investigate his perjury under oath while testifying as a ‘gang expert’ and throw out his testimony of lies. The nation is watching and right now you are all on the wrong side of history.

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    Veronica Wollenzier over 3 years ago

    City council and Mayor, our demands are simple! We want true public safety, and we want you to use your power to stop cops from killing and caging Black folx with impunity. Stop supporting the anti-Black neo-Nazi killing machine that is the Phoenix PD. Instead, protect the community by defunding the Phoenix Police Department and terminate City Manager Ed Zuercher. Ed is responsible for allowing Chief Jeri’s deadly cops to behave so despicably. Blood is on your hands. Do something. #DefundPhxPD

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    Sushil Rao over 3 years ago

    This "bill" is a prime example of whats wrong with Phoenix. That Sal and gang can immediately get on the council votes that completely defund OAT, after all the work went into getting what little funds are already allocated.

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    Stephanie Shannon over 3 years ago

    Council and Mayor! Do your job! Publicly denounce these charges! Demand MCAO adjust the motion to dismiss on the 10/17 cases to be with prejudice. Pass a resolution to call on MCAO to drop ALL charges including - 7/18, 8/9, 10/3 and any other outlying charges - with prejudice. Demand municipal court dismiss all misdemeanor charges. Demand MCAO hold the officers who lied under oath accountable, and fire all prosecutors involved in the protest charges! #DroptheChargesMCAO #EndPoliticalProsecutions

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    Catherine Heywood over 3 years ago

    City council and Mayor, you want to defund Police accountability but you won’t defund the police. It seems if you were appalled by the actions of Phoenix PD you would publicly denounce them and work to make them accountable. Yet you all sit by and do nothing. We have more than 20 people still facing prison time because they were targeted and slapped with false gang charges by lying dirty cops, April Sponsel and Nick Michaud. You must demand MCAO drop all charges! #EndPoliticalProsecutions

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    Joya Scott over 3 years ago

    Phoenix PD had proven over and over again that they cannot oversee themselves. (The sickening neo-Nazi “challenge coin” is only the latest proof of that.) Fully fund OAT now.

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    Jon Burgess over 3 years ago

    The fact that defunding the OAT is even being considered is extraordinarily concerning, especially after recent news has come out that the PHX PD created coins with hate speech. We need to be investing in and creating safe communities... removing funding for current accountability programs is concerning and I ask that you do not defund the OAT. More and more information is coming out about the PHX PD that continues to make me concerned, do something about that!

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    Haley Honeman over 3 years ago

    Please fully fund OAT as this initiative is critical to oversight of the Phoenix PD.

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    Cynthia Gonzalez over 3 years ago

    City council and Mayor, our demands are simple! We want true public safety, and we want you to use your power to stop cops from killing and caging Black folx with impunity. Stop supporting the anti-Black neo-Nazi killing machine that is the Phoenix PD. Instead, protect the community by defunding the Phoenix Police Department and terminate City Manager Ed Zuercher. Ed is responsible for allowing Chief Jeri’s deadly cops to behave so despicably. Blood is on your hands. Do something. #DefundPhxPD

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    Petra Morrison over 3 years ago

    Diverting funds from OAT to address the housing epidemic is damaging to public safety & health. There are plenty of line items from where the funds could come from but it seems as though Phoenicians are being forced to choose between two important & critical issues at a time when both are equally demanding of our attention & genuine concern. A truly genuine & concerted effort to improve public health & safety would not be pitting these two issues against each other.

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    Anita Nath over 3 years ago

    City council and Mayor, you want to defund Police accountability but you won’t defund the police. It seems if you were appalled by the actions of Phoenix PD you would publicly denounce them and work to make them accountable. Yet you all sit by and do nothing. We have more than 20 people still facing prison time because they were targeted and slapped with false gang charges by lying dirty cops, April Sponsel and Nick Michaud. You must demand MCAO drop all charges! #EndPoliticalProsecutions