Meeting Time: February 17, 2021 at 2:30pm MST
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Agenda Item

81 Human Services Campus Request

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    Felix Beltran over 3 years ago

    Fix an actual problem, which is homelessness. Carlos is ignoring his actual duties and his neighborhoods as usual. That’s why our area has progressively gotten worse. Homelessness=more crime. If we funded it, there’d be less police interaction? Isn’t that what you people want? FIX IT.

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    Delfie Peralta over 3 years ago

    Support for allocating funds to our homeless. Homelessness goes hand in hand with the drugs, crime, prostitution, and sex offenders that live among us. Carlos Garcia fight tocleanup our area, and address real issues instead of this crusade against PPD. We the people are still waiting to see improvements. (Carlos Garcia’s Poder) a clubhouse to judge/ crucify police for discrimination against criminals? Criminals that harm people within their own communities. Represent the real people, help us.

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    Maria Marquez over 3 years ago

    If you want to take a drive through 24th and Roosevelt, you’ll see nothing but homeless. The trash and spike in crime is VERY overwhelming. Shouldn’t we solve a problem that’s increasingly becoming worse by the day? Help those that are mentally ill and vulnerable living on the street? The cops have an oversight board already, let it go. There are more pressing issues. How will a board of a people with no prior law enforcement experience help?

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    Hannah Miller Smith over 3 years ago

    City council, an independent investigation is not enough to remedy the depth of deceit and violence in this toxic Phoenix police department. There is enough evidence right now to disqualify every police report and every piece of testimony that came from the tactical squad. The cops that are still assigned to protests are lying in an attempt to silence descent against them. Use the power your office affords you and do your job. Demand the mcao drop the charges and end political prosecution now!

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    Ari Gissette over 3 years ago

    Our neighborhoods are suffering-Carlos Garcia has failed to recognize as the leader of our district. If he wanted to fight crime and be a leader he would have done it already. All he cares about is representing a small portion of the community and not solving the real issues, which happens to be crime and homelessness. How is an oversight board more important than mentally ill and vulnerable people living on the street?Stop being a social media warrior and fight for ALL people in your district.

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    Melia Dunn over 3 years ago

    Council and Mayor! Do your job! Publicly denounce these charges! Demand MCAO adjust the motion to dismiss on the 10/17 cases to be with prejudice. Pass a resolution to call on MCAO to drop ALL charges including - 7/18, 8/9, 10/3 and any other outlying charges - with prejudice. Demand municipal court dismiss all misdemeanor charges. Demand MCAO hold the officers who lied under oath accountable, and fire all prosecutors involved in the protest charges! #DroptheChargesMCAO #EndPoliticalProsecutions

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    Tina Luna over 3 years ago

    Council and Mayor, none of you seem to be bothered by the neo-Nazi gang activity happening within Phoenx PD or the fact that your officers lie under oath. We demand you call for an investigation into Sgt. Doug McBride and his handling of the Tactical Response Unit during the ongoing challenge coin scandal. Investigate his perjury under oath while testifying as a ‘gang expert’ and throw out his testimony of lies. The nation is watching and right now you are all on the wrong side of history.

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    Eva Jane Chartier over 3 years ago

    City council, an independent investigation is NOT enough to remedy the depth of deceit and violence in this toxic Phoenix Police Department! There is enough evidence right now to disqualify EVERY police report and EVERY piece of testimony that came from the tactical squad!! The cops that are still assigned to protests are lying in an attempt to silence dissent against them. Use the power your office affords you and do your job! Demand MCAO drop the charges and end political prosecution now!!

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    Lynne Michelle over 3 years ago

    Re-allocate the funds! Our neighborhoods are being overrun with homeless citizens. I've seen an increase of illegal activity from drugs to prostitution. They've been neglected far too long by the city. Since our council people, notably those against our police department, have no interest in helping clean up their communities, put these funds to something useful like helping our homeless citizens. An office of accountability isn't going to tackle the rise in crime.

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    Tracee Antley McElvogue over 3 years ago

    Just stop! This is not about helping homeless. This is about getting rid of the OAT that the people have asked for. Why else would it say that future development of OAT will not be funded? We know there is distrust of police. We know there are issues. Look at how much money the city has spent on lawsuits and settlements to families of police violence victims. Imagine the impact that money could have on helping the homeless population.

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    Veronica Dominguez over 3 years ago

    Put our tax dollars to something more useful. I don't understand why Carlos Garcia is manning an office of accountability when he doesn't have any experience in law enforcement and the fact that he wants to build a whole new building for it because he doesn't want to be "next" to police. What a joke. I want my tax dollars to go to something more meaningful. Our homeless citizens have been neglected for far too long. Help them first.

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    Alba Marquez over 3 years ago

    Police aren’t the ones making our communities dirty, it’s the homeless population. This is a growing problem. I’ve lived in Phoenix for over 20 years and I’ve never seen the homeless issue as bad as it is now. They’re on every corner, every store front, in our neighborhoods and playgrounds. Other are bringing drugs, sex trafficking, crime-you know name it right to our front doors. The homeless population needs help. Don’t waste our money on a pointless club because that’s all it is.

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    Ana Botello over 3 years ago

    You have the power and money to BOTH fund OAT so that it can properly do it's job AND address the needs of the homeless population in Phoenix. We deserve both a police force that is held accountable for their actions AND to treat our homeless citizens with dignity. The two actually go hand in hand. Do better.

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    MarioAlfredo Guzman over 3 years ago

    If Councilman Garcia would actually step away from his crusade against police, maybe he would actually see the major problems affecting Phoenix communities. It’s not the police people, it’s homelessness and with that brings drugs, crime, prostitution, etc. Why waste funds on a building to house Carlos and his followers to sit around and judge a profession they know nothing about. GIVE IT TO THE HOMELESS. Our homeless citizens are PRIORITY.

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    Jonah Ivy over 3 years ago

    I was arrested while feeding the unsheltered community in Downtown Phoenix, and I never protested that day; all the charges from this arrest were dropped. Our efforts and funds should not be focused on police run programs, for they have consistently underperformed and even exacerbated situation. Although the Police need more accountability and transparency, the primary focus of budgeting should be towards non-profits and community members doing the real necessary work needed to see progress.

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    Alyssa Peralta over 3 years ago

    I am in support of re-allocating the funds from Carlos Garcia’s proposed “accountability” board to increased funding for the homeless. Why should the public pay for people like Carlos Garcia who have ZERO experience in law enforcement to sit around in their “clubhouse” to judge the law enforcement profession. Homeless is a BIG problem in district 8 communities. Funds need to be allocated to that since Carlos has zero interest in cleaning up his communities.

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    Nicole Ealy over 3 years ago

    City council, our demands are simple! Stop supporting the anti-Black neo-Nazi killing machine that is the Phoenix PD. Instead do your job to protect the community by defunding the Phoenix Police Department. Demand that MCAO drop all remaining charges with prejudice! Demand an end to political prosecutions of protesters. Pay reparations to political prosecution victims who continue to be harmed by these false charges. #DefundPhxPD #EndPoliticalProsecutions #DroptheChargesMCAO

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    Benjamin Lewis over 3 years ago

    This is flagrant attempt to stall and defund Police oversight. The agenda item even stipulates that future development of OAT will not be funded. This is an attempt to permanently bury oversight while our legislature is voting to hamstring our council (current and future) from reducing the police office budget. What can we expect from our government if it is so dedicating to obstructing itself? This is a clear and resounding no. We need shelter funding, but not at the expense of police oversight

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    Rachel Levit Ades over 3 years ago

    City council, an independent investigation is NOT enough to remedy the depth of deceit and violence in this toxic Phoenix Police Department! There is enough evidence right now to disqualify EVERY police report and EVERY piece of testimony that came from the tactical squad!! The cops that are still assigned to protests are lying in an attempt to silence dissent. Use the power your office affords you and do your job! Demand MCAO drop the charges and end political prosecution now!!

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    Camille Mayberry over 3 years ago

    Police are accountable to the people. I’ll say it again, POLICE ARE ACCOUNTABLE TO THE PEOPLE. If you would like to clean out your ears, and do what is your job as an elected mayor, you will listen to the people. I’ll say it again mayor, YOU WILL LISTEN TO THE PEOPLE. Holding people on trumped up charges because you disagree with their statements made while exercising their constitutional right to make that statement IS UNCONSTITUTIONAL. This isn’t hard. This isn’t complicated. Drop the charges.