Meeting Time: February 17, 2021 at 2:30pm MST
Note: The online Request to Speak window has expired.
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Agenda Item

81 Human Services Campus Request

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    Scout Phillips over 3 years ago

    Hold the officers with neo-Nazi affiliations accountable, and have consequences for those actions: fire all the officers involved with the neo-Nazi coin, including: Lt Ben Moore, George Herr, Jeffrey Howell, Glen Neville, Jay Scott, John Sticca, Bury Bryce. Fire all other officers not currently named that helped create, share or keep this disgusting coin that celebrates PPD’s neo Nazi culture.

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    Devin Slack over 3 years ago

    The Phoenix PD is one of the most violent police forces in a country known for violent police forces. They most be investigated and held accountable for the harm they do on the people of Arizona. The OAT must be fully funded. The Human Services Campus should be fully funded as well. A happy middle ground here would be to fund OAT and pull money from the police budget to fund services for unhoused people. OAT's budget in minuscule compared to that of Phoenix pd, which is grossly over inflated

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    Carl Pavlock over 3 years ago

    The people of Phoenix need to see transparency and accountability when it comes to the Phoenix Police Department, and removing funding is a cowardly action that is only going to deepen distrust in the Police Department and City officials. We need city officials to do the hard and responsible thing and continue to investigate Phoenix PD and hold them accountable for anything that is found to be illegal.

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    Amy Schwabenlender over 3 years ago

    As the Executive Director at the Human Services Campus, for the record, the Human Services Campus did not make this request. The agenda item is misleading and vague. And as the other comments suggest the recommendation pits the issues related to homelessness against citizen oversight. It may seem odd for a nonprofit organization to shy away from an offer of funding, however this item is unclear and places us in the awkward position of choosing sides in a battle that need not exist.

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    Xo McAleece over 3 years ago

    City council, an independent investigation is NOT enough to remedy the depth of deceit and violence in this toxic Phoenix Police Department! There is enough evidence right now to disqualify EVERY police report and EVERY piece of testimony that came from the tactical squad!! The cops that are still assigned to protests are lying in an attempt to silence dissent against them. Use the power your office affords you and do your job! Demand MCAO drop the charges and end political prosecution now!!

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    Matt Allpow over 3 years ago

    City council, an independent investigation is NOT enough to remedy the depth of deceit and violence in this toxic Phoenix Police Department! There is enough evidence right now to disqualify EVERY police report and EVERY piece of testimony that came from the tactical squad!! The cops that are still assigned to protests are lying in an attempt to silence dissent against them. Use the power your office affords you and do your job! Demand MCAO drop the charges and end political prosecution now!!

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    Madalyn Williams over 3 years ago

    Council and Mayor! Do your job! Publicly denounce these charges! Demand MCAO adjust the motion to dismiss on the 10/17 cases to be with prejudice. Pass a resolution to call on MCAO to drop ALL charges including - 7/18, 8/9, 10/3 and any other outlying charges - with prejudice. Demand municipal court dismiss all misdemeanor charges. Demand MCAO hold the officers who lied under oath accountable, and fire all prosecutors involved in the protest charges! #DroptheChargesMCAO #EndPoliticalProsecutions

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    Mallie Pierson over 3 years ago

    Council and Mayor! Do your job! Publicly denounce these charges! Demand MCAO adjust the motion to dismiss on the 10/17 cases to be with prejudice. Pass a resolution to call on MCAO to drop ALL charges including - 7/18, 8/9, 10/3 and any other outlying charges - with prejudice. Demand municipal court dismiss all misdemeanor charges. Demand MCAO hold the officers who lied under oath accountable, and fire all prosecutors involved in the protest charges! #DroptheChargesMCAO #EndPoliticalProsecutions

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    Sarah Ford over 3 years ago

    We are outraged at the latest news about Phoenix PD. We demand that the officers we already know aided in the creation of the neo-nazi challenge coin and/or kept or shared it are immediately fired! Fiire all the officers involved with the neo-Nazi coin, including: Lt Ben Moore, George Herr, Jeffrey Howell, Glen Neville, Jay Scott, John Sticca, Bury Bryce. Fire all other officers not currently named that helped create, share or keep this disgusting coin that celebrates PPD’s neo Nazi culture.

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    Cheyenne Lopez over 3 years ago

    Council and Mayor, none of you seem to be bothered by the neo-Nazi gang activity happening within Phoenx PD or the fact that your officers lie under oath. We demand you call for an investigation into Sgt. Doug McBride and his handling of the Tactical Response Unit during the ongoing challenge coin scandal. Investigate his perjury under oath while testifying as a ‘gang expert’ and throw out his testimony of lies. The nation is watching and right now you are all on the wrong side of history.

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    Mauri Garcia over 3 years ago

    City council, an independent investigation isn't enough to remedy the depth of deceit and violence among the Phx Police Dept. There is enough evidence to disqualify each police report and piece of testimony that stems from the tactical squad. The cops that are still assigned to protests are lying in an attempt to silence dissent against them. Please use the power your office affords to create change rooted in humanity and truth. Demand MCAO to drop the charges and end political prosecution now.

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    Liz Garland over 3 years ago

    City council, an independent investigation is NOT enough to remedy the depth of deceit and violence in this toxic Phoenix Police Department! There is enough evidence right now to disqualify EVERY police report and EVERY piece of testimony that came from the tactical squad!! The cops that are still assigned to protests are lying in an attempt to silence dissent against them. Use the power your office affords you and do your job! Demand MCAO drop the charges and end political prosecution now!

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    Tracey Fisher over 3 years ago


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    Janette Jones over 3 years ago

    We are outraged at the latest news about Phoenix PD. We demand that the officers we already know aided in the creation of the neo-nazi challenge coin and/or kept or shared it are immediately fired! Fiire all the officers involved with the neo-Nazi coin, including: Lt Ben Moore, George Herr, Jeffrey Howell, Glen Neville, Jay Scott, John Sticca, Bury Bryce. Fire all other officers not currently named that helped create, share or keep this disgusting coin that celebrates PPD’s neo Nazi culture

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    Diedra Lampa over 3 years ago

    REALLOCATE THE FUNDS! As a resident living in district 8, I can tell you it’s only gotten worse here. Carlos is too worried about being a social media king rather than actually acknowledging the problems in our neighborhood. Ridiculous, that supporting homeless is even a question.

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    Sonali Madahar over 3 years ago

    This item is not here to help our unhoused neighbors, it’s instead here to throw away the much needed oversight for the Phoenix PD. City council has access to funds to help both the homeless population AND the OAT. The PPD has literal Neo-Nazis in its ranks and it is clear they are allowed to be violent against protestors with no real consequences given, according to city council. This is not acceptable. I also demand MCAO drops all remaining charges, the political prosecution needs to stop now!

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    Devon Miller over 3 years ago

    The comments are laughable. Using words like “neo-nazi’s” to describe our police officers—goes to show their actual agenda. Love the script you gave your people Poder & Carlos! Reallocate the funds to help the neighborhoods suffering. We are being over run with homeless population. Funding homelessness equals less crime. Tell me how a civilian oversight board is more important than human life?

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    Tracey Matias over 3 years ago

    People are actually opposing to fight an actual problem in the community? Please reallocate the funds so we can help these vulnerable individuals and regain control of our neighborhoods. Carlos be a leader and represent ALL people in your district. Absolutely ridiculous.

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    Fabiola Martinez over 3 years ago


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    Jennifer Gonzalez over 3 years ago

    City council and Mayor, it is public knowledge that the Tactical Response Unit (TRU) are violent neo-Nazis who celebrate their violence against protesters. The public is outraged yet, not a single one of you has publicly denounced Phoenix PD for their horrific mistreatment or protesters. How is it you care so little about what is happening? We demand you call for an immediate investigation of the Tactical Response Unit’s racial bias. We demand all officers involved with protest abuse be fired.