Meeting Time: March 16, 2021 at 2:30pm MST
The online Comment window has expired

Agenda Item

2 2021-22 City Manager's Trial Budget

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    Veronica Wollenzier almost 4 years ago

    Don’t you dare spend $250,000 on a study of why this police department is violent, filled with white supremacists, and attacking protesters. If you want things to change, defund the department and invest in the community. You’re trying to give phx police more money and more protections, while our neighbors are dying from either not having what they need or at the hands of these racist cops. You’re committed to funding worthless “police reform” than you are to funding actual community safety.

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    Xyra Flores almost 4 years ago

    Police reform is ineffective, we should invest in a budget that prioritizes our people. Pass a police contract to hold Phoenix police accountable; no more special protections, no pay raises, nor benefit increases for cops.

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    Heidi Elyse almost 4 years ago

    Please look at other cities across the country who have defunding their police departments. They have already taken steps to refund their departments because crime has skyrocketed. Stop listening to small, radical but loud voices. They do not stand for the whole community. Defunding an already dwindling police force will make our streets even more dangerous than they are right now.

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    Victoria Grijalva Ochoa almost 4 years ago

    How many times will we continue to have the same argument? We cannot keep feeding money into an unjust system that does actually make our communities safe and fails to protect us time and time again. Stop investing in the police, start investing in community!

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    Kaye Thomas almost 4 years ago

    I support. I live in District 08. I've called Carlos office and they never return phone calls. My area 3rd Street and Moreland is filthy with trash and human feces. Drug dealers and junkies everywhere. Crime is out of control because we don't have enough Police to patrol our area. As a disabled senior woman I'm more vulnerable. I can't walk in my neighborhood day &night due to the high crime rate. Criminals are breaking in to our building & you City do nothing to protect us. Potholes I've fallen

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    AJ Marsden almost 4 years ago

    Solid, comprehensive budget (safety/neighborhoods/parks/arts/library/ streets/etc), good things for Phoenix to be safe, inviting. Yes, a bulk of the budget goes to our police out there 24/7/365 working with us to prevent crime, catch criminals (child crimes/DV/vehicle & traffic crimes/cyber crimes/robbery/burglary/identity theft/assaults/muggings/drug violations/ suspicious activity/guns. You get the picture! Take advantage of all that Phoenix offers to make your neighborhood safer and kinder. 

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    Anna Hernandez almost 4 years ago

    As a lifelong resident of Phoenix and someone who has been personally impacted by police violence, I strongly oppose any increase in funds to Phoenix PD. We cannot keep investigating in reform year after year when there clearly is no chance at reform. An MOU that allows for independent investigations and accountability of Phx PD must be achieved. We need to invest in having healthy communities and not add more police officers.

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    Shawn Pugh almost 4 years ago

    I demand Full transparency Of all budgets for or including the City Of Phoenix Police department. The clandestine closed door meeting that we are lead to believe are to complicated for the layman or will cause misunderstood communications should presented and offered to the actual stake holders which is the Tax Payer. The growing concern that the City Council and related agencies are deaf to the voices of the communities. We demand reform and the POLICE budget is where it must start!!

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    Luis Gutierrez almost 4 years ago

    The proposed budget is will further the divide in resource allocation that exists throughout the nation and goes directly against the wishes of citizens that protested against continued acts of violence by the police. These funds should go towards community development, education, and healthcare in response to the continued threat of the pandemic.

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    Karen Olson almost 4 years ago

    The Phoenix community has made it clear all year - police aren’t making our communities safe. The Phoenix Police Department are a public health concern. We want investment in our health and safety; affordable housing, mental health response that doesn't involve police, youth programs and other resources that have been proven to make communities stronger. The inappropriate use of ideas like "transparency and accountability" giving money to police is unacceptable and gaslighting of the community!

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    Zach Denes almost 4 years ago

    It is not sustainable to continuously invest in a policing system that does not truly maintain community safety. Redirect those funds to departments that can actually assist in mental health and well-being checks and make the City of Phoenix safer. Safety is not an increased police budget.

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    Emily Colon almost 4 years ago

    Reallocate the police budget to programs that make our community stronger- affordable housing, mental health response that doesn't involve police, youth programs, etc. Investing in our violent police force, is not investing in the health and safety of our community.

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    Katarina Martinez almost 4 years ago

    Defund the police and invest in a budget that prioritizes community.
    Community has been making it clear all year- police aren’t making our communities safer and have become a public health concern. We want investment in our health and safety; affordable housing, mental health response that doesn't involve police, youth programs and other resources that have been proven to make communities stronger and that do not involve the police.

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    Emily Spetrino almost 4 years ago

    Seriously cannot believe we’re starting another year’s budget like this. Have you all NOT been listening to the people in your city?? NO MORE MONEY FOR COPS. PERIOD. They cannot reform themselves, we don’t need more on staff, they don’t need more money! We need to put these resources back into REAL problems our communities face and not just the problems police create for our communities. Address homelessness! Address affordable housing! Address education! Address the people not the police!

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    Jessica Schmidt almost 4 years ago

    Community has been asking for defunding the Phoenix PD, and to hold the police accountable for the misconduct/violence they cause. More money will not reduce this harm. There have been many demonstrations that show the Phoenix PD is violent and upholds white supremacy, from political persecutions of protestors and Neo-Nazi propaganda. The money needs to be invested in resources that promote and provide health and safety, including affordable housing, mental health support, and youth programs.

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    Alisa Wang almost 4 years ago

    Phoenix PD should not be getting such a substantial increase in funding after their outrageous actions; why are we rewarding brutality and oppression? We should be funding mental health resources/first responders and community programs to address the root of our city’s issues.

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    Ryan Greene almost 4 years ago

    I am a Phoenix resident (85028) and I stand with Poder in Action and others in our community who oppose the increase in police funding that is included in this budget! Invest in the well-being of our communities, not in increased police funding!

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    Emily Wu almost 4 years ago

    The proposed $3.7 million increase in police budget is a blatantly corrupt attempt to preserve the malignant and violent threat that is Phoenix PD. How much longer must we repeat history, how many more Black and Brown individuals need to be harmed or killed for the city to start listening to its community members? There are so many better community resources that this money could be allocated to in order to make our communities safer.

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    Mike Jablonski almost 4 years ago

    You are preparing to reward and increase police violence and misconduct while continuing to wildly underfund objectively impactful community and environmental measures. Your language is manipulative and misleading. Your priorities are destructive and inhumane.

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    ben clark almost 4 years ago

    I am a school social worker in a high poverty district. I want to see a budget that has less money for police and more money for health and safety; affordable housing, mental health response that doesn't involve police, youth programs and other resources that have been proven to make communities stronger and that do not involve the police