Meeting Time: March 16, 2021 at 2:30pm MST
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Agenda Item

2 2021-22 City Manager's Trial Budget

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    Beth McEldowney over 3 years ago

    The police do not need more funding. We need to use this money to improve social services and mental health services so police are not asked to go into situations where they are not trained or qualified.

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    Breanna VanDenBerg over 3 years ago

    I strongly oppose adding funds to the police budget. First, the Phx PD’s record of murdering people, especially BIPOC, is unconscionable and needs to be investigated. Second, we should be taking matters of mental health out of the hands of police officers. These funds should be used to invest in mental health, behavioral, and youth professionals that can handle non violent police calls. No more funds should be poured into this corrupt system without accountability.

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    Bailey Spears over 3 years ago

    Grossly inflated Police budgets don't make communities safer - adequate housing, mental health support, and youth programs do. We don't need to spend $250k in our tax dollars to study why PD is racist and violent. This is a reactive excuse for a solution that will not result in tangible changes - the same way other investments in police reform lack meaningful change. The City instead must be proactive and pursue the effective solutions that are presented by the community. Defund the police!

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    Hannah Franz over 3 years ago

    Phoenix PD does not need more money and should be defunded. They are actively a danger to the community they serve and are filled with Neo Nazis. Funds should be allocated to programs actually aimed at helping the community.

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    Heather Woodford over 3 years ago

    Phoenix police cops shouldn’t be getting a pay raise or more benefits. This department
    has proven itself violent, racist, and irreformable- why would you reward that? The police
    union is the number one protector of this department. Passing an MOU with more
    protections and more money for cops gives PLEA more tools to maintain this culture of
    violence and is a guaranteed death sentence for dozens of community members,
    especially Black, Indigenous, and Brown people.

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    Jamaar Williams over 3 years ago

    I am in STRONG opposition to any additional funds being allocated to the Phx Police Department. ESPECIALLY any more money for studies about police abuse. They keep wasting our money with these studies that do absolutely nothing. Why do we keep letting them police themselves as if it has worked in the past, it has not. It fails time and time again. We've had enough. It's time that we have a council that stands with the people of Phx and uses some courage to say NO to this abusive police depart.

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    Yolanda Bejarano over 3 years ago

    I oppose allocating more funds to the Phoenix Police Department. Our community needs investment in our health and safety, not more policing.

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    Ariane Redding over 3 years ago

    Phoenix police cops shouldn’t be getting a pay raise or more benefits. This department has proven itself violent, racist, and irreformable- why would you reward that? The police union is the number one protector of this department. Passing an MOU with more protections and more money for cops gives PLEA more tools to maintain this culture of violence and is a guaranteed death sentence for dozens of community members, especially Black, Indigenous, and Brown people.

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    Francis Es over 3 years ago

    Citizens of Phoenix will be best served by prioritizing community health and youth services, not by continual budgetary inflation of law enforcement instruments which are poorly designed and equipped to address the community's actual needs.

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    Brittany Jansen over 3 years ago

    PHX PD DOES NOT NEED MORE MONEY. The community has been making it clear all year: police aren’t making our communities safer and have become a public health concern. We want investment in our health and safety; affordable housing, mental health response that doesn't involve police, youth programs and other resources that have been proven to make communities stronger and that do not involve the police.

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    Leah Terry over 3 years ago

    The community has been making it clear all year- police aren’t making our communities safer and have become a public health concern. We want investment in our health and safety (especially for our unsheltered neighbors! whose services and government funded emergency shelter needs to be funded NOW) ;affordable housing, mental health response that doesn't involve police, youth programs and other resources that have been proven to make communities stronger and that do not involve the police.

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    Nora Kish over 3 years ago

    Phoenix PD act dangerously and recklessly even in comparison to counterparts in other major cities. They have made it clear that they can't act responsibly with the existing budget, why should we believe they would with a bigger budget? No increase without accountability, which we've yet to see.

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    Andrea Golfen over 3 years ago

    This trial budget is a disgrace. Phoenix needs to shift funding AWAY from police and invest tens of millions more into community support programs like housing and homelessness, jobs, mental health services, addiction recovery, and other social programs. Stop letting the police union strong-arm the city council. Reduce the police budget and let them focus more on police work and less on social services. Give more money to social services that support healthy communities.

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    Heather M over 3 years ago

    I support a crisis assistance program that is a separate department from current first responders.This new unit consists of professional health and welfare service members trained in life preservation and Deescalation.All noncriminal/nonviolent calls will be handled by them, who will not be used as a vessel for policing or deferring to ICE.
    Change of this magnitude while ambitious is possible through the collaborative efforts of the community.
    It's the right thing to do to save and enrich lives.

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    Kenn Tomasch over 3 years ago

    Public safety is paramount for any community, but if a good portion of the community does not feel safe, given recent actions by and revelations about the Phoenix PD, I think it is a bad idea not to listen to those folks. This would send a message that you don't care to address those concerns.

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    Jennifer Valencia over 3 years ago

    There is no reason why the police should be getting more funding, they are not making our communities safer. We should be investing in our health and safety through other resources the community actually needs: affordable housing, mental health response that does not involve the police, youth programs and other resources that do in fact benefit the community. Prioritize the people!!

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    James Riley over 3 years ago

    Please stop trying to DEFUND the police when you know it hasn't worked in any other state that's tried it.. With the influx of illegals crossing the border by the thousands, you're going to need all the police assistance that you can get in order to deal with the drug cartel.. This is the most ridiculous move that has dire consequences for the safety of the citizens of Maricopa County..

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    Ashlynne Pesch over 3 years ago

    The community has been making it clear all year: police aren’t making our communities safer and have become a public health concern. We want investment in our health and safety; affordable housing, mental health response that doesn't involve police, youth programs and other resources that have been proven to make communities stronger and that do not involve the police.

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    Janey Pearl Starks over 3 years ago

    The City of Phoenix can not and should not continue ignoring the very real problems within the police department. Another study, committee, or listening session is a complete slap in the face to the many families who have suffered at the hands of the police. Increasing their budget only sends the message that those families, and the thousands of others who have identified a need for change don't matter - and all that does is keep Phoenix PD in the national spotlight for all the wrong reasons.

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    Sarai Richter over 3 years ago

    The budget needs to focus on community based direct response not on racist violent cops. The PPD needs to be held accountable for their actions not given raises. What's the point of a 200 thousand dollar study when you won't listen to your constituents or even the news when we tell you harm is happening?