Meeting Time: March 16, 2021 at 2:30pm MST
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Agenda Item

2 2021-22 City Manager's Trial Budget

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    Cecilia Nguyen over 3 years ago

    Don't spend $250,000 on a study of why this police department is obviously violent, filled with white supremacists and attacking protestors. They do nothing more than create justifications for the violence and racism of this department. If you want things to change, defund the department and invest in the community.

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    Susie Clare over 3 years ago

    Defund the police and reallocate the funds into resources that will heal and rebuild our community.

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    Sarah Ford over 3 years ago

    When we say DEFUND POLICE we mean it! We as a community DEMAND you do your jobs and LISTEN TO US. Police violate, harass, and murder our community members + get paid vacations and an ever expanding budget. Enough! Defund Phoenix PD, pass a Police contract that actually holds PhxPD accountable for their violence with no more special protections, pay raises, or benefit raises for cops. Instead of wasting money to "STUDY" what the community has been telling y'all for years, fund community safety!

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    Vanessa DiCarlo over 3 years ago

    Defund the police department and invest in a budget that prioritizes people. Community has been making it clear all year- police aren’t making our communities safer and have become a public health concern. We want investment in our health and safety; affordable housing, mental health response that doesn't involve police, youth programs and other resources that have been proven to make communities stronger and that do not involve the police.

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    Erin Rugland over 3 years ago

    Invest in our community, not police! Pass a police contract to hold Phoenix police accountable; no more special protections, pay raises, or benefit increases for cops. Fund community safety, not ineffective police reform.

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    Rivko Knox over 3 years ago

    I am NOT for defunding the police, i.e., no police. I am for providing MUCH more funding for needed community services,e.g., affordable housing, jobs, health care, addiction/behavioral/mental health services etc. To do that (& reduce the need for many things that police do now that they shouldn't because they are ineffective or counter productive) some significant amount of the money proposed for the police should be moved to those items I listed above.

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    Kimberlee Adkins over 3 years ago

    This is disgusting. Defund the police department and invest in a budget that prioritizes people.
    Pass a police contract to hold Phoenix police accountable; no more special protections, pay raises, or benefit increases for cops.
    Fund community safety, not ineffective police reform.

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    Mike Cassidy over 3 years ago

    Defund the police department and invest in a budget that prioritizes people
    You are trying to twist community demands to end police violence, and use it instead to grow the police department. We reject your attempts to distract from the real issue- policing is not what our communities need to be healthy and safe. It’s time to defund police and invest in people.

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    Kara Hyland over 3 years ago

    Community has been making it clear all year- police aren’t making our communities safer and have become a public health concern. We want investment in our health and safety; affordable housing, mental health response that doesn't involve police, youth programs and other resources that have been proven to make communities stronger and that do not involve the police.

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    Ak Gomez over 3 years ago

    Community has been making it clear all year- police aren’t making our communities safer and have become a public health concern. We want investment in our health and safety; affordable housing, mental health response that doesn't involve police, youth programs and other resources that have been proven to make communities stronger and that do not involve the police.

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    Molly Portillo over 3 years ago

    The council doesn’t care how many Black people are shot by phx police, or how many people they’ve deported. You don’t care that there are neo-Nazis in the dept or that protesters are being persecuted. You don’t care that people are dying because they don’t have the resources they need. You’re trying to give phx police more money and more protections and we are bearing the cost. You’re more committed to funding worthless “police reform” than you are to funding actual community safety.

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    Kalina Ikonomova over 3 years ago

    Community has been making it clear all year- police aren’t making our communities safer and have become a public health concern. We want investment in our health and safety; affordable housing, mental health response that doesn't involve police, youth programs and other resources that have been proven to make communities stronger and that do not involve the police.

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    Olive Rich over 3 years ago

    You are trying to twist our demands to end police violence, and use it instead to grow the police department. We reject your attempts to distract from the real issue- policing is bad for our communities. It’s negatively impacting our health and our safety. It’s time to defund police and invest in people.

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    Nathaniel Byce over 3 years ago

    We need to invest this money in Phoenix communities instead! We already know that this money can be better spent on affordable housing and increased services.

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    Cassandra Belson over 3 years ago

    Community has been making it clear all year- police aren’t making our communities safer and have become a public health concern. We want investment in our health and safety; affordable housing, mental health response that doesn't involve police, youth programs and other resources that have been proven to make communities stronger and that do not involve the police.

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    Claire McLoone over 3 years ago

    Community has been making it clear all year- police aren’t making our communities safer and have become a public health concern. We want investment in our health and safety; affordable housing, mental health response that doesn't involve police, youth programs and other resources that have been proven to make communities stronger and that do not involve the police.

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    Tara LowmanRojas over 3 years ago

    Don’t you dare spend $250,000 on a study of why this police department is violent, filled with white supremacists, and attacking protesters. Y’all do “studies” whenever you’re trying to avoid holding the police accountable. They do nothing more than create justifications for the violence and racism of this department. If you want things to change, defund the department and invest in the community.

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    James Tanner over 3 years ago

    It is despicable and disgusting that the City of Phoenix continues to push for increased funding for one of the most violent police departments in the country. Phoenix PD has terrorized communities within Phoenix for years and continues to do so. Choosing to give more money and to an already overfunded department shows us that Phoenix City Councils allegiances do not lie with the people, but with a massively corrupt, racist, and violent department that continues to show us that they don’t care.

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    Michelle Meyer over 3 years ago

    The Phoenix Police do not need an increase of a 754 MILLION dollar budget. We need money to go to programs like mental health a housing to help get people off the streets and get a handle on their life. More police is not the answer. Police are trying to get an extra 21 MILLION whole housing and homelessness only have a budget of 2.7 MILLION - this does not make sense. We must help the people of our city, and giving the police MORE money is not the solution. FUND OUR COMMUNITIES!

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    Kalynn Soby over 3 years ago

    We need to invest in our communities, not police. Phx is notorious for violent police. This needs to stop. Shame on you for taking our money away from the people who need it. We need to refund education and defend the police