Meeting Time: March 16, 2021 at 2:30pm MST
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Agenda Item

2 2021-22 City Manager's Trial Budget

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    Jisoo Kim over 3 years ago

    Council - we see right through this BS budget. Continuing to prioritize the police budget over a people’s budget is gonna be rough for you. Our demands have been loud and clear, but I'll give them to you one more time.
    1. Defund the police department and invest in a budget that prioritizes people
    2. Pass a police contract to hold Phoenix police accountable; no more special protections, pay raises, or benefit increases for cops
    3. Fund community safety, not ineffective police reform

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    Regina Garcia over 3 years ago

    Invest in programs that support and uplift our communities, not the police.

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    tessa farrell over 3 years ago

    I support a crisis assistance program that is a separate department from current first responders. This new unit consists of professional health and welfare service members trainer in life-preservation and de-escalation (something our PD continue to show to be incapable of). All non-criminal/ non-violent calls will be handled by them, and will not be used as a vessel for ongoing hostile policing or deferment to ICE. Invest in the Neighborhood-Organized Crisis Assistance Program for our community

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    Jacob Raiford over 3 years ago

    I support a crisis assistance program that is a separate department from current first responders. This new unit consists of professional health and welfare service members trained in life preservation and de-escalation. All non-criminal / non-violent calls will be handled by them, who will not be used as a vessel for policing or deferring to ICE. Invest in the Neighborhood-Organized Crisis Assistance Program (NOCAP) and save lives!

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    Rosie Trotter over 3 years ago

    I'm 91 year old African American woman and live in District 8. I do not like my City Councilman because he doesn't care for the people's. He voted to tear down my home and put me and my blind husband on the street this summer. We don't feel safe walking in my neighborhood because there's no Police. Everyone at church wants more Police and we respected Police in the name of Jesus Christ amen.

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    Lynne Michelle over 3 years ago

    Phoenix is seeing a daily influx of new residents and with that, we've seen an increase in crime. We need more police officers. Take the time to go on a ride-along with phoenix police, view your communities in an uncontrolled setting and I guarantee you, those rose-colored glasses will dim very quickly once you see the what police officers are up against and the dangers posed to law-abiding citizens.

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    Marcie Lynn over 3 years ago

    I absolutely Support this budget. I wish it were larger because we're short 2000 Police officer's & staff District 8, 7 are not safe. Crime is skyrocketing - public safety needs to be a concern. Neighbor's are afraid to walk their dog's in the daytime! People are breaking in our cars weekly now. Mayor & Council, please communicate with PPSLA and PLEA, work together, get PSAs out & beef up recruitment marketing. Maybe the Police haters should have their phone number redacted from 911.

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    Zhon Lashay over 3 years ago

    Defund, respectfully.

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    Ray McDaniel over 3 years ago

    I support Phoenix Police. I support this plan. I'd like to see more money allocated to public safety as we are so short with Police officers and staff it's insane. You'd think criminals are making decisions about our Police, because those are the only people that don't want them. Pedofiles and sex traffickers drug dealers rapist's are having a field day at our expense and our children and grandchildren expense. Hire more Police & staff and demand communication between PLEA & Council Mayor dist8

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    Katie Krejci over 3 years ago

    I've read the budget. I own a home in Phoenix. I'm sick of the police terrorizing g our streets with no accountability. If you want things to change, defund the police department and invest in the community. They will tell you themselves they aren't social workers. So stop paying them to do a job they aren't trained to do and get more social services and less police on our streets.

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    Grace Logan over 3 years ago

    City of PHX must defund the police department and invest in a budget that prioritizes people. They must show this commitment by materially transferring funds in the annual budgets to create community building instead of community terror. With that, City of PHX must pass a police contract to hold Phoenix police accountable; no more special protections for cops. Thank you for your consideration

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    Margaret Shalley over 3 years ago

    I have reviewed the Trial Budget and commend city staff for a balanced approach in meeting community needs, which includes some support services the police reform crowd claim they wanted. Is clear most haven’t read the budget and only repeating anti-police talking points. Listen to the majority of people who actually live here and want our police adequately funded.

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    Abbie J over 3 years ago

    I Support and want to see more money going to our Police. We're short Police and staff so these criminals that are posting hate, probably don't even live in our district's! Mayor and Council we need more Police. Give them money and please communicate with them. That's the most frustrating part is my Mayor and Council Garcia refuse to communicate with PLEA or PPSLA. Why is that. I want an answer from every Council person. Because this isn't acceptable! We need to be all on the same page.

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    Corin Puckett over 3 years ago

    I oppose this, do not give any more money to the deadly PHX pd, the police do don't keep us safe or help us, our neighborhoods and communities do, we need more housing for our neighbors, not more police, DEFUND the police. Law enforcement does not equate to public safety. We should be funding education, healthcare, mental health, and many more essential resources that are missing within our communities not the police. Fund community safety, not ineffective police reform.

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    Jennifer Thomas over 3 years ago

    I go to ASU and live in the Roosevelt Row area in District 08. We need more Police. Almost every friend I know has been robbed assuslted had our bikes stolen. There's drug dealers everywhere and they try to push them on younger people. I can't have my little brother and sister come visit anymore because of the crime. It's dangerous. We need more Police. We want to feel safe, we don't. We support the Police and need them in our area please!

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    Veteran Sissy over 3 years ago

    I'm a minority veteran who has some disabilities and live in District 08.
    Carlos couldn't give a crap if myself or neighbor's live or die. It's not safe to walk outside at night and in the day! Crime drugs vandalism is ruling the streets. We need more Police. I don't know why Carlos,Laura , Betty Mayor doesn't want Police. Maybe you shouldn't be in public office because our welfare and safety are #1 you should all be ashamed of yourselves and give our Police whatever they need to do their job

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    MK Zeeb over 3 years ago

    please. city council members. invest in the health and safety of the people of phoenix. not the police.

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    Perla Macias over 3 years ago

    Many families within our community are reluctant to call 911. These families not only fear for themselves, but for their loved ones too. As a sister and caretaker of a brother with special needs I ask you to fund a Crisis Assistance Program which will prevent law enforcement encounters that have cost the lives of many and which has led the city to have the highest rate of deadly force. This program can prevent what I and parents of children/adults with special needs fear most, a deadly encounter

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    Taylor J over 3 years ago

    I support Phoenix Police and we need lots more of them! District 08 as well as others aren't safe because we're so short police. How can we have a council that doesn't care about Public Safety!

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    Maya Pastor over 3 years ago

    Phx Pd is amongst the deadliest in the country, we need better equipped, different professionals handling non violent and mental health related problems.