Meeting Time: March 16, 2021 at 2:30pm MST
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Agenda Item

2 2021-22 City Manager's Trial Budget

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    Aaron Evans almost 4 years ago

    These people do not need more of our money. The community has been calling for a heavily reduced police budget and this is obviously the exact opposite. How much proof does everyone need that more police does not equal more safety. Cops are the violence that people love to claim the city of Phoenix is filled with and they need to be abolished. That starts with "reform" that doesn't include a bigger budget.

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    Daryl Handler almost 4 years ago

    I support and agree we need more Police. 4 Detective's in Missing Children isn't okay. We need 40 plus. Crimes against Children as well. District 8 is full of drugs drug dealers crime vandalism theft assault. We're sick and tired of this nonsens Mayor we need more Police. Give the Police the $ they need to do their job. These criminals protesting Police are estatic so they can commit more crimes. Look at the numbers. Talk to PLEA communicate. It's not fair

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    Haniyyah Smith almost 4 years ago

    I support a crisis assistant program but it needs to be a separate department from the current first responders. This program needs to be made up of mental health professionals. All non-violent calls need to be handled by them without being deferred to police or ICE.

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    Deck Park Resident almost 4 years ago

    I'm an African American Hispanic woman and a senior. I live in District 08 near Hance Park and it's so dangerous with drug dealers, drug addicts breaking glass bottles everywhere, violence, theft vandalism. Mr Garcia doesn't care that it's not safe to walk outside my building. We need more Police. Seniors and children aren't safe. I can't have my grandchildren visit because of you Mr. Garcia because you don't put anyone first but yourself and your insane agenda. We need Police I support Police.

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    Amber T almost 4 years ago

    Phoenix PD does an incredible job protecting our communities from horrific violence and criminal activity daily. They are understaffed, underfunded and unsupported! They are the line that seperates good from bad! Due to their unrelenting efforts to protect and serve, they keep the vast majority from knowing what really occurs in our city. Don't turn PHX into Portland, Minneapolis, Chicago or NYC! Those opposing will regret when their calls for help go unanswered, reference Tuscan PD!

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    Steven Moose almost 4 years ago

    I support. We need more Police.
    PLEA needs to communicate with Mayor and all council. My district 08 isn't safe. I'm. An African American man and don't feel safe. Carlos you don't care about the safety of our children grandchildren or seniors. Your a despicable person and not fit for City Council

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    Sushil Rao almost 4 years ago

    Q: How is there STILL no accountability for cops committing perjury, escalated violence and neo-Nazi culture?

    A: A city council and managers who enable and perpetuate the problem by giving them more money and “accountability” of cops investigating cops.

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    Karen Jean Martinson almost 4 years ago

    The language in this bill must be clarified, so that the $15 million for the Community Assistance Program can actually help the community. We need funding to support social workers, mental health experts, community health experts, and the like. Law enforcement agencies including the Phoenix PD, ICE, and CBP must NOT be eligible for a dime of this funding. We must fund community services and defund the police. Invest in people, not the police force that terrorizes its citizens.

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    Emily Cowles almost 4 years ago

    I support a crisis assistant program but it needs to be a separate department from the current first responders. This program needs to be made up of mental health professionals. All non-violent calls need to be handled by them without being deferred to police or ICE.

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    Faith Mullender almost 4 years ago

    We need clarity in this bill- what is this money going to? What is public safety? We do not need more police, we do not need to find police, we know the police do not keep us safe. If the $15 mil is for mental health and crisis workers, we know that benefits the community. We need to change the way we have been funding “public safety.”

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    Lauren Hayes almost 4 years ago

    All evidence continues to point to the fact that Phoenix PD is harmful to its communities. No increase in budget should be supported. Funds should be spent on community projects as has been discussed and proposed numerous times already.

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    Mary Shannon almost 4 years ago

    We need to be sending in more trained mental health specialists and those who are experts in de-escalating tense situations when responding to emergency calls. Funding more officers with more lethal weapons is not the answer. That only leads to more violence, lack of trust from the community and more people getting killed.

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    Karla Cruz almost 4 years ago

    If y'all would do any community outreach at all and listened to the residents of the city, y'all would know that the police do not keep us safe. I hear from people time and time again how much more their quality of life would be improved if instead of police we invest more funds into mental health resources, housing people, believing and protecting survivor of domestic and sexual abuse. You cannot not tell us the more police will solve these public crises because they clearly have not.

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    Jennifer Gonzalez almost 4 years ago

    Community has been making it clear all year- police aren’t making our communities safer and have become a public health concern. We want investment in our health and safety; affordable housing, mental health response that doesn't involve police, youth programs and other resources that have been proven to make communities stronger and that do not involve the police.

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    Kevin Petty almost 4 years ago

    15 million dollars could do a lot of good if it is allocated to prioritize public safety, like sending mental health professionals to de-escalate 911 emergencies or financing and enabling a city department to handle community issues, like loud noise, speeding, off season fireworks, vandalism, etc. The police are the biggest union and special interest group in this country. They do not need any more money, whether you like them or not.

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    Rebecca Menjivar almost 4 years ago

    Y'all have been ignoring the demands of the community, when we clearly are saying POLICE DO NOT KEEP US SAFE. We need to invest in resources that help our community, separate from police and ice, and stop funding the most violent police force in the country.

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    Rebecca Denis almost 4 years ago

    Phoenix police cops shouldn’t be getting a pay raise or more benefits. This department has proven itself violent, racist, and irreformable- why would you reward that? The police union is the number one protector of this department. Passing an MOU with more protections and more money for cops gives PLEA more tools to maintain this culture of violence and is a guaranteed death sentence for dozens of community members, especially Black, Indigenous, and Brown people.

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    Corraima Samaniega Ochoa almost 4 years ago

    Don’t you dare spend $250,000 on a study of why this police department is violent, filled with white supremacists, and attacking protesters. Y’all do “studies” whenever you’re trying to avoid holding the police accountable. They do nothing more than create justifications for the violence and racism of this department. If you want things to change, defund the department and invest in the community.

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    Ben Laughlin almost 4 years ago

    Community has been making it clear all year- police aren’t making our communities safer and have become a public health concern. We want investment in our health and safety; affordable housing, mental health response that doesn't involve police, youth programs and other resources that have been proven to make communities stronger and that do not involve the police.

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    jennifer Hernandez almost 4 years ago

    Phoenix police cops shouldn’t be getting a pay raise or more benefits. This department has proven itself violent, racist, and irreformable- why would you reward that? The police union is the number one protector of this department. Passing an MOU with more protections and more money for cops gives PLEA more tools to maintain this culture of violence and is a guaranteed death sentence for dozens of community members, especially Black, Indigenous, and Brown people.