Meeting Time: May 19, 2021 at 2:30pm MST
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Agenda Item

89 Adoption of Ordinance Adding New Chapter 20 to Phoenix City Code Establishing Office of Accountability and Transparency (Ordinance G-6851)

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    Andy La over 3 years ago

    What a mess! Do the right thing and oppose this BLM change to item 89

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    Jack Brumagin over 3 years ago

    I strongly oppose defunding the police. This is ridiculous to even consider.

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    Bailey Spears over 3 years ago

    I strongly support the Office of Accountability an Transparency. In just recent months regarding the neo-Nazi challenge coins, targeted political persecution, and false testimonies of officers against BLM protestors, PHX PD have demonstrated that they are incapable of internal accountability and transparency. The citizens of Phoenix desperately need a body that will represent and protect them from police misconduct.

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    Valerie Grosso over 3 years ago

    OPPOSE Agenda Item 89.

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    Julie Seale over 3 years ago

    I strongly oppose Agenda Item 89. Adopting this would be disastrous. It would be a willfull and shameful failure to fulfill your duty to act in the best interests of the citizens, and you will be held accountable.

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    Kayley Brumagin over 3 years ago

    I am against defunding the police.

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    Vianey Olivarria over 3 years ago

    I strongly support the Office of Accountability and Transparency. As a long-time Phoenix resident and new homeowner in District 4, I believe this is the right step into making our city better, a safe place for our families and communities. The Phoenix Police Department has needed to be held accountable for a long time - you all have seen the data, the news, and the far too many stories. Accountability harms no one and helps everyone, especially the community you were elected to represent.

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    Laura Terech over 3 years ago

    I strongly support enacting the Office of Accountability and Transparency. This will be good for our city.

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    David Lechner over 3 years ago

    The creation of a duplicate oversight of police departments by non-police activists is a waste of tax-payer money and as seen in other major cities, handicapping police has led to spikes in violent crime. We don't have a police problem in Phoenix, but creating this oversight board to limit rules of engagement will create one.

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    Alison Walukiewicz over 3 years ago

    I strongly oppose. Our men and women in law enforcement deserve respect and more funding directed to them, not away from them. We do not need to pay people $90,000 a year to have “an office of accountability” It’s outrageous! I demand you please vote no on 89.

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    Ian Danley over 3 years ago

    As a lifelong Phoenix resident, I support approval of the Office of Accountability and Transparency (OAT) ordinance. The City of Phoenix has much work to do to rebuild trust with a significant group of its residents. The OAT will go a long way to reminding all Phoenix politicians and all police officers who they ultimately work for. Sunlight and accountability are fundamental for effective public safety.

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    Marcus Tork over 3 years ago

    Strongly oppose. Our Phoenix PD, led by Chief Williams, is professionally and extensively-trained and has earned our confidence and gratitude for the way they do their critical work. I have seen the training and background screening even reserve officer corps go through. Item 89 isn't needed. Especially egregiuos is DISallowing oversight by people related to, or in law enforcement. We have a sacred American tradition - review by a jury of our peers. Vote No, support our police. Thank you.

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    Lynn Hoffman over 3 years ago

    I am in support of the establishment of the Office of Accountability and Transparency for community oversight of police actions, as long as the oversight is equally balanced in power/authority between those directly affected as general members of the community and members of governmental departments.

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    Eloise Lopez over 3 years ago

    I strongly support the Office of Accountability and Transparency and believe this is the right step in moving forward with healing the community and holding police accountable for the harm and crimes committed. Born and raised in Phoenix, it is alarming that we have grown to become one of the top cities facing extreme levels of police brutality and violence. I urge the City Council to move forward with OAT and prioritize community over special interests.

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    Katie MacKay over 3 years ago

    I strongly oppose 89 it would be horrible and devastating for Phoenix

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    Sara Baker over 3 years ago

    This is a dangerous and irresponsible proposition. Show me one state where defunding the police or “re-allocating” funds has worked. Crime has sky-rocketed across this country all due to a smoke and mirrors story put out by the lying mainstream media and lunatic leftists. It is just another ridiculous liberal proposal to send this country on its downward spiral towards socialism and Marxism. This is endangerment to all the public weather they realize it or not.

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    Kristi Vasquez over 3 years ago

    Vote no on item 89. The citizens of Phoenix demand the City Council make public safety their number one priority. We want our streets and neighborhoods to be safe and support the Phoenix Police Department in their mission. Protect the ones that protect you. Vote against the OAT. It does nothing but attempt to hurt our officers and undermine public safety.

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    Laurie Foster over 3 years ago

    I strongly oppose appointing a group of people held to no standard or accountability to oversee, admonish and curtail the important work of our Phoenix Police Department. This is a dangerous idea that could potentially destroy the morale and mission of our police force. We can do much better that this for Phoenix to turn around the 2020 surge in violent crime. Support our officers and vote NO on 89.

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    Max Well over 3 years ago

    Mayor Gallego and her servants are the worst kind of people: evil morons. If the city council of Phoenix votes to defund the police then the resulting blood will be on your hands, and we the people will not forget it either..

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    Lynn Ludwig over 3 years ago

    Item 89 I totally oppose, It will leave the residents and workers of Phoenix unprotected while the council can vote for the taxpayer pay for their personal armed details just like the Council members in Seattle, Portland, Minneapolis. This will just leave the folks unprotected and when they try to defend themselves they will probably get arrested. Despite what the Constitution says