Meeting Time: May 19, 2021 at 2:30pm MST
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Agenda Item

89 Adoption of Ordinance Adding New Chapter 20 to Phoenix City Code Establishing Office of Accountability and Transparency (Ordinance G-6851)

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    Jodi Nielson over 3 years ago

    Strongly oppose. You still need an agency to oversee the office of accountability and transparency. They need to be held accountable. Each state agency should already have protocol in place for accountability. A waste of tax dollars. Support police and unity in our communities.

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    Analise Ortiz over 3 years ago

    Please do the right thing and vote to enact the Office of Accountability and Transparency. As a Phoenix resident, I want to see an end to the harm and violence the Phoenix Police Department inflicts upon our families and communities. The OAT is a positive step forward to provide much-needed oversight and it is long past-due. Please enact the OAT!

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    Alyson Mangisi over 3 years ago

    This would only make sense if the people on the board had years of experience IN law enforcement. Would it be wise to have a review board for a hospital of people that have no experience in the field? No. Not at all. This is not logical. This is a radical move that SOUNDS nice when in reality is a step towards defunding the police. You know that. They know that. Stop wasting tax payer money entertaining these proud marxists.

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    Frank Walker over 3 years ago

    The current proposal for OAT must swiftly be rejected by City Council! The proposal eliminates due process, illegally gives an Non-elected and untrained board of anti-police activists subpoena powers, and inserts untrained people into the mediation process. Item 89 has proven to destabilize public safety in cities like Denver. If passed, This comity of over-site must go thru Police training, 48hrs of ride alongs and base all decisions by rule of law. All members must be unbiased.

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    Kristin Laird over 3 years ago

    As a 2nd generation Phonecian that loves this city, I very strongly oppose item 89. Scaring the public into believing that police negatively affect our city is reckless. Both the mayor/vice mayor turned a blind eye to the good peace officers do to provide service and instead created a toxic campaign to take away valuable funding for a growing city. Creating an unnecessary committee comprised of uneducated individuals with loaded adjendas is wrong and flawed with bias. Shame on Carlos and Kate.

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    Jeff Baldwin over 3 years ago

    This is unnecessary. The police are not the problem. The criminals and the violent marxist protestors are the problem. We already have a city government and a court system to oversee and adjudicate issues. Let's learn from the failed policies of other democrat cities (San Fran, Seattle, Portland, NYC, Detroit, Chicago, etc.). Keep Phoenix clean and safe and stop implementing things that will deter people from becoming police officers.

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    John Olguin over 3 years ago

    I strongly oppose Item 89 because but will lead phoenix to become a lawless city like Seattle, and Portland and who will oversee the oversight committee and hold them accountable.

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    Geneva Haber over 3 years ago

    I am in strong support of this needed oversight of law enforcement in Phoenix

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    ERICA WARENICKELBERRY over 3 years ago

    I support this item fully.

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    Francisco Polanco over 3 years ago

    Stop police murders now.

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    Heidi Elyse over 3 years ago

    Stop pushing this radical agenda. Vote no.

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    Dan LaChance over 3 years ago

    What we dont know is yet another office created with limited tax payers dollars when there are already offices with the mission of accountability. Stop wasting tax payer dollars, make offices who are already tasked DO THEIR JOBS. We also do not need more government, we already have way too much government doing little or nothing except trying to control our lives instead of protecting our freedom and liberty. Enough is Enough! Stop! Oppose 89.

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    Geoffroy Mathieux over 3 years ago

    No on 89. Taxpayers do not wish to fund salaries of anti-police city activists.

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    Mary Ann Wilkinson over 3 years ago

    NO NO NO! Terrible for our fine police force!!

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    Robert Schwandt over 3 years ago

    Well if you want a neutered police force unable to fight real crime (as in Minneapolis, Portland, Chicago) then that's what you'll get here in Phx if you vote for item 89. Whats needed is improved hiring requirements and processes for those who wish to join law enforcement. The few bad actors that get into uniform are too many that casts a shadow on the men and women LEO's who have integrity and respect for due process. VOTE NO on this item today.

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    Alexis Butler over 3 years ago

    In 2020, violent crime in Phoenix surged, with domestic violence deaths increasing 180%, homicides rising 44%, and gang violence tripling! SAY NO TO 89!

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    Betty Ware over 3 years ago

    I heavily support this item.

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    Janet Demers over 3 years ago

    I respectfully request that you oppose 89. We need to back our police officers who put their lives on the line every day.

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    Merissa Hamilton over 3 years ago

    The current proposal for OAT must swiftly be rejected by City Council! Rather than actual police accountability, the proposal eliminates due process, illegally gives an unelected board of anti-police activists subpoena powers, and inserts untrained people into the mediation process. Item 89 has proven to destabilize public safety in cities like Denver. It always leads to an increase in violence, while discouraging good officers from serving for fear of weaponized retaliation. VOTE NO on 89!

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    Justin McKay over 3 years ago
