Meeting Time: June 08, 2021 at 2:30pm MST
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Agenda Item

2 American Rescue Plan Proposed Strategic Plan - June 8, 2021 Update

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    Becca Vacha over 3 years ago

    Our police deserve more respect than this. Stop rewarding the criminals and illegals.
    Why keep the downtown alive when you will have nobody to protect it.

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    Mark Mettes, President & CEO Herberger Theater Center over 3 years ago

    I strongly support funding for arts and culture with a portion of this federal funding. Arts are necessary to provide hope and resilience, two critically important areas right now. This funding will help artists and arts organizations throughout the City and is an investment in jobs and the economy. The arts sector generated over $9.3 billion to the state's economy in 2019 and employed over 90,000 Arizonans. Phoenix obviously has the highest percentage of those benefits. Thank you!

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    Donald Hiatt, Mr. Hiatt over 3 years ago

    I strongly Oppose this funding allocation:
    Too little money going to Students Who Fell Behind, Veterans and small businesses.
    No funds should be spent for:
    Arts, I'm sorry, priorities first.
    Teaching refugees and asylum seekers how to qualify for government services/welfare programs.
    Free Childcare for Airport Workers Only!
    Revenue replacement for Phoenix Convention Center

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    Ethel Lisa Blankenship over 3 years ago

    I oppose my tax money going to illegals to help them navigate our welfare system to take more of my money! Our police were and are at the front lines of the Covid issues. You put them in the position to shut down businesses and religious gatherings, now you need to give them the financial benefits from this relief fund. Much more $ needs to be allocated to help our veterans. How can you put illegals in front of the men & women who put their LIVES on the line for our freedom and security?

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    Monique Bontrager over 3 years ago

    We need funding for the police! Our officers are stretched to the limit. Law breakers know this and are taking full advantage, crime is on the rise, from red light runners to domestic violence. This proposed budget plan does not allocate funds correctly. Veterans, Police, Small Businesses and Families first and foremost.

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    Chris Schultz over 3 years ago

    I oppose the allocation of COVID funds to the Asylee Community, as this allows illegal immigrants access to public programs and funds. Childcare at the Airport should be from the operating budget, and is not COVID related. Convention Center funds should be allocated in a fashion, as that revenue returns, the ARPA funds are moved to other needed projects. I oppose using these funds to not adequately fund additional Public Safety, or to front line education staff to make up for lost grant funds.

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    Marta Mac over 3 years ago

    The AZ budget is being mismanaged. We need to allocate funds to police. We need to keep our city safe! We also need to take care of veterans and students who have fallen behind.

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    Nicole Skillings over 3 years ago

    I am disgusted that millions of dollars of our hard earned tax money is being proposed to go to aiding illegals, art programs, and free childcare for a small select group of people. AND NOTHING GOING TO OUR OFFICERS. Crime is rising, our officers need the money. Why is Gallego not protecting Arizonans? Why does she want to throw our money at stupid ideas when we, the taxpayers, are suffering?

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    Levi Medina over 3 years ago

    Strongly opposed.

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    Lisanne Farr over 3 years ago

    Stop wasting our tax dollars! We don't need more money going to Arts, unused vaccinations, temperature stands at libraries, closing our parks, and unused building structures. Phoenix unnecessarily wasted tax dollars and resources because of irrational Covid fears. The majority of Phoenix residents want more police protection from Antifa, BLM protesters, and illegals.

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    Karen Olson over 3 years ago

    These relief funds are for the community and shouldn’t be used for city debt or bonus pay for police. You keep making decisions about the funding that impacts our lives without listening to what we need. For the next $200 million in covid relief, we need a participatory allocation process where phx residents get to decide where the money goes! We need to center the people most impacted and harmed by covid and allocate these resources intended for them to them!

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    Cynthia McWhorter over 3 years ago

    As an artist in Phoenix, I believe we have much more important issues at hand that need to be addressed with ARPA funds.

    Invest in people! Invest in your neighbors! Invest in your community!

    We need to invest in substantial services such as:
    Free mental health, harm reduction, and addiction services, rent, utility, income assistance, free transportation, and child care stipends, Low barrier shelter / housing and heat relief centers, accessible resources for communities hit hardest by covid.

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    A B over 3 years ago

    Funding should be for police (who need extra officers) and small businesses the government damaged with shut downs.

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    Ian LoPiccolo over 3 years ago

    I support the allocation of ARPA funds to transportation, to the arts, and to many other important services of this city, but more importantly: I support the council in not allocating COVID relief funds to the police department. Stop allowing the PD to paint the narrative that they are the saviors of Phoenix; instead, invest in services such as independent mental health crisis response, reviving the pitiful public school system in PHX, and finally helping our homeless neighbors in the zone.

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    Stephanie Tomlin over 3 years ago

    As a downtown Phoenix resident, I strongly support the $5 million proposal for Arts and Culture. Artists and arts organizations (including music) were the first to close and the last to reopen. They’re the cultural and economic lifeblood of a thriving, diverse community. Thank you.

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    Kyle Jardine over 3 years ago

    I strongly support the funding of Art and Culture! We need to keep creativity alive and strong to continue to have a vibrant community. Art brings hope, joy, and positive community engagement.

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    Heath Scheid over 3 years ago

    As a board member of the Children's Museum of Phoenix, I know how vital these funds are to not only the Children's Museum but all the Arts and Cultural organizations of Phoenix. These funds will help provide a strong financial foundation to help in the re-opening of the Museum and to also provide financial support for staffing. I support the $5 million in this proposal for Arts and Culture!

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    Catherine Tunget over 3 years ago

    We need to allocate some of the COVID relief funds to PHX Police.... Police deserve some of the C19 relief $$$ for public health expenditures, due to their mitigation efforts during the pandemic related to mental, medical, and behavioral health calls, in addition to ensuring civilian and healthcare workers safety.

    Don't let our COPS down.

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    Michael Oleskow over 3 years ago

    I strongly support the $5 million included in this proposal for the City of Phoenix's Office of Arts & Culture. As a long time Arts & Culture Commissioner, I've seen the positive impact that arts funding has had over the years in support of non-profit arts, Arts & Culture organizations, artists and the Arts Community. Especially now, this funding is desperately needed to rebuild our once thriving Arts sector that was so devastated by the pandemic. Thank you for your service and support.

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    Diane Niemann over 3 years ago

    I disagree with where the disbursement of the funds is allocated!! First, Safety for citizens is totally ignored: funding for law enforcement is vital and our most vulnerable should be rescued: the homeless on our streets, just look at the tents only blocks from the AZ Capitol! I disagree with funding the arts and Covid which is waning!!!!