Meeting Time: June 08, 2021 at 2:30pm MST
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Agenda Item

2 American Rescue Plan Proposed Strategic Plan - June 8, 2021 Update

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    Daniel Hagerty over 3 years ago

    I strongly encourage City Council to approve $5M in support for arts and culture through the ARPA. Cultural organizations have been hit especially hard by the pandemic. Not only do arts and cultural institutions showcase the vitality and diversity of our community, they also play a vital role in sustaining Arizona's tourism industry. Arizona's economic well-being relies on the arts and culture, and those artists and organizations that are doing this work deserve public support.

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    cynthia graber over 3 years ago

    Number one priority of this ARPA money needs to be allocated to Public Safety. We are at a crisis level in staffing our 911 operators and Phoenix PD. The role of government is to protect property and people. Phoenix City Council is letting down its 1.7mil citizens and not providing incentives and competitive pay to encourage NEW HIRES in our PUBLIC SAFETY DEPARTMENTS.

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    John Yanke over 3 years ago

    Performing and visual artists who make the majority of their living from their craft and the organizations which sponsor them and provided spaces and events for them have been devastated by the pandemic. As a Phoenix resident and artist, I strongly urge the passing of the 5 million for the arts! It will be a great start to recovering the arts in Phoenix.

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    Elizabeth Toledo, Executive Director ALAC Arizona Latino Arts & Cultural Center over 3 years ago

    As the Executive Director of the Arizona Latino Arts & Cultural Center (ALAC), a 501(c)3 organization, I strongly support the $5 million much needed funds. The arts community in the City of Phoenix suffered greatly in this past unfortunate pandemic. We are all currently trying to get back up from under water but it is an extremely slow process that many will not be able to sustain. Our community looks to organizations like ours for healing and self expression in times of need.

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    Brian Campbell over 3 years ago

    As a board member of the Children's Museum of Phoenix, I know how vital these funds are to not only the Children's Museum but all the Arts and Cultural organizations of Phoenix. These funds will help provide a strong financial foundation to help in the re-opening of the Museum and to also provide financial support for staffing. I support the $5 million in this proposal for Arts and Culture!

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    Caitlin Huble over 3 years ago

    Artists and arts groups experienced disproportionate impact during the economic shutdown. To assist this vital sector on the road to recovery I strongly support the $5 million in this proposal for the City of Phoenix's Office of Arts and Culture.

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    David Bradley over 3 years ago

    The arts are crucial for us as a society to be able to learn and understand issues in new and novel ways. The arts are not only about making us feel good about ourselves when we make art, but also important as a means of communication.

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    Andrea Stone over 3 years ago

    I strongly support the designation of $5 million to support arts and cultural organizations. As a member of the Children's Museum of Phoenix Board of Directors, I understand the significant impact this funding will have on the organizations that are so important to our community.

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    Katherine Wells over 3 years ago

    As a resident of Phoenix and an employee of a local Arts & Culture organization - I strongly support the City earmarking the $5 million in this proposal for Arts & Culture. The Children's Museum, along with the other arts organizations in the City, have been profoundly impacted by closures, layoffs, and capacity limitations and these funds will be extremely helpful for us to reopen strong and have solid foundations moving forward. These organizations are critical to the vibrancy of our city!

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    Char Augenstein over 3 years ago

    The arts are a vital resource, contributing to personal well-being, professional success and societal health. The intellectual stimulation they provide leads to increased academic performance in our schools, as well as heightened creativity and innovation in the workplace. The arts have a social impact, unifying us, improving quality and livability of our community. The arts play an essential role in building and sustaining economic vibrancy, strengthening competitiveness in the marketplace.

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    Katherine Palmer over 3 years ago

    I strongly support the $5 million included in this proposal for the City of Phoenix’s Office Arts and Culture. Phoenix has long had a vibrant arts scene which provides economic benefits to both the city and state. Continuing to support these jobs, organizations, institutions, and artists is beneficial to all.

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    Bernd Haber over 3 years ago

    Phoenix has been a hub of cultural diversity, music and entertainment for decades. Nonetheless, the city has the potential to become the next Austin/TX (South by Southwest), given its prosperous mix of Culture, Entrepreneurship/Startup, Education & Technology.

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    Jeff Hammond over 3 years ago

    I also strongly support the $5 million in this proposal for the City of Phoenix's Office of Arts and Culture.

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    Mark Robert Gordon over 3 years ago

    Phoenix needs a strong and vibrant arts program and to foster the development of its arts community. I strongly support the $5 million included in this proposal for the City of Phoenix's Office of Arts and Culture. This funding will provide the arts community with a lifeline that will ultimately provide working capital to artists and arts organizations who have been uniquely impacted by the pandemic. The Council’s investment in the arts is greatly appreciated.

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    Carol A Poore PhD, President, Poore & Associates Strategic Planning and Faculty, Arizona State University over 3 years ago

    Our great city's quality of life and economic vitality depends on a vibrant community that features arts and culture. This includes arts organizations as well as individual artists who call Phoenix "home." I support $5 million included in this proposal for the City of Phoenix's Office of Arts and Culture.

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    Celeste Scott over 3 years ago

    I strongly support the $5 million included in this proposal for the City of Phoenix’s Office Arts and Culture. This funding will continue to invest in the well-being and health of all individuals through the arts and establish a solid support structure from which to build and expand meaningful programs, new learning, and togetherness. Thank you for your support in bringing the arts to all diverse and well-deserved communities.

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    Susan Sigl over 3 years ago

    I hope you will support the arts. I love the Heard Museum and its commitment to AZ's Native American people.
    Thank you.

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    Catherine Foley over 3 years ago

    The Phoenix arts sector is an important contributor to our Phoenix economy, supporting retail services, restaurant, hospitality and tourism. Venue shutdowns and revenue loss during the pandemic devastated these businesses. That is why I strongly support the $5 million in this proposal for the City of Phoenix's Office of Arts and Culture to invest working capital in artists, arts organizations and arts businesses as they recover. Please support these efforts.

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    Regina Nixon over 3 years ago

    I strongly support the $5 million included in this proposal for the City of Phoenix's Office of Arts & Culture. As the local economy
    recovers, a robust arts sector will a lifeline that will ultimately provide working capital to artists and arts organizations who have been uniquely impacted by the pandemic. A thriving arts sector will help build economic development in our city, and provide much needed social/emotional support, especially for students, that is needed. Thank you for your support.

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    James Thompson over 3 years ago

    I strongly support the $5 million in this proposal for the City of Phoenix's Office of Arts and Culture. The organizations, artists, and support staff that generate the lively artistic ambience that enhances our city's reputation as a desirable place to live deserve to have their contributions recognized by concrete action. $5 million is a small part of the city budget, but it will make a large difference to those who bring us art. Please keep the Office of Arts and Culture properly funded