Meeting Time: May 19, 2020 at 2:30pm MST
Note: The online Request to Speak window has expired.
The online Comment window has expired

Agenda Item

2 2020-21 City Council Budget Decision

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    Janelle Wood almost 5 years ago

    Our elected officials have a duty to uphold the commitment made to fully support the development of the Office of Accountability/Civilian Review Board. We want the budget to reflect this support and the opportunity to successfully develop and structure this new office/board. Providing increased funding to the police department without providing the necessary funding for the Office of Accountability/Civilian Review Board demonstrates a disregard for the needs of our community. Vote for us.

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    Layal Rabat almost 5 years ago

    Please instead fund civilian oversight and relief for undocumented communities.

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    Katie Hensley almost 5 years ago

    Our police force is among the most deadly in the nation. We MUST do better. Please redirect funding to civilian oversight. Please fund relief for the most vulnerable in our city. Please tangibly acknowledge the ways our undocumented neighbors contribute to our communities.

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    David Schwartz almost 5 years ago

    I applaud the Mayor, Council and City Manager for submitting a balanced budget that balances the "wishes" and "needs" of the community - especially in these unprecedented, turbulent times. Keep in mind that one of the needs is a good transit system. The voters have made their voices heard by supporting transit FOUR times in the last twenty years. Please pass this budget and keep up the good work moving our city forward

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    Ty Muhammad almost 5 years ago

    I oppose this budget because we need to fund relief for undocumented peoples. We also need to make sure there is funding for civilian oversight.

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    Gloria Montano almost 5 years ago

    On behalf of Chispa Arizona, we ask the Mayor and council to reconsider the proposed budget. Chispa AZ believes environmental justice requires social justice; we call upon the council to rethink the proposed budget to reflect Phoenix community values and invest in programs and services that support healthy communities. This includes a fund for undocumented workers and families who keep our community thriving; it is time the City of Phoenix supports them too.

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    Caitlin OHara almost 5 years ago

    Small business owner for looking out for our neighbors. Keep funding the Office of Accountability and Transparency and the Traumatic Response Unit. Create a privately resourced relief fund for undocumented people impacted by COVID-19. They deserve dignity and respect in this difficult time.

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    B Thoi almost 5 years ago

    We must protect funding for Phoenix's OAT. As a Phoenician who has worked to provide access to the life-saving opioid overdose reversal drug Naloxone, I am acutely aware of the role that police can play in helping to bring public health access and education to under-served communities, while at the same time knowing from experience how distrust and miscommunication between the police and public can make that work so much more difficult. Protect the OAT to further public health.

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    Mike Cassidy almost 5 years ago

    I oppose this budget. Council must fund relief for undocumented people. It is disgraceful that our city would continue to exploit and benefit from undocumented labor/taxes and not provide them with support in moments of crisis. I understand there are laws that make this hard. Do better. Figure it out. Lead. I also demand that the council fund civilian oversight and invest in healthy communities.

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    Justin Katz almost 5 years ago

    Fund programs and services that will help us recover from the pandemic. Don’t give more $ to the police. Fund programs that make us healthy and safe - housing, jobs, access to food, mental health resources that don’t involve the police. Keep funding programs that keep the police accountable, especially the Office of Accountability and Transparency and the Traumatic Response Unit. Create a privately resourced relief fund for undocumented people impacted by COVID-19.

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    Sean Parr almost 5 years ago

    It is insanely dangerous to continue overfunding the police force and not fund civilian oversight when state violence is known to increase during a crisis. You’re throwing poor, black, and brown people under the bus with this budget! Fund relief for the undocumented and unsheltered and fund civilian oversight. Both are absolutely critical for the ENTIRE community, and that should be clear now more than ever!

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    Corraima Samaniega Ochoa almost 5 years ago

    The fund should be used to support our undocumented community members.

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    Emily Kirkland almost 5 years ago

    1) The city budget NEEDS to include relief for undocumented people. They are a vital part of this city and have been largely left out of unemployment benefits and stimulus payments.
    2) The budget needs to include funds for civilian oversight and police accountability.
    3) People's lives and health are essential during a crisis like this. Increasing funding for the police is not.

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    Alicia Contreras almost 5 years ago

    As a person of faith I am writing in opposition of the budget and urge you to fund the Civilian Oversight and relief for undocumented community. Please be a council that continues to care for ALL our hard working and beloved community. I pray that you make the moral choice and show your love, support, & care for the people by supporting a relief for all of us. No matter your higher power or creator remember we belong to one another and we are all called to protect the most vulnerable among us.

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    TAMARA WRIGHT almost 5 years ago

    Hello Council Members,
    Please support this budget. Already we have seen 100% increase in veterans returning to homelessness due to eviction in the last month. We need human services now, more than ever. Thank you.

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    Michelle Ponce almost 5 years ago

    FUND: 1. Civilian Oversight, 2. RELIEF for undocumented people.

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    Angie Rodgers almost 5 years ago

    We support the inclusion of federal funds in the city's proposed budget as it will address many of the economic issued caused by COVID-19. The $5 million to address access to food and hunger is critical to helping address the increase in demand at food banks and to support local growers in recovery.

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    Sara Perez almost 5 years ago

    I believe we should support because as they supoort the financial stability of the USA by purchasing paying taxes and working we should support them at a time of need

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    Oxana Montiel almost 5 years ago

    Create a budget that will support everyone including undocumented individuals fund programs that will help recover from the pandemic

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    Sloan Valenzuela almost 5 years ago

    Allocate funds to the WHOLE city, please. The Phoenix Police force is needed and appreciated, that being said they are wildly over-funded and this must be stopped