IF YOU SUPPORT THE PPD YOU OPPOSE THE BUDGET CUT. I oppose the budge cut! We need officers, we are already understaffed as is. The men and women in blue put their life’s on the line to make sure we are protected why would we cut their funds?! Do not defund the men and women I’m blue
Any police department budget should meet the following conditions.
1. A million dollar boost, w/ a plan for annual increases, to the budget of Office of Accountability & Transparency.
2. Expanding mission of OAT to review/veto appropriations to and within the PD.
3. A budget for OAT to develop in-department programming.
4. An OAT-approved plan to demilitarize the PD.
5. Funding a long-term (ASU-partnered?) sociological study of PD norms, needs, and culture, w/ results informing PD policy.
Please do not cut the budget they are already under paid and understaffed. A lower budget will mean less officers which means a longer response times. Let them use the funding to educate and train themselves to be better police officers
I support PPD these officers put their lives on the line every day; especially at this time when our nation is in a cross with covid19 pandemic and riots and demonstrations
I oppose the budget cut! Doing so will only increase crime rate. PPD will not be able to hire and train new officers in an already understaffed department. Leading to lower officer count in the routinely patrolled areas. This will also increase the risk to the officers due to less access to new equipment needed to do their jobs safely and effectively, especially when they already face the issue of broken down equipment. Do not defund the men and women who put their lives on the line for ours!
I support the Phoenix PD. The city needs these officers. The year 2020 has been tough, but the Phoenix PD has kept the streets safe through covid19 and now through the riots and the looting. They put their lives on the line every single time they put on their uniform. Yet the choose to continue to do it day in and day out for the good of the city and it’s people. The officers deserve more, please fund the Phoenix Police Department.
I support funding this budget. Phoenix Police Department need our support! The department is understaffed as it stands and had been underpaid for many for many years. Our community deserves the best police department out there, the only way it can be achieved is by proper funding, giving them the resources, manpower and technology. Not approving the budget will only bring a negative impact in our communities.
Our community supports funding Phoenix PD. The budget can contribute to fund more officers (of all races, let's make that a priority), training (this can include important topics on implicit bias, the history of police brutality, & community relations), & equipment to help support officers, which in turn helps the community. Phoenix PD is already short staffed, so funding is needed to keep the community safe. Taking their budget does not help the community, rather it inhibits growth in many ways
I 100% support this budget. Why would we penalize our men in blue. We must continue to support our Phoenix Police Officers. Please make the right decisions and pass this budget. Our men and women in blue deserve it!!!
We want proper training from our police, but cutting budgets will do the opposite. The police protect our communities and make sure they are safe. This will only bring vulnerability to the police department and make for an even more unstable environment.
These officers are already understaffed and working with broken down equipment. They are on the front lines protecting and keeping peace. Given today’s climate it is more imperative than ever that they have the staffing and funding they need. For the good and safety of the community and the officers themselves it would be irresponsible not to pass this budget.
I fully support the Phoenix PD. Phx PD has been understaffed for years with city boundaries expanding and population growth. People have no idea the calls our officers deal with every day - homicides, dead bodies, traffic deaths, drugs, PD shields us from the crimes every day all while having targets on their backs. Case loads for detectives are high and it only delays the prosecution of child abusers, sex offenders, human traffickers, murderers, etc. phx pd needs more funding not less!!!
We treat the police like a Swiss army knife that fixes all problems. If we want to reduce crime, that money would be better allocated towards community development and non-violent intervention rather than increased punatative measures that disproportionately affect already vulnerable populations.
I support not taking away money from the safety in our community- also known as the police department. 25 percent budget reduction means less officers responding and longer wait times, which means crime goes unchecked. Penalizing the police department penalizes the community’s safety. Do not take away needed money from our police department!
The police department needs this budget desperately. In a ever growing city (fifth largest in the country) yet a department that is smaller than many other large cities. The budget must see this growth which would fund more officers, training, and equipment to help support our officers which in turn helps the community become safer. Along with all this is the fact that with this budget the departments cases can be solved at a faster rate assisting in victim closure and justice.
Please do not listen to the criminal extremists that attacked and destroyed businesses and physically assaulted multiple officers who kept the peace and criminal damage to a minimum. Phx pd already has in place multiple citizen oversight committees regarding use of force and discipline along with a citizens academy but certain counsel members want to waste money and cause harm to the community which they are supposed to be serving. Officers provide amazing service and support to all residents.
IF YOU SUPPORT THE PPD YOU OPPOSE THE BUDGET CUT. I oppose the budge cut! We need officers, we are already understaffed as is. The men and women in blue put their life’s on the line to make sure we are protected why would we cut their funds?! Do not defund the men and women I’m blue
Any police department budget should meet the following conditions.
1. A million dollar boost, w/ a plan for annual increases, to the budget of Office of Accountability & Transparency.
2. Expanding mission of OAT to review/veto appropriations to and within the PD.
3. A budget for OAT to develop in-department programming.
4. An OAT-approved plan to demilitarize the PD.
5. Funding a long-term (ASU-partnered?) sociological study of PD norms, needs, and culture, w/ results informing PD policy.
Keep police funding! They are already overworked, underpaid and under trained!
I support PPD
Please do not cut the budget they are already under paid and understaffed. A lower budget will mean less officers which means a longer response times. Let them use the funding to educate and train themselves to be better police officers
I support the police!!
I support PPD these officers put their lives on the line every day; especially at this time when our nation is in a cross with covid19 pandemic and riots and demonstrations
I oppose the budget cut! Doing so will only increase crime rate. PPD will not be able to hire and train new officers in an already understaffed department. Leading to lower officer count in the routinely patrolled areas. This will also increase the risk to the officers due to less access to new equipment needed to do their jobs safely and effectively, especially when they already face the issue of broken down equipment. Do not defund the men and women who put their lives on the line for ours!
I support the Phoenix PD. The city needs these officers. The year 2020 has been tough, but the Phoenix PD has kept the streets safe through covid19 and now through the riots and the looting. They put their lives on the line every single time they put on their uniform. Yet the choose to continue to do it day in and day out for the good of the city and it’s people. The officers deserve more, please fund the Phoenix Police Department.
I support funding this budget. Phoenix Police Department need our support! The department is understaffed as it stands and had been underpaid for many for many years. Our community deserves the best police department out there, the only way it can be achieved is by proper funding, giving them the resources, manpower and technology. Not approving the budget will only bring a negative impact in our communities.
Our community supports funding Phoenix PD. The budget can contribute to fund more officers (of all races, let's make that a priority), training (this can include important topics on implicit bias, the history of police brutality, & community relations), & equipment to help support officers, which in turn helps the community. Phoenix PD is already short staffed, so funding is needed to keep the community safe. Taking their budget does not help the community, rather it inhibits growth in many ways
Phoenix PD NEEDS our Support.
I 100% support this budget. Why would we penalize our men in blue. We must continue to support our Phoenix Police Officers. Please make the right decisions and pass this budget. Our men and women in blue deserve it!!!
We want proper training from our police, but cutting budgets will do the opposite. The police protect our communities and make sure they are safe. This will only bring vulnerability to the police department and make for an even more unstable environment.
These officers are already understaffed and working with broken down equipment. They are on the front lines protecting and keeping peace. Given today’s climate it is more imperative than ever that they have the staffing and funding they need. For the good and safety of the community and the officers themselves it would be irresponsible not to pass this budget.
I fully support the Phoenix PD. Phx PD has been understaffed for years with city boundaries expanding and population growth. People have no idea the calls our officers deal with every day - homicides, dead bodies, traffic deaths, drugs, PD shields us from the crimes every day all while having targets on their backs. Case loads for detectives are high and it only delays the prosecution of child abusers, sex offenders, human traffickers, murderers, etc. phx pd needs more funding not less!!!
We treat the police like a Swiss army knife that fixes all problems. If we want to reduce crime, that money would be better allocated towards community development and non-violent intervention rather than increased punatative measures that disproportionately affect already vulnerable populations.
I support not taking away money from the safety in our community- also known as the police department. 25 percent budget reduction means less officers responding and longer wait times, which means crime goes unchecked. Penalizing the police department penalizes the community’s safety. Do not take away needed money from our police department!
The police department needs this budget desperately. In a ever growing city (fifth largest in the country) yet a department that is smaller than many other large cities. The budget must see this growth which would fund more officers, training, and equipment to help support our officers which in turn helps the community become safer. Along with all this is the fact that with this budget the departments cases can be solved at a faster rate assisting in victim closure and justice.
Please do not listen to the criminal extremists that attacked and destroyed businesses and physically assaulted multiple officers who kept the peace and criminal damage to a minimum. Phx pd already has in place multiple citizen oversight committees regarding use of force and discipline along with a citizens academy but certain counsel members want to waste money and cause harm to the community which they are supposed to be serving. Officers provide amazing service and support to all residents.