Meeting Time: June 08, 2020 at 11:00am MST
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Agenda Item

2 Reconsideration of Item 44 from the June 3, 2020 Formal Council Meeting - Adoption of the Tentative 2020-21 Annual Budget (Ordinance S-46650)

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    KL Mang over 4 years ago

    The staffing is just barely getting to an acceptable level for our department. Taking away funding will only hurt citizens by; slower response times, less crisis response, and crime suppression. By cutting funding you are hurting the residence that deserve the right to feel safe and supported. Less funding will also take us back after our forward strides, seeing as we have completed implicit bias training/crisis response etc. Do not cut funding.

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    Andi Hensen over 4 years ago

    Our communities depend on our officers to protect our citizens and property. The police department depends on their budget to be able to recruit and retain high quality officers, provide training and community outreach programs, and the proper equipment to keep our officers safe and accountable to the communities they serve. Defunding the police department will create an unsafe environment and adversely effect the residents and visitors to Phoenix. I support our Phoenix Police Department!

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    Mindy Danaher over 4 years ago

    I support fully finding the police department.

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    Timothy Fine over 4 years ago

    Keep the projected budget as it is. Our city's police department is finally starting to recover from the 8 year hiring freeze of 2008-2015. Any reduction in funding will spread dangerously thin patrol staffing and prevent timely investigations by detectives, leave officers without needed equipment, and reduce training. This will negatively affect the quality of life so many of the citizens who call our great city home. Do not bow to the nonsense demands of activists. Fully fund public safety!

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    Christina Rice over 4 years ago

    Cops deserve training, tools, and safety.

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    Margaret Cassidy over 4 years ago

    Please do not defund the Police Department. Staffing shortages already have created an increase in response time which is critical to citizens in emergencies situations. Councilman Garcia and his radical supporters intend to destroy our city by defunding the Department. Criminals will be able to run unopposed and we the public will suffer. We have a great Police Department who have worked extremely hard to protect us all! Do what is right for all citizens and fund the budget as submitted.

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    Michelle Holub over 4 years ago

    Please don’t cut funding for the police department. Doing so would be unsafe for our families, communities and police officers that are already working hard.

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    Ibarra Ramirez over 4 years ago

    I support the Budget as it is written. Activist groups run by a councilman do not speak for the majority of the citizens of the City. who will respond to a mass shooting incident? Phx had to assist GPD in the last one. Is this retaliation by the councilman that was stopped cited where he vowed to remove the police? If this councilman is involved with group poder, is it ethical for him to vote in this matter? Should he recuse himself from the vote? Will this open up the City for a lawsuit?

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    Paulina Zubikarai over 4 years ago

    This budget must pass with full funding of the police department. The Phoenix Police Department has been short-staffed and over-worked for so many years thereby affecting the enforcement of the law and prosecution of crimes. We need a strong police department that can work in collaboration with other law enforcement and prosecutorial agencies to uphold the rule of law.

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    David Peddicord over 4 years ago

    I support the Phoenix PD and support the budget.

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    Tom Tardy over 4 years ago

    More money needs to be spent on public safety. Public safety is still trying to recover and hire from the failure of city council and city manager during the financial crises. The constant attacks on public safety are uncalled for and frankly causing us all to be less safe because people are choosing not to have a career in public safety. NEVER before in Phoenix has there been riots like the ones we have seen until recently!

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    Marcia Florian over 4 years ago

    Adopt the Tentative 2020-21 Annual Budget as written. Do not touch 1 red cent of the Police Budget. Councilman Garcia has proved himself to be an anti-police bigot. He has stirred up a small group of people with incredibly large and loud mouths who know not what they are saying. Our Phoenix Neighborhoods love their Police Department and depend on them for their safety and security. Any reduction in budget will hurt this city and will cost my vote for the Mayor during the next election.

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    Kenneth Lapka over 4 years ago

    Please fully fund our police department. Do not allow a vocal radical minority, who's goal is to abolish police departments nationwide, sway your vote. Not fully funding the police will not only punish the department for the misdeeds, real or perceived, of a few but will put our most vulnerable citizens in danger and will cause our city's economy to suffer. Please do the right thing.

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    Daniel Bill over 4 years ago

    Pleas adopt the current budget. As a taxpayer, Public Safety is my biggest concern. If you decrease the budget, crime WILL rise. The Department will not be able to keep its existing employees, much less hire and train new ones. Current training of officers is expensive and this will adversely affect them.

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    Carolyn Chambers over 4 years ago

    In my opinion, the last thing to do is de-fund the Phoenix PD. I can't think of any benefit this would accomplish. Perhaps if the department would be fully staffed with experienced officers, we wouldn't be in this current situation.

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    Nikole Mc over 4 years ago

    Phoenix PD should keep its funding! People already complain enough about a lack of police presence, the wait time, the training, calling 911 and being put on hold. These things can be resolved with Phoenix being allowed to KEEP THEIR BUDGET! Had the unforseen events come at a different time, you wouldn't even consider cutting the budget! We NEED police officers. Cutting the budget will only make things worse, not better.

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    Carol Smart over 4 years ago

    I support fully funding the police. You should all be supporting the police or you are the problem. I want to know who you are going to call when you need help. You were elected to represent the people in your district not the small amount of people that are putting pressure on you now. So the police are there to protect and serve and they are doing their job, now do yours. It sickens me how the police are being treated

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    Samantha Hershauer over 4 years ago

    We need to be taking steps to reform and improve the community itself, as well as hold police accountable. This would be best accomplished by allocating more funding to education, health, enrichment, and OAT. Furthermore, to reduce the Phoenix PD budget is not to leave officers stranded — it is to encourage active thought and consideration into how money is being managed and what programs/materials are genuinely necessary vs. harmful.

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    Kevin Lawrence over 4 years ago

    I oppose a budget that does not allocate full funding for OAT and law enforcement oversight; Phoenix needs to be an example of civil justice done right, and it starts with holding our police to a higher standard. Defunding our PD is just the beginning of what we can do to step up for the Black community, allocating more funds to educational programs and services that benefit Phoenix's communities that deserve better. Law enforcement needs wholesale overdue change, which needs to start today.

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    ME O over 4 years ago

    The current system oversight of the PHX PD is not enough. I support a better funded Office of Accountability and Transparency. Stop allowing low accountability for a force that is meant to serve the people.