Youth programs and mental programs should have substantial increase in funding. The OAT and CRB should be fully funded as a commitment to address the concerns of the community, especially that which is affected the most, and not the silent portion that is content with insufficient funding because they feel they have nothing to fear because of their affluence.
I understand that we already have a citizens review board in effect, so why take MUCH NEEDED money away from Phoenix PD? We need a fully funded police department to serve and protect our communities from the wide-spread crime that exists. The PD is running on a shoestring budget with our protectors underpaid, and their equipment in need of replacement. Taking away funding is insulting and ludicrous, and will lead to future civil liability lawsuits. DO NOT TAKE FUNDS FROM OUR POLICE OFFICERS!
Any police department budget should meet the following conditions.
1. A million dollar boost, w/ a plan for annual increases, to the budget of Office of Accountability & Transparency (OAT)
2. Expanding mission of OAT to review/veto appropriations to and within the PD.
3. A budget for OAT to develop in-department programming.
4. An OAT-approved plan to demilitarize the PD.
5. Funding a long-term (ASU-partnered?) sociological study of PD norms, needs, and culture, w/ results informing PD policy.
The City Managers budget MUST be approved as presented. The police dept needs the full budget to ensure a proper level of public safety. The nay sayers make up maybe .05% of the total population, but are the loudest. The council needs to remember that there is a silent majority who expects professional service from the officers and detectives and are watching how you do your job. They also vote and you may be out of a job if you dont represent ALL residents.
I strongly oppose any defunding in any way from our Phoenix police department. This is one of the dumbest things that the council has brought up in recent memory. Please pass the budget as agreed to. Our brave officers deserve our respect and support. Taking money away from law enforcement will make our city less safe and a dangerous place to live.
Phoenicians deserve better than a deadly police force. By diverting Phoenix PD's budget increase and reinvesting in social services, we can cut out many of the issues in our city that would need policing. We don't need armed, aggressive cops to take care of things like our homeless population, domestic disputes, or traffic stops. Deaths like that of George Floyd happen ALL THE TIME and are preventable by investing in our communities instead of a police system that values property over lives.
Please fund the Phoenix Police Dept. with more funds, We need more officers to keep us safe, The cost are more now ,
considering the need for more officers, more cameras in the near future. We do not need OAT, that would be a waste
of time and $$ we already have a review board with citizens on it . Thank you.
I am in opposition to the budget as it stands. We need to re-allocate a portion of the funds from public safety, more specifically the Phoenix PD to re-invest in community development and community enrichment. Community development and enrichment are woefully underfunded and the programs and services that actually help to serve the most vulnerable in our Phoenix community. The Phoenix PD neither serves nor protects and criminalizes those who need community outreach services.
A defunding of the police department would make our community unsafer and , at a greater risk than they already are due to understaffing. Hiring, programs, training, equipment, and other essentials will disappear with a reduction in the budget. PPD is understaffed and underpaid in comparison to LEO in similar sized cities. I want more #’s of officers patrolling the streets taking enforcement action so it’s safer for them and citizens. The budget allows for detective staffing for solving crimes.
Phoenix PD, without any doubt, needs to be funded. Police constantly perform in a high-risk, high-liability capacity that most civilians could not fathom. It is unfortunate that good police officers with great experience would choose to retire/resign due to the political nature and lack of support for this profession. The work environment is not getting any easier. Please continue to fund Phoenix PD.
Reallocate funds from the police dept's budget to fully fund OAT/CRB and invest $25M into social services for our communities. And fire police chief Jeri Williams while you're at it.
I support the full funding of the Police Department. To cut funding is irresponsible and reckless. The Police are already undermanned. To cut funding is completely nearsighted. Do not bend to the socialists who have little understanding or regard for public safety.
First read the comments, don’t just count the positions, Many of the comments that support a full police budget are marked “oppose” meaning they oppose a budget cut. The police and fire must be fully funded if we want to attract the type of men and women we all need. This is a difficult profession that becomes more so daily. If the compensation isn’t adequate, the quality of the workforce will suffer. Do what we all need and deserve, fully fund the police and fire budget.
To approve a budget that will further hinder and hamper those sworn to serve and protect or those who arrive to battles flames would put this city, and all of the lives within, at risk. All lives matter. And to approve this budget would be a critical disservice to all.
The budget needs to be passed and the Police Department needs to be fully funded. The Phoenix Police are already understaffed and under equipped as is. Not passing the budget would be a huge disservice to the citizens of Phoenix.
Youth programs and mental programs should have substantial increase in funding. The OAT and CRB should be fully funded as a commitment to address the concerns of the community, especially that which is affected the most, and not the silent portion that is content with insufficient funding because they feel they have nothing to fear because of their affluence.
Keep Phoenix PD fully funded!
I understand that we already have a citizens review board in effect, so why take MUCH NEEDED money away from Phoenix PD? We need a fully funded police department to serve and protect our communities from the wide-spread crime that exists. The PD is running on a shoestring budget with our protectors underpaid, and their equipment in need of replacement. Taking away funding is insulting and ludicrous, and will lead to future civil liability lawsuits. DO NOT TAKE FUNDS FROM OUR POLICE OFFICERS!
Any police department budget should meet the following conditions.
1. A million dollar boost, w/ a plan for annual increases, to the budget of Office of Accountability & Transparency (OAT)
2. Expanding mission of OAT to review/veto appropriations to and within the PD.
3. A budget for OAT to develop in-department programming.
4. An OAT-approved plan to demilitarize the PD.
5. Funding a long-term (ASU-partnered?) sociological study of PD norms, needs, and culture, w/ results informing PD policy.
The City Managers budget MUST be approved as presented. The police dept needs the full budget to ensure a proper level of public safety. The nay sayers make up maybe .05% of the total population, but are the loudest. The council needs to remember that there is a silent majority who expects professional service from the officers and detectives and are watching how you do your job. They also vote and you may be out of a job if you dont represent ALL residents.
I strongly oppose any defunding in any way from our Phoenix police department. This is one of the dumbest things that the council has brought up in recent memory. Please pass the budget as agreed to. Our brave officers deserve our respect and support. Taking money away from law enforcement will make our city less safe and a dangerous place to live.
Phoenicians deserve better than a deadly police force. By diverting Phoenix PD's budget increase and reinvesting in social services, we can cut out many of the issues in our city that would need policing. We don't need armed, aggressive cops to take care of things like our homeless population, domestic disputes, or traffic stops. Deaths like that of George Floyd happen ALL THE TIME and are preventable by investing in our communities instead of a police system that values property over lives.
Please fund the Phoenix Police Dept. with more funds, We need more officers to keep us safe, The cost are more now ,
considering the need for more officers, more cameras in the near future. We do not need OAT, that would be a waste
of time and $$ we already have a review board with citizens on it . Thank you.
I am in opposition to the budget as it stands. We need to re-allocate a portion of the funds from public safety, more specifically the Phoenix PD to re-invest in community development and community enrichment. Community development and enrichment are woefully underfunded and the programs and services that actually help to serve the most vulnerable in our Phoenix community. The Phoenix PD neither serves nor protects and criminalizes those who need community outreach services.
A defunding of the police department would make our community unsafer and , at a greater risk than they already are due to understaffing. Hiring, programs, training, equipment, and other essentials will disappear with a reduction in the budget. PPD is understaffed and underpaid in comparison to LEO in similar sized cities. I want more #’s of officers patrolling the streets taking enforcement action so it’s safer for them and citizens. The budget allows for detective staffing for solving crimes.
Phoenix PD, without any doubt, needs to be funded. Police constantly perform in a high-risk, high-liability capacity that most civilians could not fathom. It is unfortunate that good police officers with great experience would choose to retire/resign due to the political nature and lack of support for this profession. The work environment is not getting any easier. Please continue to fund Phoenix PD.
Reallocate funds from the police dept's budget to fully fund OAT/CRB and invest $25M into social services for our communities. And fire police chief Jeri Williams while you're at it.
I support the Phoenix PD and believe it would be irresponsible to lower their funding. We need them to be well funded and supported by our community.
I support the full funding of the Police Department. To cut funding is irresponsible and reckless. The Police are already undermanned. To cut funding is completely nearsighted. Do not bend to the socialists who have little understanding or regard for public safety.
First read the comments, don’t just count the positions, Many of the comments that support a full police budget are marked “oppose” meaning they oppose a budget cut. The police and fire must be fully funded if we want to attract the type of men and women we all need. This is a difficult profession that becomes more so daily. If the compensation isn’t adequate, the quality of the workforce will suffer. Do what we all need and deserve, fully fund the police and fire budget.
Phoenix police need our love and support! Don't make their job any harder than it already is!!
To approve a budget that will further hinder and hamper those sworn to serve and protect or those who arrive to battles flames would put this city, and all of the lives within, at risk. All lives matter. And to approve this budget would be a critical disservice to all.
I support the Phoenix PD and believe it would be irresponsible to lower their funding.
We need our police and I support a full budget for the Police Department for 20-21. Do not defund the people who keep us safe.
The budget needs to be passed and the Police Department needs to be fully funded. The Phoenix Police are already understaffed and under equipped as is. Not passing the budget would be a huge disservice to the citizens of Phoenix.