Meeting Time: June 08, 2020 at 11:00am MST
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Agenda Item

2 Reconsideration of Item 44 from the June 3, 2020 Formal Council Meeting - Adoption of the Tentative 2020-21 Annual Budget (Ordinance S-46650)

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    Donna Gerdes over 4 years ago


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    Jen Munoz over 4 years ago

    I strongly support the current funding for first responders, including the police officers and fire fighters. When civilians need help and call 911, the police officers and fire fighters are always there to assist. If we call 911 in the future and do not have access to the first responders, what will civilians do then? Now more than ever, we need more funding to assist in improving better outcomes for our community.

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    Cameron McAllister over 4 years ago

    As a lifelong Phoenician, I oppose the current $944.7MM proposed to go toward the Phoenix PD, one of the most violent departments in the US. No other profession would reward abuse of power in this way. Defund Phoenix PD by at least 25% and invest in programs like housing, community centers, and lifelong education that are PROVEN to actually reduce crime and keep our communities safe. If people don't feel safe when cops are around, why keep reinforcing the destructive capacity of Phoenix PD?

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    Laura Helton over 4 years ago

    I support the current budget as is because in order to improve training and provide quality service to the city, the money is absolutely needed for the phoenix police and fire department. Most of the people commenting on here are not even from Arizona. You cannot be for improvements and for defunding.

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    Alisa Richelle over 4 years ago

    I support the current budget as is because in order to improve training and provide quality service to the city, the money is absolutely needed for the phoenix police and fire department. Most of the people commenting on here are not even from Arizona. You cannot be for improvements and for defunding.

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    Leah Vaidya over 4 years ago

    I oppose the current proposed $944,680,555 allocated to the public safety department for the 2020-21 fiscal year. Our community asks that you redirect funds to programs that aimed at healing and educating our community. PHX PD is ranked disgustingly high for police violence and it's clear that diversifying and various training IS NOT ENOUGH. The people of phoenix deserve more— better police alternatives and investments in actually helping the community: mental health, housing, healthcare, etc.

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    Alexis Rainery over 4 years ago

    I oppose the current proposed budget. The Phoenix Police should be defunded by at least 25%. Defunding the police is the first step toward creating safer communities. As police terrorize and incite violent across the country this month, there is no reason to give them additional resources. This sort of behavior wouldn't be wouldn't be rewarded for any other profession, so why do we continue to reward police with bigger budgets?

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    Melyssa Hightower over 4 years ago

    I strongly oppose the proposed $944,680,555 for our public safety department for the 2020-21 fiscal year. Our community is asking that you instead increase the proposed $24,760,742 and $26,837,014 budgets for community development and community enrichment. We must prioritize healing and growth in our community over further militarization of our police force. It's time to focus on sustainable communities, justice, and dismantling systematic oppression and police brutality.

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    Elizabeth Thomas over 4 years ago

    I strongly oppose the proposed $944,680,555 for our public safety department for the 2020-21 fiscal year. Our community is asking that you instead increase the proposed $24,760,742 and $26,837,014 budgets for community development and community enrichment. We must prioritize healing and growth in our community over further militarization of our police force. It's time to focus on sustainable communities, justice, and dismantling systematic oppression and police brutality.

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    Steffi Faircloth over 4 years ago

    I strongly oppose the current proposed budget. We need more civilian and public oversight of police and law enforcement misconduct, especially now during a global pandemic. The Office of Accountability and Transparency would account for roughly 0.03% of the city's budget. Therefore, THE LEAST YOU CAN DO IS FUND OAT! Pretty sure our militarized police force can withstand a budget cut when they already account for 60% of the city’s entire budget.

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    Doug Woodmansee over 4 years ago

    This is a recipe for disaster

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    Adam Melder over 4 years ago

    Additional funds should be used to buy more cops not military gear. It is more apparent now than ever that citizen oversight of the police is required. Adequately funding the OAT and the CRB will ensure they are structured for success. Transparency equals accountability and will enhance community police relations. Better relations enlist communities help in reducing officer stress, increase safety, and help society uphold its end of the social contract with all members of the community.

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    Robin Cotto over 4 years ago

    I implore the council to pass the city budget as-is! Our Phoenix Police Dept is in desperate need of new hires, updated equipment and training!!

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    keegan oliver over 4 years ago

    Support police funding

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    Amy Gunns over 4 years ago

    I support the annual budget. I do not support the initiative to defund the Phx. Police department. I appose the OAT being funded at the cost of the Phx. police department. Loss of this funding puts civilians’ lives in jeopardy. Loss of this funding will negatively impact our communities. This is a direct attack on our brave men and women in blue. Do not undermine our communities by taking away this funding.

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    Tim MM over 4 years ago

    This budget needs to pas as it was submitted. Adding another civilian over sight committee to a department that already has one is silly. They started with one amount and now they want 4 times that. How much more will they want next year, and next? Enough wasteful spending. The only logical thing to do is increase police funding so they are better equipped to do their job safely.

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    Alexis Finney over 4 years ago

    I strongly oppose the budget as it stands. Please opt to re-allocate a portion of the funds from public safety, more specifically the Phoenix PD to re-invest in community development and community enrichment.

    Phoenix PD is ranked the highest in the country for police killing civilians. We need policing alternatives. Please invest in mental health, education, after-school care, adequate housing, healthcare, and employment opportunities.

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    Kathy Nakagawa over 4 years ago

    Reallocate funds from the Phx PD to neighborhood and community services and to fund OAT. The costs to settle cases caused by Phx PD misconduct and brutality have averaged over $2 million a year in the past 10 years and these costs will only grow without significant reforms in the Phx PD. OAT is one step toward long-overdue reforms.

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    Ian McEwan over 4 years ago

    I support defunding the Phx PD by $25 million and reallocated to community development and enrichment. Other changes:
    -A $2 million increase in funding to Office of Accountability & Transparency (OAT) and a yearly increase
    -With OAT, a plan to demilitarize the PD
    -More civilian and OAT auditing of body cams and review of conduct
    -All of PD req. annual de-escalation and diversity training.
    -Independent criminal investigation of any officer involved in any PD shooting or act of violence.

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    Roberta Draghi over 4 years ago

    What will it take to help the city council to understand what is at risk? Will it take one of their family or close friend being harmed because there was no response to their cry of help; no justice after wards because not enough detectives, due to cutbacks from reduced budget, so little detecting going on. PPD already down 800 positions. And the council is ok with this? I pray you never have to he on the receiving end of a criminal encounter!