Meeting Time: June 17, 2020 at 2:30pm MST
Note: The online Request to Speak window has expired.
The online Comment window has expired

Agenda Item

24 Adoption of the Final 2020-21 Operating Funds Budget (Ordinance S-46715) ***ADDITIONAL INFORMATION (SEE MEMO)***

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    Jessica Rothwell over 4 years ago

    There is no reason for the council to allocate $744 million for the deadliest police force in the country when that money can better serve giving back to our community. Proper social services, adequate healthcare and housing for all, equal access to education and libraries - these are things that keep our communities safe, not police. The Phoenix PD only serves to terrorize our citizens and uphold an inherently racist system. Real, systemic change starts with defunding the police.

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    Cameron McAllister over 4 years ago

    My name is Cameron McAllister, I am a current resident of Tempe but I will be moving back to my hometown of Phoenix in the fall. As a longtime voter and community members I urge the council to vote No on the proposed budget. We need to allocate our funds to social services, and discontinue funding the Phoenix police department by a minimum of twenty-five percent. State violence is not the answer to keeping our communities safe; strengthening our communities at the roots is.

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    Melinda Hickcox over 4 years ago

    As a resident of Phoenix I ask that you defund police and reallocate those funds to education, mental health services, and social work. We cannot continue to fund the deadliest police force while Arizona’s education system continuously suffers. Teachers deserve raises and students deserve better resources and opportunities.

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    Alyssa Smith over 4 years ago

    My name is Alyssa Smith and I am a Phoenix resident and I strongly oppose the allocation of over $700 million to the deadliest police force in the country, the Phoenix PD. Instead the money MUST be divided amongst community, social, and educational services. This is truly the only way to protect and service the people of this city. Please show you actually give a crap about us and oppose this budget. Do the right thing, show the world that Phx can do better than murdering its ppl in the streets.

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    Brian Heck over 4 years ago

    My name is Brian Heck and I am a resident of Phoenix. I implore you to vote NO on the current proposed police dept budget.The money must be allocated to community resources not the PPD. You must do what is right for the community, not the already hidiously militant PPD that targets People of color, Queer people, people with mental health issues and individuals living in poverty.You were elected to act upon the community, now is the time to do your job and make it right! Defund the PPD! Vote NO!

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    Jennifer Clowery over 4 years ago

    My name is Jennifer Clowery and I’m a Phoenix resident in District 4. I demand that the City Council vote NO on the 2020-21 budget on June 17th. Phoenix needs more social services and community development programs, not an increase in police funding. The $745 million spent by the council on policing should be moved to solving the increasing homeless problem in The Zone, which is an absolute and utter travesty happening right before the eyes of everyone who lives in this city.

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    Nancy Galindo Lopez over 4 years ago

    My name is Nancy Galindo Lopez and I oppose the increase in budget to PHX PD, I would like to see the money redirected to community enrichment program and to education in this state, which is one of the lowest in education funding.

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    Emily Giel over 4 years ago

    My name is Emily Giel and I’m a Phoenix resident. I urge you to vote NO and reallocate the enormous PPD budget back to the community. The PPD is one of the most violent in the country, and it is no longer serving and protecting the people as promised. Prioritize the people in your city who you’ve promised to serve, not a violent police force.

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    Michael Smedley over 4 years ago

    My name is Michael Smedley and I am a resident of Phoenix.I oppose increasing the police department budget!The $25 million must be invested in community resources not a militarized city police department that actively targets Black People, People of Color, Immigrants, Queer People and People living in Poverty.More police do NOT make us safer! Better armed police are an active danger to our constitutional freedoms. Defund the police and make it right! VOTE NO!

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    Erin Moser over 4 years ago

    The fundings need to be distributed for additional resources not just police.

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    Vanessa Angel over 4 years ago

    Hello my name is Vanessa Angel. I am asking that the city council vote NO. It is alarming that the council would to increase a budget for PHX PD while knowing that Arizona is ranked 48th out of 50 states in education and currently holds the HIGHEST number of reported cases for COVID-19. How dare you? It is quite obvious that funds should be redirected towards education or funding for PPE for medical professional. Why give one of the most violent police forces in the country more money? VOTE NO.

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    Tom Coffeen over 4 years ago

    My name is Tom Coffeen. I’m a lifelong Phoenix resident living in district 4.

    I demand that the City Council vote NO on the 2020-21 budget on June 17th. Phoenix needs more affordable housing and rental assistance and mental health and youth programs, NOT an increase in police funding. Especially in the middle of a pandemic, only $242 million to housing, human services, and community development is NOT enough. The $745 million spent by the council on policing should be moved to human services.

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    Allyson Yoder over 4 years ago

    I strongly oppose the proposed budget allocating a full 42% of the city’s general funds to the Phoenix Police Department. Our community desperately needs more funding for affordable housing, mental health and youth programs, human services, and community and economic development. We do not need more money for police!

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    Eva Hanson over 4 years ago

    Stop rewarding police brutality with increased funding. Defund the police and put that money into our states education, which is one of the lowest ranked in the country.

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    Stephanie Lucas over 4 years ago

    Look at it this way: A move to share some of the responsibilities that the Phoenix PD has had to undertake (not only in Phoenix, but across the country) would mean reallocating funding towards programs like mental health, youth programs, human services, and community/economic development. If someone in need could call a social worker or mental health clinician instead of the police, the outcomes in our communities would be much more positive and would alleviate some of the burden on our police.

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    Carson Sheppard over 4 years ago

    The police are already overly funded in our current budget. Please invest what you would into funding police unions and munitions towards helping our homeless community receive mental health assistance or growing youth programs. Police have shown that they misuse resources allocated to them and that they always want more. People with a mindset like this have no place being heavily armed with cash. $745 million is an egregious amount, and I beg that you reduce this sum and invest in Arizona.

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    Katie Sawyer over 4 years ago

    Please do not increase funding for Phoenix PD. Spending 42% of the budget on a police department that is clearly inept at handling community issues is a waste of taxpayer money. Instead, please fund programs for affordable housing, domestic violence, mental health and youth programs. Provide adequate services for addiction, abuse and homelessness. The police are not equipped to serve the community, and the community does not want to be served by those who show up with guns in their hands.

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    Andy McCoy over 4 years ago

    My name is Andy McCoy, I am a District #6 voter. I request the City Council reconsider currently planned budget allocations. Specifically, the Council should introduce a budget that significantly cuts police-related funding and earmarks it for community investment, housing, public education and social services. Budget cuts are already going to negatively impact Phoenix's most-vulnerable citizens; offsetting those cuts with re-distributed funding could meaningfully improve peoples' lives.

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    Sarai Richter over 4 years ago

    My name is Sarai Richter, Phoenix district 8#. I demand that the City Council vote NO on the 2020-21 budget. Phoenix needs more education programs, affordable housing, and mental health service, not an increase in police funding. Especially in the middle of a pandemic, only $242 million to housing, human services, and community development is NOT enough. The $745 million spent by the council on policing should be moved to helping vulnerable populations in our communities are hurting right now.

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    Shari Griswold over 4 years ago

    Why are we looking at a budget where the PD gets 42% of the funds while other departments are being asked to make cuts due to COVID? We demand that our city invests in our community by reallocating funds to affordable housing, mental health and youth programs, human services, and community and economic development. I want to live in a city that supports its residents, fund our community, not just the PD.