Meeting Time: June 17, 2020 at 2:30pm MST
Note: The online Request to Speak window has expired.
The online Comment window has expired

Agenda Item

24 Adoption of the Final 2020-21 Operating Funds Budget (Ordinance S-46715) ***ADDITIONAL INFORMATION (SEE MEMO)***

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    Brennan Clary over 4 years ago

    I oppose the adoption of this budget because of the funds for PHX PD. It's time to re-route those funds directly to the COMMUNITIES that need it! Police don't make Phoenix nieghborhoods safer, RESOURCES make Phoenix neighborhoods safer. Please do the right thing for the people of Phoenix!

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    Heather Marek over 4 years ago

    I am requesting that you vote note on the $744 million budget for the Phx PD. Instead of funding the police department, consider funding other groups that could peacefully serve our community. Fund mental health & domestic violence programs, community food groups, and services that support our unhoused community. The police department in Phoenix has a reputation for bringing unneeded aggression to low-level violations. Consider the examples of Dravon Ames and Muhammad Muhaymin.

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    Nick Palmer over 4 years ago

    The Phoenix PD doesn't need this excessive amount of money in the 20-21 budget. Our police force is one of the most violent in the country. Move that money that you have projected for the police officers to community-run services. Public housing and food service for the homeless, mental health advocates, social workers can do what we needed from the police without force or violence!

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    Christopher Pratt over 4 years ago

    The Phoenix police are getting an outrageous percentage of the city's budget, of our tax dollars, our money. I want my money being allocated for pro-community, pro-social programs not just using cops to sweep "problems" under the rug, abuse Phoenix citizens, and kill people. Spend money on enriching Phoenix, not debasing its people.

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    Alyssa Gerkin over 4 years ago

    As a resident of Phoenix Council District 3, I strongly oppose this budget as is and assert that it is time for Phx City Council to redirect funds from the $744 million allocated to Phoenix PD to mental health and other community services that can strengthen our city and address crime at its root, thus countering the need for policing.

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    Brendan Adame over 4 years ago

    I oppose agenda item 24, and any motion designed to increase funding for Phoenix Police. Alternatively, priority should be placed in increasing the budgets for infrastructure, mental health services, homelessness services, and community-run oversight boards for police misconduct.

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    Cole LarsonWhittaker over 4 years ago

    As elected officials you choose to fund an organization that systematically targets black and brown people and uses violence and intimidation and murder to “police“ these communities. You continue to allow ICE to work with the police and ICE has a track record of abuse neglect and war crimes against the immigrants they detain. PHX PD are known killers. the bodies don’t lie
    The statistics don’t lie Why would you, as elected officials choose to continue to fund these murders?

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    Steph Doheny over 4 years ago

    I urge all city council members to vote NO on this budget and support defunding the police. That funding should be reallocated to education, social services, housing, and other services for improving the community.

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    KatieLee Faulkner over 4 years ago

    Hello, I am commenting to OPPOSE agenda item #24. Phoenix PD is DEADLY and we must absolutely move dollars away from the police and into our communities instead. There is no reason that the police deserve an additional $744 million. Please listen to your community — we have been peacefully protesting for WEEKS, and we have elected you to listen to our voices.

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    Quincy Long over 4 years ago

    As a life-long Phoenician, I am strongly urging you to vote NO on the proposed budget as it stands. It is time to reconsider Phoenix's priorities and become a national leader. Unfortunately, our police department is a nation disgrace and it is time to reallocate their funds to community-based initiatives that will revive our communities and prevent crime. Please know that we will take note of our cote on this budget and vote accordingly.

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    Maranda Whitey over 4 years ago

    I oppose this budget and support defunding the police. That funding should be reallocated to education, social services, housing, and other services for improving the community.

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    Jordan Barton over 4 years ago

    I am a resident of district 8 and I strongly oppose this budget proposal. It has been proven time and time again that increasing police budgets does not decrease police-caused shootings and deaths. I urge you to reallocate our money into our social and human services. The majority of crimes that are committed occur because a need is not being met- by reallocating these funds into our community, the needs of so many more can be met.

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    Gabriel Escudero over 4 years ago

    Defund the Police

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    Brandon McMahon over 4 years ago

    As a Phoenix resident, I strongly oppose the proposed budget as it is listed - particularly the $744M allocated to Phoenix PD. Those funds should be reallocated to more proactive solutions, and away from the reactive fix that is the police. Our community is starved for real reform and funding social alternatives, other than overspending on Phoenix PD, would go a long way.

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    Jhonny Alvarez over 4 years ago

    As a resident of Phoenix, I strongly oppose the budget allocated towards Phoenix PD. Instead, I urge our council members to reallocate the funds towards housing, transit and social services for under served communities. Phoenix PD does not serve the best interests of Phoenix residents.

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    Kaitlyn Chapman over 4 years ago

    I’m a Phoenix resident in District #4 (the only council member who actually replied to my email about this.) I demand the City Council vote No on the proposed 2020-2021 budget. Our community needs more funding for affordable housing & rental assistance, mental health & youth programs, human services, community & economic development! NOT the police! Your community is the one who keeps you in office. If you don’t remember that you work for us - we will vote you out.

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    Sarah Schulhauser over 4 years ago

    I am a resident of District 4 and I strongly oppose $744 million to Phoenix police. These funds will be a greater benefit to Phoenix residents if they are allocated to public health and safety including affordable housing, mental health programs, recycling initiatives and public spaces, as well as education.

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    Madison Stratford over 4 years ago

    As a constituent in District 5, I strongly oppose the budget as it stands. The concept that police keep community safe is a neo-conservative illusion that emphasizes punitive measures over rehabilitative measures. We need more funding for community-based services that help clothe, feed, educate, and house the most vulnerable. Qualitative and quantitative research has shown investment in community outreach is less expensive and more effective in the long term than investing in the police.

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    Keith Williams over 4 years ago

    My name is Keith Williams and am a resident of Phoenix since 2013. We have some of the worst education funding, a heartbreaking homeless problem, inadequate public transportation, etc., yet you are still trying to overfund the police. A police force, mind you, that has some of the worst statistics for violence against the citizens it’s supposed to protect. I’m in strong opposition. To this proposed budget. Reallocate the police budget to community enrichment sections of the budget.

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    veronica duarte over 4 years ago

    I am a District 7 resident of Phoenix, whose ancestory roots starts on this very territory, and I strongly oppose the Phoenix police budget and demand that the City Council vote NO. Monies need to be reallocated to social services and programs in community development & enrichment, education, housing, and healthcare. We need more social services, not more PD.