Meeting Time: December 09, 2020 at 9:00am MST
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Agenda Item

7 Protest Update

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    PR Tyson almost 4 years ago

    We don’t need a ‘protest update.’ We need an update on what is being done to reduce the harm and power the Phoenix Police Department abuses to attack, arrest, and kill our community. That is what the community needs. We are asking council members to stop aligning with one of the most violent forces in the nation and instead stand in solidarity with the people. What measures are being taken and what has worked because arresting and murdering people is not working for the community

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    Kimberlee Adkins almost 4 years ago

    We don't see anything on the agenda that reflects the true problems that affect our community. We have been talking about PPD’s violent treatment and are consistently ignored. Now our people brave enough to protest this treatment are being targeted, attacked and caged in an attempt to silence us so your tactics don’t have to change. This is NONSENSE City Council!

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    Elena Pierson almost 4 years ago

    This is unjust and we will not stand for it. Your job is to serve the people, start acting like it. Our tax dollars are being spent egregiously. Drop the charges.

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    Tina Luna almost 4 years ago

    Shame on the PPD, MCAO and PHX City Council - The protests in Phoenix and other cities in AZ aren’t the problem. We don’t need a ‘protest update.’ We need an update on what is being done to reduce the harm and power the Phoenix Police Department abuses to attack, arrest, and kill our community. We are asking council members to stop aligning with one of the most violent forces in the nation and instead stand in solidarity with the people. This is NONSENSE City Council!

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    Macie Berlin almost 4 years ago

    The Phoenix Police Department has spent time, resources and effort on silencing voices that are non-violently and proactively speaking up about the very real issue of this abuse of power against PoC. The PPD has intimidated, criminalized and used force against organized leaders, allies and participants throughout the summer and fall despite our right to protest. The update needs to be about how these officers are being held accountable.

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    Xanthia Walker almost 4 years ago

    In recent protests against police violence PPD arrested 3 children and a dozen people, who are facing felony street gang charges and could be sentenced to years in prison for doing nothing more than exercising their first amendment rights to assemble and protest. Police agreed to cite and release people at the beginning of the pandemic. Despite that, PPD has made hundreds of arrests - one night over 200 people were arrested for marching against police violence. This is NONSENSE City Council!

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    Chris Abert almost 4 years ago

    Lest this subcommittee forget, on May 31st, 2020, Phoenix PD quite literally invaded my neighborhood, Garfield, pulling people off of their porches when they came outside to see what what happening, pepper spraying my neighbors, releasing tear gas, shooting out car windows, and conducting a "hunt" of community members up and down our streets, alleys and backyards.

    This is what the Public Safety and Justice oversees? Where is the accountability? Why isn't there an independent investigation?

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    Zachary Hood almost 4 years ago

    In recent protests against police violence PPD arrested 3 children and a dozen people, who are facing felony street gang charges and could be sentenced to years in prison for doing nothing more than exercising their first amendment rights to assemble and protest the oppressive and relentless violence of Phoenix Police. This is NONSENSE City Council!

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    Katie Lynn almost 4 years ago

    Though police agreed to **cite and release** people at the beginning of the pandemic, PPD has made hundreds of
    arrests (200+ arrested one night for marching against police violence). These arrests were **unnecessary** and every single judge involved agreed (as they were released). PPD is causing excessive harm in their reckless spreading of COVID, people could easily be cited and released instead of arrested.
    ***Stop making unnecessary arrests and further exposing more people to COVID.***

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    Wilson Arnpriester almost 4 years ago

    Phoenix Police Department (PPD) and Maricopa County Community Office (MCAO) have developed an opportunistic partnership in a desperate attempt at political gain. PPD is invested in silencing community voices calling to defund their violent agency and MCAO is colluding. This is NONSENSE City Council!

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    INDIGO ROSS almost 4 years ago

    The majority of the arrests made get dismissed which is proof this is just a tactic to silence protesters and to waste our tax dollars to line the pockets of cops. These arrests were unnecessary and every single judge involved agreed because they were all dismissed. But putting those hundreds of people in jail potentially created countless superspreaders. PPD is singlehandedly undermining the efforts of our community to flatten the curve. This is NONSENSE City Council!

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    Sydney Roach almost 4 years ago

    We need an accurate & comprehensive overview of the current dynamic between police and protesters, and a plan for meeting the demands of this community. The lack of initiative and accountability correlates directly with the big picture problem: a historical pattern of police brutality being protected. I ask that you use your power and position to advocate for true justice and protection for the community. It is your responsibility to advocate for necessary changes that are so long overdue.

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    Jacob Raiford almost 4 years ago

    In reviewing the agenda, all we see is aggregated and misleading data pertaining to the act of protesting without any information provided about why there is need to politically and peacefully demonstrate in advocacy of Black Lives, in the first place. There's nothing highlighting the deadly history of the PhxPD in regard to the Black and Brown community. Nothing speaking to political prosecution of innocent protestors. Update the city on steps to rectify the harm against it's citizens by PhxPD.

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    Nocoin Telpro almost 4 years ago

    The report' by Asst City Manager, M. Dahoney, Chief Williams' boss, & the same man that brought us the COMPLETELY useless OAT policy. The city's collusion with PPD and MCAO on political prosecutions has harmed so many. These charges could result in 40 years in a cage for people who exercised their 1st amendment rights. Dahoney will give a sparkling report of PD's conduct and completely ignore the violence PD used against demonstrators. This is NONSENSE

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    Katie Krejci almost 4 years ago

    Police have wasted over $12M in taxpayer dollars by saturating peaceful marches with expensive equipment and hundreds of extra officers. This is NONSENSE City Council!
    The majority of the arrests made get dismissed which is proof this is just a tactic to silence protesters and to waste our tax dollars to line the pockets of cops.

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    Aaron Evans almost 4 years ago

    Phoenix Police Department (PPD) and Maricopa County Community Office (MCAO) have developed an opportunistic partnership in a desperate attempt at political gain. PPD is invested in silencing community voices calling to defund their violent agency and MCAO is colluding. This is NONSENSE City Council!

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    Helen Mendizabal almost 4 years ago

    The community needs an update on what is being done to reduce the harm and power of the Phoenix Police Department when they abuse attack, arrest, and kill our community. That is what the community needs. We are asking council members to stop aligning with one of the most violent forces in the nation and instead stand in solidarity with the people. Protest are NOT the problem.

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    Dlorah Conover almost 4 years ago

    In recent protests against police violence PPD arrested people for doing nothing more than exercising their first amendment rights to assemble and protest. This is oppressive and the nonsense must stop!

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    Zoe Sugg almost 4 years ago

    Protest update tells me nothing about what Phx City Council is reporting on here- what are you doing to cut down on the thousands of taxpayer dollars your police are charging us in overtime? What are you doing to uplift our economy when my Black and Brown customers don't come to downtown Phoenix because they don’t feel safe with your police nabbing them from their cars? What are you doing about the fact that when the police report on this they leave out their own negligence?!

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    William Newman almost 4 years ago

    In recent protests against police violence PPD arrested 3 children and a dozen people, who are facing felony street gang charges and could be sentenced to years in prison for doing nothing more than exercising their first amendment rights to assemble and protest the oppressive and relentless violence of Phoenix Police. This is NONSENSE City Council!