Meeting Time: December 16, 2020 at 2:30pm MST
The online Comment window has expired

Agenda Item

36 Public Comment on Proposed Changes to Memoranda of Understanding Submitted by Authorized Employee Organizations

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    Jamaar Williams about 4 years ago

    We live in a city w/in one of the most incarcerated states in the Nation. Our family & friends die quickly on the streets & die slowly in our cells - all b/c of a law enforcement apparatus & punishment bureaucracy that has been allowed to function without reliable oversight. We ask & plead with our elected officials to bring injustice to the light so much that we are characterized as radicals, when all we ask for is fairness and equality. This MOU is an injustice, prompting us to ask yet again.

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    Sarah Schweiger about 4 years ago

    There is an opportunity before you, to demonstrate that the decision makers in our City are listening to the the people communicating their pain, and their mistrust of the Police. You have an opportunity to be better. You have an opportunity to help improve the communities relationship with the Police. We need to know we can count on the integrity of our Police, before we will ever start to heal this divide between us. Accountability, transparency, and fairness, this is what we need.

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    Sofia Long about 4 years ago

    I do not support negotiations behind closed doors, taxpayers deserve to know what’s going and to have a say in the process. This will decrease police accountability further, giving cops more benefits and comforts than survivors of violence is unjust. PLEA does not need more money, power, or resources invested. I highly contest any new money granted for policing operations and salaries.

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    Danniela Nieto about 4 years ago

    No negotiations behind closed doors, nothing that gives more money to cops, nothing that decreases transparency and accountability, nothing that gives PLEA more control,

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    Amy Melcher about 4 years ago

    No executive sessions for negotiating with unions about public business. The obvious public interest in preventing police from killing us, unfairly discriminating against our citizens, and wasting our taxpayer dollars on unnecessary militarization of police requires transparency at the very least.

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    Tanya Palit about 4 years ago

    Instead of empty, rhetorical promises by the Phoenix PD to "do better" on police-community relations, let us put our money where our mouths are. More specifically, we as tax payers will no longer allow our money to support police unions to consolidating their power and weaponry to create a more powerful war machine against Black and Brown communities. INVEST IN COMMUNITIES instead! The winds of change are blowing -- will Phoenix respond?

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    Emrys Staton about 4 years ago

    I'm writing to oppose this MOU. I do not support closed door meetings between the city and PLEA, and I do not support any action that the council would take to give more power to PLEA or reduce their transparency. I want to see any action the city takes to move towards more accountability with police, and especially more accountability and transparency for the the police union.

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    Marti Winkler about 4 years ago

    Gross Misconduct, Excessive Force, Assaults, Unjustified Killings, Lies, Deceit, Corruption, Collusion, Conspiracy, Secrecy. No more purging records. No pay raises for violent cops that would coverup a blood thirsty assault on a new grandmother.

    PPD colluded and conspired in an extreme coverup to protect violent Jason Gillespie Sunnyslope Substation Desert Horizon Precinct who bludgeoned me half to death. In deriliction of his duty he never even investigated why I called first and repeatedly.

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    Sarah Warren about 4 years ago

    Item 36 is an insult to Phoenix taxpayers. Phoenix Police Department has plainly demonstrated their corruption and lack of accountability. Allowing them to negotiate behind closed doors? Absolutely reprehensible. I demand no closed door negotiations. I demand passing no measures that allocates more funding for cops. I demand decreasing the amount of control that PLEA holds.
    We need more accountability and transparency and this is NOT the way.

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    Celina Tchida about 4 years ago

    There is so much wrong with the current MOU. I want to be excited about this renegotiation, but I fear that nothing will change or improve if left to the customary process. There are countless directly impacted, brilliant, BIPOC civilian policy makers and organizers ready to improve this situation. This negotiation MUST be transparent and at LEAST open for public comment.

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    Tina Luna about 4 years ago

    I strongly oppose this item. You must vote NO. We have killer cops on our streets who continue to terrorize our communities. We demand full transparency and public access for all disciplinary records. We pay their salaries, we deserve to know every misdeed of the murderous Phoenix police.
    Ex. PLEA can meet with police chief before making certain disciplinary decisions

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    Jacob cordas about 4 years ago

    Closed-door negotiations is a failure on the part of our city. To support this is to say you do not care about the citizens of the city you purport to be representing.

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    John Roberts about 4 years ago

    Closed door negotiations are an insult to Phoenix citizens and taxpayers. This is one PLEA deal that must be roundly rejected! I am one of many Phoenicians who are beyond sick and tired of seeing so much of our tax money being used to fund overly militarized, heavy-handed, and often counterproductive policing.

    For the love of God and all that is good: More funding for social programs. Less funding for domestic military occupation. Council, please serve your constituents, not special interests!

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    Maddy Moore about 4 years ago

    PLEA spends our tax dollars to create positive public perception and disciplinary defense each time officers brutalize people. People protest to defund a violent police force, yet PPD spends millions responding with even more violence. Phoenix gets sued for excessive force, speech suppression, and civil rights abuses then PLEA asks for more money to cover PPD's expenses in creating those lawsuits. PLEA and PPD cannot be trusted. Council must vote against giving even more power and money.

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    Jordyn Baxter about 4 years ago

    We do not need more money going to police

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    ezequiel bautista about 4 years ago

    I strongly oppose this change. additional resources need to be put towards mental health organizations and towards housing for under-house communities. a vote for increased police funding is an act of violence against communities of color. which side are you on?

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    Kara Hyland about 4 years ago

    It shocks the conscience that police want to interview injured suspects chained to a hospital bed when the memory is fresh, yet the new MOU requires that police be given 24 hours before they are interviewed. This sounds like the MOJ requesting time to review what other witnesses saw via body camera and report to allow police to get their stories straight. This does not foster community trust in the process. Please reject the new MOU.

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    Jennifer Dhanwantri about 4 years ago

    This item is sickening. The notion of conducting government business behind closed doors is cowardly and goes against the core of democracy. As we have seen with the stunningly aggressive police actions during the summer protests, Phoenix is rapidly becoming a police state, and this Council is complicit. City Council, please stop being bedfellows with the Phoenix PD. That is not your job. Do what you were elected to do: serve the needs and wants of your constituents. Do your actual jobs.

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    Admaira Roman about 4 years ago

    I will not support negotiations happening behind closed doors and with no community involvement nor will I support Phx police receiving more funding. Police do not prevent crime, they cause more harm and violence. Community resources prevents crime and violence. When will you stop being entitled and truly learn from community members

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    Katherine Meyer about 4 years ago

    We do NOT need more money going to police. Put money into mental health services, education systems, etc. It is frankly insulting that we are being told our police force (the most violent force in the country mind you) needs more money. Our public health and education systems are underfunded and deserve that money instead. We want full transparency on what happens with PLEA and we want money to our community, not to cops