Meeting Time: December 16, 2020 at 2:30pm MST
The online Comment window has expired

Agenda Item

36 Public Comment on Proposed Changes to Memoranda of Understanding Submitted by Authorized Employee Organizations

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    Jasmin Meza almost 4 years ago

    I strongly oppose the new MOU. The community wants and deserves nothing that gives more money to cops, absolutely no negotiations behind closed doors, transparency and accountability, and NOTHING that gives PLEA more control!

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    Carol Hehman almost 4 years ago

    The same police union that uses social media to harass and intimidate racial justice activists is negotiating a new contract to increase police power and decrease public transparency and accountability. This is unacceptable! Make all negotiations public and live stream them with space for public comments so the people of the city can participate.

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    Katelain Saunders almost 4 years ago

    Our city has been calling out for the reallocation of funds to our communities, for mental health services, for assistance to our houseless residents. NOT more money to the police. An increased budget for PLEA is an assault on the people of Phoenix and we deserve better. No closed-door negotiations. City Council needs to be accountable and transparent in the allocation of money that impacts our daily lives.

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    Olivia Widner almost 4 years ago

    I am in strong opposition. We have one of the most violent forces in the nation. Reallocate funding to actually support our community. No closed door decisions should be made regarding funding for the police. We are your constituents. We deserve safety. The Phoenix PD’s violence in our community is unacceptable.

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    Karen Olson almost 4 years ago

    Council, it is completely unacceptable that PLEA is working behind closed doors to gain access to even MORE power and LESS accountability for their 2021-2023 MOU. The changes made to critical incidents, access to body cam footage and extra time before being interviewed are absolutely chilling. Who is being protected and served here? The people of Phoenix have been asking for accountability and transparency for decades. It is time for you all to show up and reimagine with us, not against us.

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    Sara Wells almost 4 years ago

    I strongly oppose.

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    Samuel Torres almost 4 years ago

    Strongly opposed!

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    Stacie Hipp almost 4 years ago

    We demand transparency and accountability in decisions that affect our community.

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    Corey Caulkins almost 4 years ago

    PLEA has gone unchallenged by city council for far too long, and it needs to stop now. The community has demanded transparency and to stop pledging more resources to killer cops. Listen to them.

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    Ilina Gajica almost 4 years ago

    I strongly oppose.

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    Hannah Meyer almost 4 years ago

    City of Phoenix should not approve anything that provides more dollars to PLEA. The city and its residents need accountability and transparency from law enforcement, not more protections. Additionally, any negotiations should be public. Take any additional funds for PLEA and reinvest in the community.

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    Kharli Mandeville almost 4 years ago

    Please vote no, we need transparency and accountability. Invest in our communities!

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    Alexa Banuelos almost 4 years ago

    No more negotiations behind closed doors! Our community deserves to be part of these conversations, our community does not need more money for cops! What we need is an investment in Us! We need it for services and resources, things that make us better. We don’t need more cops, they do harm to our community and the people need transparency about what their intentions are. Nothing that gives PLEA more control!

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    Victoria Howell almost 4 years ago

    Citizens deserve and demand transparency in negotiations that affect us. Stop locking us out.

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    Esmeralda Gonzalez almost 4 years ago

    Phoenix PD does not need more money, we need more transparency and accountability from our PD and investments in our community.

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    Courtney Parks almost 4 years ago

    Transparency is essential.

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    Caitlin OHara almost 4 years ago

    Please invest in relief for community instead of cow towing to PLEA.

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    Denise De Los Santos almost 4 years ago

    accountability, transparency, and investment into the community.

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    Melia Petersen almost 4 years ago

    I vote no

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    Mackenzie Saunders almost 4 years ago

    Please vote no. This is not in the best interest of the community. We need transparency ASAP.