Meeting Time: January 13, 2021 at 9:00am MST
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Agenda Item

2 Protest Update

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    Elise Paz Soldan almost 4 years ago

    On Jan 6th white supremacists in DC were escorted out of the Capitol by equally racist police and allowed to go home. Compare that to Phx protesters exercising their first amendment right to assemble against the oppressive and relentless violence of Phx Police. PPD arrested hundreds! Now, 3 children and a dozen people, who now face felony street gang charges. They could be sentenced to YEARS in prison. There is no clearer evidence of how racist and anti-Black the whole system is. #DroptheCharges

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    Ruia Prasad almost 4 years ago

    Council members, you are complicit in creating a police state in the city you are supposed to serve. A police state where merely criticizing Phoenix PD gets people thrown in cages, assaulted, and murdered for expressing their first amendment rights. City Council must demand that MCAO #DroptheCharges!

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    Emily Jespersen almost 4 years ago

    Phoenix police and MCAO work hand in hand to enforce the city's agenda of anti-Black white supremacist violence. They work together to surveil the community so they can target activists with false felony charges, all after a summer where judges dropped hundreds of their clearly trumped up cases. These are intimidation tactics being used by the city to protect white supremacy, all so you can continue to brutalize the community. #DroptheCharges

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    Harper Rowan almost 4 years ago

    We don’t need a ‘protest update.’ The protests aren’t the problem! PPD and MCAO colluding to imprison protesters is the problem! Council members do your job and stand in solidarity with the people you are meant to represent. Stop supporting one of the most violent police forces in the nation. Condemn PPD for attacking, arresting and killing Black folks! And then demand MCAO drop all of these inflated felony charges against Black Lives Matter protesters. #DroptheCharges