Meeting Time: January 13, 2021 at 9:00am MST
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Agenda Item

2 Protest Update

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    Sarah Ford almost 4 years ago

    #DROPTHECHARGES What we're witnessing is nothing short of political prosecution of Black and Indigenous leaders + community members who exercise their RIGHTS to peacefully assemble and expose the violent atrocities at the hands Phoenix Police. You can't turn on a news outlet without hearing over and over the comparisons of police responses to BLM peaceful protests and the white supremacists storming the Capitol to enact gross violence on live TV. Violent white mob= 26 arrests.Peaceful POC=100s

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    Patricia Avery almost 4 years ago

    On Jan 6th white supremacists in DC were escorted out of the Capitol by equally racist police and allowed to go home. Compare that to Phx protesters exercising their first amendment right to assemble against the oppressive and relentless violence of Phx Police. PPD arrested hundreds! Now, 3 children and a dozen people, who now face felony street gang charges. They could be sentenced to YEARS in prison. There is no clearer evidence of how racist and anti-Black the whole system is. #DroptheCharges

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    Nina Alonso almost 4 years ago

    The way this was all handled is unjust, PPD is invested in silencing community voices calling to defund their violent agency and MCAO is colluding. We see this exemplified in inflated arrests of protesters and the countless cases where judges have refused to charge people based on police reports lacking probable cause. Then, MCAO brings the same charges to grand juries for indictment! Council, denounce PPD and demand MCAO. Drop the charges, please. It’s the right thing to do.

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    Hana Hehman almost 4 years ago

    City council continues to protect the anti-Black white supremacist Phoenix police, the most violent cops in the nation, while judges continue to throw out the false charges they use to intimidate community members. City council pretends to be in charge, but it becomes ever more clear that the violent cops under Chokehold Jeri Williams have the power to commit all of the atrocities they want while city council shrugs their shoulders. You can end these political prosecutions today. #DroptheCharges

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    Sadie Keyser almost 4 years ago

    Only 26 of the many thousands of violent white supremacists were arrested at the Capitol in DC compared to literally HUNDREDS that PPD arrested at our BLM protests in Phx. Judges dropped the bulk of the charges but we still have 15 people facing felony charges and years in prison. Council you empower these killer cops to attack and kill Black folx, and you condone MCAO politically prosecuting protesters. If Black Lives Matter to you denounce PPD’s violence and demand MCAO#DroptheCharges!

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    Karylann Kwasny almost 4 years ago

    We don’t need a ‘protest update.’ The protests aren’t the problem! PPD and MCAO colluding to imprison protesters is the problem! Council members do your job and stand in solidarity with the people you are meant to represent. Stop supporting one of the most violent police forces in the nation. Condemn PPD for attacking, arresting and killing Black folx! And then demand MCAO drop all of these inflated felony charges against Black Lives Matter protesters. #DroptheCharges

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    Bailey Spears almost 4 years ago

    As demonstrated on Jan. 6, police across the country have a double standard when it comes to BIPOC protestors vs. white rioters. PHX PD is no exception. They surveil and target peaceful BIPOC activists far more than they do armed persons from white supremacist and far-right groups. The Council must discontinue this practice of racism. You can start today by demanding that MCAO drop all charges against protestors who have been politically targeted by PHX PD.

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    Alex Johnson almost 4 years ago

    Phoenix Police Department (PPD) and Maricopa County Community Office (MCAO) are totally corrupt. PPD is invested in silencing community voices calling to defund their violent agency and MCAO is colluding. We see this exemplified in inflated arrests of protesters and the countless cases where judges have refused to charge people based on police reports lacking probable cause. Then, MCAO brings the same charges to grand juries for indictment! Council, denounce PPD and demand MCAO #DroptheCharges

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    Amanda Salvione almost 4 years ago

    Phoenix police and MCAO work hand in hand to enforce the city's agenda of anti-Black white supremacist violence. They work together to surveil the community so they can target activists with false felony charges, all after a summer where judges dropped hundreds of their clearly trumped up cases. These are intimidation tactics being used by the city to protect white supremacy, all so you can continue to brutalize the community. #DroptheCharges

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    Christin Panetta almost 4 years ago

    I oppose this!

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    Mary Kate Nacke almost 4 years ago

    We don’t need a ‘protest update.’ The protests aren’t the problem! PPD and MCAO colluding to imprison protesters is the problem! Council members do your job and stand in solidarity with the people you are meant to represent. Stop supporting one of the most violent police forces in the nation. Condemn PPD for attacking, arresting and killing Black folx! And then demand MCAO drop all of these inflated felony charges against Black Lives Matter protesters. #DroptheCharges

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    Allison Talavera almost 4 years ago

    Every city council member must demand that the MCAO drop all charges against protestors who have been politically targeted by Phoenix PD! If you really care about safety and justice for the people you’re supposed to represent, then fight for the freedom of speech of Black and brown activists! Denounce PPD and #DroptheCharges!

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    Lily Villa almost 4 years ago

    Phoenix City Council members, the cost of lives due to police brutality has been overwhelming. We elected you to represent us and to protect our rights as citizens of this city. The PPD has shown time and time again that they will hunt down, target, assault, and arrest BLM protestors for peacefully practicing our right to free speech. We have seen how the PPD will put on riot gear and attack us while casually walking alongside the Patriots at public protests. Please! Defund the PPD now!

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    Jennifer Jones almost 4 years ago

    We don’t need a ‘protest update.’ The protests aren’t the problem! PPD and MCAO colluding to imprison protesters is the problem! Council members do your job and stand in solidarity with the people you are meant to represent. Stop supporting one of the most violent police forces in the nation. Condemn PPD for attacking, arresting and killing

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    Kelsey Pinckney almost 4 years ago

    These arrests were unnecessary and every judge involved agreed because they were all dismissed! Putting those hundreds of people in jail potentially created countless superspreaders. PPD is more of a risk to the community in their reckless spreading of COVID than the people arrested for things they could easily be cited for and released. It is offensive that you are patting yourselves on the back for dropping 100 misdemeanor charges when no one should have been arrested in the first place.

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    Willow Eckmayer almost 4 years ago

    Phoenix Police Department (PPD) and Maricopa County Community Office (MCAO) are totally corrupt. PPD is invested in silencing community voices calling to defund their violent agency and MCAO is colluding. We see this exemplified in inflated arrests of protesters and the countless cases where judges have refused to charge people based on police reports lacking probable cause. Then, MCAO brings the same charges to grand juries for indictment! Council, denounce PPD and demand MCAO #DroptheCharges

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    MK Zeeb almost 4 years ago

    dear city council members. you know the truth. be brave. please. do the right thing. drop. all. charges. and then do more. and keep going. we can do it together. think of the future you want for your children, nieces and nephews, grandchildren.

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    Analise Ortiz almost 4 years ago

    Phoenix Police Department (PPD) and Maricopa County Community Office (MCAO) are corrupt. PPD is invested in silencing community voices calling to defund their violent agency and MCAO is colluding. We see this exemplified in inflated arrests of protesters and the countless cases where judges have refused to charge people based on police reports lacking probable cause. Then, MCAO brings the same charges to grand juries for indictment! Council, denounce PPD and demand MCAO #DroptheCharges

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    Janette Jones almost 4 years ago

    Phoenix Police Department (PPD) and Maricopa County Community Office (MCAO) are totally corrupt. PPD is invested in silencing community voices calling to defund their violent agency and MCAO is colluding. We see this exemplified in inflated arrests of protesters and the countless cases where judges have refused to charge people based on police reports lacking probable cause. Then, MCAO brings the same charges to grand juries for indictment! Council, denounce PPD and demand MCAO #DroptheCharges

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    Alannah ColeyEisenmann almost 4 years ago

    On Jan 6th white supremacists in DC were escorted out of the Capitol by equally racist police and allowed to go home. Compare that to Phx protesters exercising their first amendment right to assemble against the oppressive and relentless violence of Phx Police. PPD arrested hundreds! Now, 3 children and a dozen people, who now face felony street gang charges. They could be sentenced to YEARS in prison. There is no clearer evidence of how racist and anti-Black the whole system is. #DroptheCharges