Meeting Time: January 13, 2021 at 9:00am MST
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Agenda Item

2 Protest Update

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    Sierra McMartin almost 4 years ago

    Protest update? Here: we have now seen an attempted coup by white supremacists at our nation’s capitol. A blatant domestic terrorist attack occurred, complete with a noose.
    Putting Phx protesters in the same league as insurrectionists would be reprehensible. Drop these politically motivated charges.
    I have personally been unlawfully arrested by PPD solely to intimidate other protesters and I do not condone USING people this way. This is not a game. Your mistakes directly affect our lives.

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    Ashlynne Pesch almost 4 years ago

    We do not need a ‘protest update.’ The protests are not the problem. PPD and MCAO colluding to imprison protesters is the problem. Council members, do your job and stand in solidarity with the people you are intended to represent. Stop supporting one of the most horrifically violent police forces in the nation. Condemn PPD for attacking, arresting and killing Black folx. Demand that MCAO drop all of the inflated felony charges against Black Lives Matter protesters. Do better.

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    Monlau Kwok almost 4 years ago

    On Jan 6th white supremacists in DC were escorted out of the Capitol by equally racist police and allowed to go home. Compare that to Phx protesters exercising their first amendment right to assemble against the oppressive and relentless violence of Phx Police. PPD arrested hundreds! Now, 3 children and a dozen people, who now face felony street gang charges. They could be sentenced to YEARS in prison. There is no clearer evidence of how racist and anti-Black the whole system is.#DroptheCharges

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    John Idalis almost 4 years ago

    We don’t need a ‘protest update.’ The protests aren’t the problem. PPD and MCAO colluding to imprison protesters is the problem. Council members do your job and stand in solidarity with the people you are meant to represent. Stop supporting one of the most violent police forces in the nation. Condemn PPD for attacking, arresting and killing Black folx! And then demand MCAO drop all of these inflated felony charges against Black Lives Matter protesters. #DroptheCharges

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    Jeanette Leblanc almost 4 years ago

    I and my 15-year-old daughter were present for the first wave of protests and witnessed for ourselves how peaceful protestors were targeted by Phoenix PD. I respectfully ask that every city council member demand that all charges be dropped against protestors who have been politically targeted by Phoenix PD. To take a stand for safety and justice for the citizens of Phoenix who you represent, please fight for the freedom of speech of our Black and brown activists! #DroptheCharges!

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    Brittany Volz almost 4 years ago

    We don’t need a ‘protest update.’ The protests aren’t the problem! PPD and MCAO colluding to imprison protesters is the problem! Council members do your job and stand in solidarity with the people you are meant to represent. Stop supporting one of the most violent police forces in the nation. Condemn PPD for attacking, arresting and killing Black folx! And then demand MCAO drop all of these inflated felony charges against Black Lives Matter protesters. #DroptheCharges

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    Isaac Akapnitis almost 4 years ago

    PPD has a long history of targeting and abusing people based on their political beliefs. They surveil and target Black and brown activists, hoping to silence them. PPD uses violent tactics to harm and oppress people who demand justice and an end to police brutality. How can a police officer threaten to shoot Mayor Gallego and face no consequences while council members on the “Public Safety and Justice" committee do nothing to defend Black lives from the most violent police force in the nation?

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    Kelly Kwok almost 4 years ago

    Phoenix Police Department (PPD) and Maricopa County Community Office (MCAO) are totally corrupt. PPD is invested in silencing community voices calling to defund their violent agency and MCAO is colluding. We see this exemplified in inflated arrests of protesters and the countless cases where judges have refused to charge people based on police reports lacking probable cause. Then, MCAO brings the same charges to grand juries for indictment! Council, denounce PPD and demand MCAO #DroptheCharges

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    Dlorah Conover almost 4 years ago

    White supremacists in DC were escorted out of the Capitol and allowed to go home. The Phx protesters exercising their first amendment right to assemble were met with tear gas and arrested.

    We don’t need a ‘protest update.’ The protests aren’t the problem! Now you know you aren’t safe either, fight for and protect the lives of Black and brown activists. Council members do your job and stand in solidarity with the people you are meant to represent. #DroptheCharges!

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    Elena Pierson almost 4 years ago

    Phoenix Police Department (PPD) and Maricopa County Community Office (MCAO) are totally corrupt. PPD is invested in silencing community voices calling to defund their violent agency and MCAO is colluding. We see this exemplified in inflated arrests of protesters and the countless cases where judges have refused to charge people based on police reports lacking probable cause. Then, MCAO brings the same charges to grand juries for indictment! Council, denounce PPD and demand MCAO #DroptheCharges

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    Heather Woodford almost 4 years ago

    On Jan 6th white supremacists in DC were escorted out of the Capitol by equally racist
    police and allowed to go home. Compare that to Phx protesters exercising their first
    amendment right to assemble against the oppressive and relentless violence of Phx
    Police. PPD arrested hundreds! Now, 3 children and a dozen people, who now face
    felony street gang charges. They could be sentenced to YEARS in prison. There is no
    clearer evidence of how racist and anti-Black the whole system is. #DroptheCharges

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    Cailin Potami almost 4 years ago

    We don’t need a ‘protest update.’ The protests aren’t the problem! PPD and MCAO colluding to imprison protesters is the problem! Council members do your job and stand in solidarity with the people you are meant to represent. Stop supporting one of the most violent police forces in the nation. Condemn PPD for attacking, arresting and killing Black folx! And then demand MCAO drop all of these inflated felony charges against Black Lives Matter protesters. #DroptheCharges

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    Rachel Fedock almost 4 years ago

    We don’t need a ‘protest update.’ The protests aren’t the problem! PPD and MCAO colluding to imprison protesters is the problem! Council members do your job and stand in solidarity with the people you are meant to represent. Stop supporting one of the most violent police forces in the nation. Condemn PPD for attacking, arresting and killing Black folx! And then demand MCAO drop all of these inflated felony charges against Black Lives Matter protesters. #DroptheCharges

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    Bills Costello almost 4 years ago

    Only 26 of the many thousands of violent white supremacists were arrested at the Capitol in DC compared to literally HUNDREDS that PPD arrested at our BLM protests in Phx. Judges dropped the bulk of the charges but we still have 15 people facing felony charges and years in prison. Council you empower these killer cops to attack and kill Black folx, and you condone MCAO politically prosecuting protesters. If Black Lives Matter to you denounce PPD’s violence and demand MCAO#DroptheCharges!

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    Bobby Huff almost 4 years ago

    All charges should be dropped for the peaceful protesters that were only demonstrating thier rights.

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    Sonali Madahar almost 4 years ago

    Phoenix police and MCAO work hand in hand to enforce the city's agenda of anti-Black white supremacist violence. They work together to surveil the community so they can target activists with false felony charges, all after a summer where judges dropped hundreds of their clearly trumped up cases. These are intimidation tactics being used by the city to protect white supremacy, all so you can continue to brutalize the community. #DroptheCharges

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    Nat Strohecler almost 4 years ago

    Drop all the charges for peaceful protesters exercising there right.

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    Terri Becker almost 4 years ago

    Phoenix disproportionately retaliates against citizens who dare criticize our police force. The number of arrests & severity of charges brought by PPD/MCAO during last year's #BLM protests are a clear indicator that this “protest update” is not an issue with our citizens. But rather, the REASON they are protesting in the first place. Let’s take a harder look at our city’s Law Enforcement behaviors before we continue to ruin citizens’ lives with felony charges for simply using their voice.

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    Jaylin Fleming almost 4 years ago

    Drop all the charges for peaceful protesters exercising there right. They are not the problem, targeting them is the problem. Drop them now.

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    Samantha Vo almost 4 years ago

    Only 26 of the many thousands of violent white supremacists were arrested at the Capitol in DC compared to literally HUNDREDS that PPD arrested at our BLM protests in Phx. Judges dropped the bulk of the charges but we still have 15 people facing felony charges and years in prison. Council you empower these killer cops to attack and kill Black folx, and you condone MCAO politically prosecuting protesters. If Black Lives Matter to you denounce PPD’s violence and demand MCAO#DroptheCharges