Meeting Time: January 13, 2021 at 9:00am MST
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Agenda Item

2 Protest Update

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    Cole LarsonWhittaker about 4 years ago

    Phx PD and the MCAO are unconstitutionally silencing political dissidents byweaponizing arrests and prosecutions of those who speak out against police violence and the white supremecist state. Targeting peaceful protestors is a illegal, terrifying and a total waste of tax payer dollars. These arrests are downright undemocratic. Drop the charges immediately for every protest case.

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    Tate Peak about 4 years ago

    Phoenix PD and MCAO have a history of silencing political dissidents. They specifically target Black and Brown organizers who choose to speak up and demand justice. If you have our best interest in mind, why have my friends been violently arrested and given felonies for pointing out how the city and state have failed us? We don't need an update on protests, we need you to stop these political persecutions. Do your job. Condemn PHXPD and make MCAO #DropTheCharges for every protest case.

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    Tyler Hainlen about 4 years ago

    This persecution of protestors must end. Protesting for the safety and well being of families and communities is no crime at all. We all saw what a violent and criminal “protest” looks like on January 6th. We saw peaceful demonstrations in 2020 met with brutal force. The disparity in action and punishment is as clear as day, and it’s evil. This targeting of activists in AZ is dangerous, a waste of taxpayer dollars, and downright criminal. We demand that you drop the charges immediately.

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    Cynthia McWhorter about 4 years ago

    This would be called "political targeting and prosecution of those protesting against police violence". It is a blatant attempt to weaponize the criminal legal system in order to intimidate and silence activists speaking out against white supremacist systems; especially those operating within the criminal justice system, policing and government structures such as city council. We don't need a "protest update". We need to denounce MCAO and Phoenix PD and drop all charges against protestors.

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    Petra Morrison about 4 years ago

    Protesting and organizing on behalf of families who are actively working to create healthier and safer communities is not a crime.
    Stalking and arresting those who speak up only perpetuates violence and harm.
    Families need access to social workers, health care, green spaces, complete streets, fresh food, clean water, and affordable housing- not a militarized police department.
    Limiting freedom of speech sets a dangerous precedent. Our ambitions for a healthier and safer future will not go away.

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    Rachael Lawless about 4 years ago

    On Jan 6th white supremacists in DC were escorted out of the Capitol by equally racist police and allowed to go home. Compare that to Phx protesters exercising their first amendment right to assemble against the oppressive and relentless violence of Phx Police. PPD arrested hundreds! Now, 3 children and a dozen people, who now face felony street gang charges. They could be sentenced to YEARS in prison. There is no clearer evidence of how racist and anti-Black the whole system is. #DroptheCharge

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    Laura Hudson about 4 years ago

    We don’t need a ‘protest update.’ The protests aren’t the problem! PPD and MCAO colluding to imprison protesters is the problem! Council members do your job and condemn PPD for attacking, arresting and killing Black folx! And then demand MCAO drop all of these inflated felony charges against Black Lives Matter protesters. #DroptheCharges 

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    Elizabeth Venable about 4 years ago

    Don’t suspend the right to free speech due to over criminalization. This sets a dangerous precedent.

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    Sandra Cornejo about 4 years ago

    All across the country people are waking up to the reality that white supremacy and anti-blackness are the foundation of policing. What steps have any of you council members taken to show that Black Lives Matter to the City of Phoenix? You can either condemn the political prosecution of Black organizers and leaders and demand that charges be dropped or live with being remembered as the political puppets of white supremacists. Council members, blood is on your hands. #DroptheCharges

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    Max Llanes about 4 years ago

    Phoenix Police Department (PPD) and Maricopa County Community Office (MCAO) are totally corrupt. PPD is invested in silencing community voices calling to defund their violent agency and MCAO is colluding. We see this exemplified in inflated arrests of protesters and the countless cases where judges have refused to charge people based on police reports lacking probable cause. Then, MCAO brings the same charges to grand juries for indictment! Council, denounce PPD and demand MCAO #DroptheCharges

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    Corin Puckett about 4 years ago

    Mayor & City Council actively support Phoenix Police in using violent tactics and militarized weapons to silence Black organizers. Police ONLY attack Black led protests. The community was exercising their first amendment right to assemble against police murders, PPD attacked with tear gas and rubber bullets and made over 300 arrests. Your job is to serve the people, instead you are complicit in harming, caging, and killing Black and brown people. Denounce PPD and demand MCAO #DroptheCharges

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    Megan Sleeper about 4 years ago

    We don’t need a ‘protest update.’ The protests aren’t the problem! PPD and MCAO colluding to imprison protesters is the problem! Council members do your job and stand in solidarity with the people you are meant to represent. Stop supporting one of the most violent police forces in the nation. Condemn PPD for attacking, arresting and killing Black folks! And then demand MCAO drop all of these inflated felony charges against Black Lives Matter protesters. #DroptheCharges

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    Payel Ray about 4 years ago

    Drop the charges! We don’t need a ‘protest update.’ The protests aren’t the problem! PPD and MCAO colluding to imprison protesters is the problem! Council members do your job and stand in solidarity with the people you are meant to represent. Stop supporting one of the most violent police forces in the nation. Condemn PPD for attacking, arresting and killing Black folx! And then demand MCAO drop all of these inflated felony charges against Black Lives Matter protesters. #DroptheCharges

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    Maxana Goettl about 4 years ago

    PPD has a long history of targeting and abusing people based on their political beliefs. They surveil and target Black and brown activists, hoping to silence them. Phoenix PD uses violent tactics to harm and oppress people who demand justice and an end to police brutality. Council members, you sit on the “Public Safety and Justice” sub committee, and yet you do NOTHING to defend Black lives from the most violent police force in the nation. Denounce PPD now and demand MCAO #DroptheCharges.

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    Matt Hainlen about 4 years ago

    Drop the charges. Phoenix Police and MCAO work together to maintain a white supremacist agenda. They surveil communities to charge activists with false charges. These are disgusting intimidation tactics.

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    Vanessa DiCarlo about 4 years ago

    We all saw what little regard you had for the stories of Black and brown protesters who were brutalized and falsely charged by Phoenix PD during the last subcommittee meeting. It’s absolutely shameful that you aren’t listening to the public and demanding justice for those people! City Council must demand that law enforcement #EndPoliticalProsecutions and #DroptheCharges!

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    Tonnie Wilk about 4 years ago

    On Jan 6th white supremacists in DC were escorted out of the Capitol by equally racist police and allowed to go home. Compare that to Phx protesters exercising their first amendment right to assemble against the oppressive and relentless violence of Phx Police. PPD arrested hundreds! Now, 3 children and a dozen people, who now face felony street gang charges. They could be sentenced to YEARS in prison. There is no clearer evidence of how racist and anti-Black the whole system is. #DroptheCharges

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    David De about 4 years ago

    After the events at the Capital it's clear that the police are working on two separate systems. While peaceful protestors are facing multiple felonies and years in jail seditionists are being let off easy. This is not justice and needs to change.

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    Nate Rowan about 4 years ago

    We cannot imprison people for years for protesting legitimate, blatant injustices

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    Hadi Naseredden about 4 years ago

    The violent Phoenix police arrested hundreds of people and kept them in close quarters all night with no masks, soap, sanitizer, or even water. That was all before they were transferred from a parking lot to the unsafe county jail. The city did it’s best to create a super spreader event and terrorized the community for charges that the city knew were false. None of this was necessary. You all have blood on your hands for defending white supremacy and harming the community. #DroptheChargesv