Meeting Time: January 13, 2021 at 9:00am MST
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Agenda Item

2 Protest Update

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    Vincent Cimino about 4 years ago

    On Jan 6th white supremacists in DC were escorted out of the Capitol by equally racist police and allowed to go home. Compare that to Phx protesters exercising their first amendment right to assemble against the oppressive and relentless violence of Phx Police. PPD arrested hundreds! Now, 3 children and a dozen people, who now face felony street gang charges. They could be sentenced to YEARS in prison. There is no clearer evidence of how racist and anti-Black the whole system is. #DroptheCharges

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    Ryan Orr about 4 years ago

    On Jan 6th white supremacists in DC were escorted out of the Capitol by equally racist police and allowed to go home. Compare that to Phx protesters exercising their first amendment right to assemble against the oppressive and relentless violence of Phx Police. PPD arrested hundreds! Now, 3 children and a dozen people, who now face felony street gang charges. They could be sentenced to YEARS in prison. There is no clearer evidence of how racist and anti-Black the whole system is #DroptheCharges

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    Kristina Runde about 4 years ago

    The betterment and success of this country depends on the right to assembly, which is protected by the First Amendment. These protesters were peacefully exercising this sacred right, for the best possible cause: to defend and protect Black lives and to prompt meaningful change to the legal codes that have systematically oppressed Black and brown people in this country. MCAO, it is past time to #DropTheCharges. Focus instead on improving lives.

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    Anni Mudick about 4 years ago

    You all have been talking about how much you care about public safety, and how serious COVID is. Yet you stand by and allow hundreds of racist deadly arrests to be made by PPD and watch MCAO politically prosecute! When the entirety of AZ is doing its part to flatten the curve, you all are single handedly undermining those efforts by allowing the PPD and MCAO to continue their political vendetta. Blood is on your hands, City Council! Denounce PPD and Demand that the MCAO #DroptheCharges!

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    Chelsea Hicks about 4 years ago

    We don’t need a ‘protest update.’ The protests aren’t the problem! PPD and MCAO colluding to imprison protesters is the problem! Council members do your job and stand in solidarity with the people you are meant to represent. Stop supporting one of the most violent police forces in the nation. Condemn PPD for attacking, arresting and killing Black folks! And then demand MCAO drop all of these inflated felony charges against Black Lives Matter protesters. #DroptheCharges

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    Leeann Coleman about 4 years ago

    Drop all charges. These peacesul protesters were targeted by the PPD and MCAO in order to silence them with false charges. Condem the PPD for the continued acts of violence toward black and brown people.

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    John W Reily about 4 years ago

    We need to make the charges stick. Too many groups hide behind the term peaceful protest to break the law and attack our officers. Please show your support for our fine police officers and keep all charges, especially any concerning assaulting officers.

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    Care Gebru about 4 years ago

    On Jan 6th white supremacists in DC were escorted out of the Capitol by equally racist police and allowed to go home. Compare that to Phx protesters exercising their first amendment right to assemble against the oppressive and relentless violence of Phx Police. PPD arrested hundreds! Now, 3 children and a dozen people, who now face felony street gang charges. They could be sentenced to YEARS in prison. There is no clearer evidence of how racist and anti-Black the whole system is.#DroptheCharges

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    Chelsea Hickok about 4 years ago

    Phoenix Police Department (PPD) and Maricopa County Community Office (MCAO) are totally corrupt. PPD is invested in silencing community voices calling to defund their violent agency and MCAO is colluding. We see this exemplified in inflated arrests of protesters and the countless cases where judges have refused to charge people based on police reports lacking probable cause. Then MCAO brings the same charges to grand juries for indictment! Council, denounce PPD and demand MCAO #DroptheCharges

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    Tia Ferguson about 4 years ago

    We don’t need a ‘protest update.’ The protests aren’t the problem! PPD and MCAO colluding to imprison protesters is the problem! Council members do your job and stand in solidarity with the people you are meant to represent. Stop supporting one of the most violent police forces in the nation. Condemn PPD for attacking, arresting and killing Black folx! And then demand MCAO drop all of these inflated felony charges against Black Lives Matter protesters. #DroptheCharges

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    Orlando Espino about 4 years ago

    PPD has a long history of targeting and abusing people based on their political beliefs. They surveil and target Black and brown activists, hoping to silence them. Phoenix PD uses violent tactics to harm and oppress people who demand justice and an end to police brutality. Council members, you sit on the “Public Safety and Justice” sub committee, and yet you do NOTHING to defend Black lives from the most violent police force in the nation. Denounce PPD now and demand MCAO #DroptheCharges

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    Sierra Rendon about 4 years ago

    We don’t need a ‘protest update.’ The protests aren’t the problem! PPD and MCAO colluding to imprison protesters is the problem! Council members do your job and stand in solidarity with the people you are meant to represent. Stop supporting one of the most violent police forces in the nation. Condemn PPD for attacking, arresting and killing Black people. And then demand MCAO drop all of these inflated felony charges against Black Lives Matter protesters. #DroptheCharges

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    Jisoo Kim about 4 years ago

    The only "update" I'm interested is seeing news that the demands to end political prosecutions and drop the charges have been met. We all know there has been a coordinated effort between Phoenix PD and the Maricopa County Attorney’s Office to politically target and prosecute critics of the police. Together, they have weaponized the criminal legal system in order to intimidate, silence, and jail community organizers, activists, and demonstrators speaking out against police brutality.

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    Liz Garland about 4 years ago

    We don’t need a ‘protest update.’ The protests aren’t the problem! PPD and MCAO colluding to imprison protesters is the problem! Council members, do your job and stand in solidarity with the people you are meant to represent. Stop supporting one of the most violent police forces in the nation. Condemn PPD for attacking, arresting and killing Black people. And then demand MCAO drop all of these inflated felony charges against Black Lives Matter protesters.

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    Clara Acosta about 4 years ago

    Only 26 of the many thousands of violent white supremacists were arrested at the Capitol in DC compared to literally HUNDREDS that PPD arrested at our BLM protests in Phx. Judges dropped the bulk of the charges but we still have 15 people facing felony charges and years in prison. Council you empower these killer cops to attack and kill Black folx, and you condone MCAO politically prosecuting protesters. If Black Lives Matter to you denounce PPD’s violence and demand MCAO#DroptheCharges!

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    Sushil Rao about 4 years ago

    We don’t need a ‘protest update.’ The protests aren’t the problem! PPD and MCAO colluding to imprison protesters is the problem! Council members do your job and stand in solidarity with the people you are meant to represent. Stop supporting one of the most violent police forces in the nation. Condemn PPD for attacking, arresting and killing Black folx! And then demand MCAO drop all of these inflated felony charges against Black Lives Matter protesters. #DroptheCharges

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    Camille Johnson about 4 years ago

    The contrast between how white insurrectionists were treated at the US Capitol and how BLM protestors have been treated here in Phx makes it clear that this isn't about law and order - it's about silencing people calling for justice for murdered Black and brown community members. The police officer that threatened to shoot Mayor Gallego wasn't held accountable at all yet dozens of peaceful protestors are facing felony charges. Stop allowing PPD and MCAO to get away with this. #DropTheCharges

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    Eva Jane Chartier about 4 years ago

    Only 26 of the many thousands of violent white supremacists were arrested at the Capitol in DC compared to literally HUNDREDS that PPD arrested at our BLM protests in Phx. Judges dropped the bulk of the charges but we still have 15 people facing felony charges and years in prison. Council you empower these killer cops to attack and kill Black folx, and you condone MCAO politically prosecuting protesters. If Black Lives Matter to you denounce PPD’s violence and demand MCAO#DroptheCharges!

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    Yuna Jeon about 4 years ago

    The Phoenix Police Department (PPD) and Maricopa County Community Office (MCAO) are corrupt. PPD is invested in silencing community voices calling to defund their violent agency and MCAO is colluding. We see this exemplified in inflated arrests of protesters and the countless cases where judges have refused to charge people based on police reports lacking probable cause. Then, MCAO brings the same charges to grand juries for indictment! Council, denounce PPD and demand MCAO #DroptheCharges.

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    INDIGO ROSS about 4 years ago

    PPD has a long history of targeting and abusing people based on their political beliefs. They surveil and target Black and brown activists, hoping to silence them. Phoenix PD uses violent tactics to harm and oppress people who demand justice and an end to police brutality. Council members, you sit on the “Public Safety and Justice” sub committee, and yet you do NOTHING to defend Black lives from the most violent police force in the nation. Denounce PPD now and demand MCAO #DroptheCharges.