Meeting Time: February 03, 2021 at 2:30pm MST
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Agenda Item

62 Public Hearing - Amend City Code - Ordinance Adoption - Rezoning Application Z-SP-2-19-7 - Southeast Corner of 13th Avenue and Madison Street (Ordinance G-6799)

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    Hana Hehman over 3 years ago

    The city cannot drag this out any longer. Over 500 unsheltered people died in the past year while 500 a month were turned away due to lack of beds at the Human Services Campus. The city can alleviate some of this need right now by approving this expansion and providing these much needed beds to the community. People need sleep to do anything else. More beds will lead to a better quality of life for the entire community. Approve this expansion today.

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    Crystal Mathews over 3 years ago

    In support of Item #62. Having a place to lay your head and get a meal should be a basic human right while you're working toward a better situation. That is obviously a larger issue, but this is a good place to start.

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    Sophie Jacobs over 3 years ago

    I support the zoning for 100 low barrier shelter beds for Phoenix’s houseless population which is in desperate need. Putting up chains around the easements does nothing and helps no one. It only causes further displacement and more desperation. The 100 shelter beds are vitally important to the health and safety of our houseless neighbors.

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    Skyler Scott over 3 years ago

    I support 62 in order to increase shelter beds for our homeless community. A change needs to happen.

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    Jake Friedman over 3 years ago

    The unsheltered population in Phoenix is one of the most vulnerable groups of people that exist, and should receive the highest priority in terms of treatment, programs, and other resources. Please create more beds and support them today.

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    Krystal Aguilar over 3 years ago

    I support more beds/housing for homeless population in Phoenix

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    Heather Kirchhofer over 3 years ago

    I support item 62. No one should be without shelter.

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    Brittney McKenzie over 3 years ago

    In support of 62. We need more shelter beds for our houseless neighbors.

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    luke black over 3 years ago

    The fact that the city has drawn this out for so long is shameful. We have the resources to support folks that are experiencing homelessness. I strongly support the approval of this zoning application so that more beds can be added.

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    Shea Gilman over 3 years ago

    I support item 62 to add more shelter beds for unhoused human beings that deserve a place to sleep

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    Delivan Oswood over 3 years ago

    We need more shelter beds with low barriers to be accessed by the unhoused living here in phoenix! No one deserves to go without shelter, especially during a pandemic

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    R Kyle Foxcroft over 3 years ago

    As a resident of Oakland neighborhood, I ask that City Council oppose item 62. My community experiences significant negative impacts due to our proximity to HSC. I have witnessed lewd acts, gun violence, trash, fires, trash-fires, overdoses, screams in the middle of the night. I understand my privilege in being housed (housing should be a right!) but what I do not understand is why only my community is expected to shoulder this burden. It should clearly be shared across all districts.

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    Payton Dolenar over 3 years ago

    The homeless need a place of shelter where they can rest.

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    Erik Cole over 3 years ago

    While I don't reside in Phoenix, my work is in downtown Phoenix and i'm active in regional homeless systems work. Yes, we need a more regional approach to providing shelter, wrap-around services, and a pathway to employment and housing. However, we have a critical need in front of us and we are fortunate to have the high-quality providers at the HSC. The situation is too dire to NOT make this rather small adjustment to serve more people. Respectfully.

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    Xanthia Walker over 3 years ago

    This is a critical need in our community and I support it.

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    Caitlin OHara over 3 years ago

    More low barrier beds are needed. Support our unsheltered neighbors. Especially during the pandemic! We need eachother.

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    Aaron Kane over 3 years ago

    Everyone deserves a safe place to sleep. I am in support of 62.

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    Andrew Cece over 3 years ago

    I recognize and appreciate that there are many different ideas as to what the long term solutions to homelessness are...but in the here and now, there are many human beings, deserving of love, compassion and dignity who will not have a place to sleep tonight due to a lack of beds and/or lack of adequate facilities to meet their unique needs. Thankfully, this immediate problem has a near-term solution that is being offered by private parties.

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    Alexa Zeringue over 3 years ago

    Please allow more low barrier beds for our unhoused neighbors. Everyone deserves a safe space to sleep. Vote to support the most vulnerable members of our community!

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    Sarah Hall over 3 years ago

    I strongly support the addition of shelter beds for our neighbors. Every person deserves a safe place to sleep.