Meeting Time: February 03, 2021 at 2:30pm MST
The online Comment window has expired

Agenda Item

62 Public Hearing - Amend City Code - Ordinance Adoption - Rezoning Application Z-SP-2-19-7 - Southeast Corner of 13th Avenue and Madison Street (Ordinance G-6799)

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    Cole Carney over 3 years ago

    Homelessness in Phoenix must be addressed for a healthier city. As a public health student, I support the zoning application allowing additional shelter beds at CASS. To ensure safe and sanitary housing, I urge council members to support the use of St. Vincent de Paul’s dining room for overflow and Andre House as a Low/No Barrier shelter. There is currently a need for smaller, more specialized shelters to serve those experiencing homelessness in our city and we must address the issue now.

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    Linda Bylow over 3 years ago

    Please support additional beds at CASS and the new low barrier beds as proposed by Andre House. It is inhumane to keep ignoring the plight of those who sleep on the streets due to lack of beds or housing. Please act in support before more lives are lost.The City of Phoenix must positively address the increasing numbers of its citizens impacted by homelessness! Please!

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    LAURA HINCHEY over 3 years ago

    Everyone deserves a clean and safe place to sleep. They deserve food, water and mercy. Adding beds is necessary to help those experiencing homelessness in our city. Phoenix weather is notoriously deadly. As a resident, I support this agenda item. Please vote YES.

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    Grace Clark over 3 years ago

    I live in the Willo district and attend church near Burton Barr Library. I see people living on the streets of downtown Phoenix and sympathize with their struggle to survive. CASS provides a valuable resource in offering long-term shelter for people trying to rebuild their independence. We as citizens of this great city need to step up and invest more in supporting organizations like CASS. I urge Phoenicians, Council representatives, and esp my rep LAURA PASTOR, to SUPPORT this.

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    David Foust over 3 years ago

    I support approval of additional beds for the CASS shelter. In the long term Phoenix needs more affordable housing built, but in the short term additional shelter beds are desperately needed. Camping in parking lots is not a solution, especially with the extreme summer temperatures in Phoenix.

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    Barbara Marcellus over 3 years ago

    I live in District 3, and urge COUNCILWOMAN STARK and the entire council to support this plan. CASS must increase their shelter bed capacity.. Seeing the increasing number of people living in tents is more than an embarrassment to a city as vibrant and progressive as we portray ourselves. The LOW BARRIER SHELTER adjacent to Andre House will help a large number of vulnerable people who cannot manage on their own. That’s 100 people most in need! Please support the special zoning change!

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    Janice Hoeschler over 3 years ago

    Please help support folks experiencing homelessness by allowing additional shelter beds next to Andre House. It is the humane thing to do. These people deserve a bed to sleep on and shelter overhead. Sleeping on the street is not the way to address our concerns for their safety. The organizations currently helping them survive - Andre House, st Vincent de Paul and Human Services Campus have worked so hard and long to do their part to help. It’s time for you to step up and help. Jan Hoeschler

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    Pam Selthun over 3 years ago

    I've been a Phoenix resident for more than 30 years and I support the rezoning application. During this pandemic, more people have been forced to live on the streets. It's our duty as a society to care for those without food, shelter, or clothing. A yes vote means that hundreds of vulnerable people in our community will have a safe place to sleep. Allow Andre House to construct a low-barrier shelter, and partner with other organizations to provide affordable housing. Thank you for voting yes.

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    Rachel Ewell over 3 years ago

    Fully support the addition of beds submitted in this proposal. Anyone that lives downtown cannot be faced by the horrors of the unsheltered situation that so many folx are experiencing. The city council has done very little (if nothing at all) to address these concerns and we need to provide clean and safe housing for this population.

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    Kate Hartland over 3 years ago

    Everyone deserves a clean, safe and dignified place to sleep. Adding beds is necessary to help those experiencing homelessness in our city. Phoenix weather is notoriously deadly - additional beds could reduce someone's vulnerability to extreme heat, minimizing negative health effects. This truly can come down to life or death. As a resident of Phoenix, I support this agenda item. Please vote YES.

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    Jisoo Kim over 3 years ago

    When all these experienced, compassionate, and directly impacted people say low-barrier shelters are needed, they mean NEEDED. There's no shortage of justifications for taking immediate action: extreme weather events, public health crises, evidence-backed means of transitioning away from houselessness, etc. And not just for a few people -- hundreds. Vote yes now.

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    William Corn over 3 years ago

    The group at andre House does so much to support those that are currently in need, it is time that we do what we can to assist them in this effort.

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    Lisa Kaiser over 3 years ago

    As a resident of Phoenix, I support the rezoning application. A yes vote means that hundreds of vulnerable people in our community will have a safe place to sleep. It means that Andre House can begin construction on it’s low-barrier shelter, a building that has been sitting empty since early 2019. It means that CASS can begin plans to increase shelter capacity within its current building. It means that the Human Services Campus can shelter people on cold and rainy nights. This must be done.

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    Sonali Madahar over 3 years ago

    Please do the right thing— ensure that your unhoused citizens are safe and sound until they can secure permanent housing. In the midst of a pandemic, with the past week’s weather, and the upcoming summer months, it is imperative that those in need receive these beds. Please provide the capable organizations of our community with the resources needed to help our struggling population. I implore you to yes to adding beds and support future endeavors such as this to aid the citizens of Phoenix.

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    Carol Walker over 3 years ago

    Every human being deserves a safe place to sleep and respite from inclement weather. And for the vulnerable, marginalized individuals and families already sleeping rough on the streets around the Campus, shelter is the first step in accessing the services they need to regain self-sufficiency. Please give them a fighting chance by voting "YES". Thank you in advance for compassionately supporting these community members and the area homeowners and business.

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    Tim Hall over 3 years ago

    I have been a resident of Phoenix for over 30 years--in addition to working at Andre House, I’m a long-time
    volunteer with St Mary’s Food Bank Alliance and lay minister at Banner UMC (formerly Good Sam). I have great
    empathy and concern for this growing and struggling population in our community. I ask that you help me help
    them in securing safe, clean sleeping accommodations until a more permanent solution can be found in our community.

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    Kate Spire over 3 years ago

    I have been an advocate for justice my entire life. Yet, it wasn't until I came to work at the Human Services Campus that a understood the issues surrounding chronic Homelessness and effective strategies to end someone's homelessness. Previously, I judged solutions by what seemed most loving, most comforting, "what I would want". In actuality, until someone is in a stable shelter, their ability to feel love and comfort is greatly diminished. Add beds, position people to become whole again.

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    ARLEN WESTLING over 3 years ago

    As a long time volunteer for St. Vincent de Paul, I have seen the tremendous benefits provided by them and other organizations located at the Human Services Campus. The additional beds planned by CASS and Andre House will go a long way in providing safety and security not only for the homeless but also the residents and businesses located in the area. I encourage you to support this effort by those trying to help their community.

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    Sophia Ramirez over 3 years ago

    Homelessness is a health crisis. Our homeless population consistently gets overlooked and needs you to help them. Please support adding more beds for your homeless constituents. Not everyone qualifies for traditional shelters, and it is up to you all to fight for your constituents. We all deserve to be fought for.

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    John Zemblidge over 3 years ago

    As a long time Phoenix resident, retiree, Andre House volunteer, and member of the Society of St. Vincent de Paul, I strongly urge the Phoenix City Council to vote "yes" on the request to add shelter beds at the southeast corner of 13th Avenue and Madison Street. My wife and I go to bed every night in a safe and dry place. Now, with your "yes" vote, the City of Phoenix can make this a reality for many more of our less fortunate sisters and brothers. Please vote "yes."