Meeting Time: February 03, 2021 at 2:30pm MST
The online Comment window has expired

Agenda Item

62 Public Hearing - Amend City Code - Ordinance Adoption - Rezoning Application Z-SP-2-19-7 - Southeast Corner of 13th Avenue and Madison Street (Ordinance G-6799)

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    Jeannine Lyons over 3 years ago

    The people experiencing homelessness are our fellow community members. Those who died last year could have been you or me, given an unforeseen family, medical, or financial crisis. While you and I were safe and cozy in December and January, people were unnecessarily out on the street being exposed to the elements, crime, and near-freezing temperatures at night. The rezoning for added beds must be approved without further delay as a matter of ethics and community conscience.

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    Celina Tchida over 3 years ago

    Low-barrier shelter is necessary to meet the people where they are and reduce risk of death and harm. Fewer regulations means people can live like human beings and count on housing without having to leave work early to check into a bed at noon or spend hours waiting in lines to get a bed for the night. The city cannot drag this out any longer. Over 500 unsheltered people died in the past year while 500 a month were turned away due to lack of beds. Approve this expansion today.

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    Brittney Raley over 3 years ago

    The need for shelter beds is apparent and with COVID wrecking havoc more and more people are forced to the streets day by day. Everyone deserves shelter and a safe/dry space to sleep at night. Shelter is a basic human right and providing additional shelter beds is just a tiny step in the right direction. Giving beds to those in needs means less people out on the streets.

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    Camille Johnson over 3 years ago

    Adding more shelter beds is essential for public health—city employees and service providers currently have to go into the Zone to contact individuals which increases the risk of covid spread. Adding shelter beds will reduce the number of interactions between houseless folks and city employees. Having a bed to sleep in is essential for unsheltered folks’ bodies to fight off Covid. Council, it is in our community’s best interest to approve this proposal to increase the number of beds in shelters.

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    Iana BindePereira over 3 years ago

    Betty Guardado from District 5, I worked with Unite Here Local 11 to canvass for you. I was 1 of 6 high school students that passionately knocked on doors, after school and during our weekends, in the middle of a pandemic in order to elect YOU. I wanted you because I believed that you would do your job. People need access to shelter. Your job is to help people so do it. Make sure that your constituents who are in crisis get some of the support that they deserve. Please SUPPORT THIS MEASURE!

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    Daniel Alanis over 3 years ago

    We need more people in safe shelters. This city wants the homeless off the street but provides no place for them to go. Provide them with a safe alternative and actually support people in need in this city.

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    Danielle McMahon over 3 years ago

    The addition of shelter beds will take a large step towards addressing the crisis we have going on daily in Phoenix, called Homelessness. We need more safe shelter spaces where individuals can find respite in a dignified environment so they can maintain the energy needed to take steps out of homelessness. These members of our community need your help. Please support these efforts to assist in bringing long lasting change to our entire community.

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    Catherine Heywood over 3 years ago

    City Council, support this measure. Everyone deserves shelter and safety, especially those without it. This is a needed short-term solution. Please vote yes.

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    Jessica Spencer over 3 years ago

    We need more beds! There is a humanitarian crisis occurring in our very streets, our home, and instead of helping those around us we through more money at the DEADLIEST police force in the nation. Disgusting. City Council, prove you represent us instead of yourselves by voting in support of this measure.

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    Janette Jones over 3 years ago

    You just easily and sickly gave one of the most dangerous police forces 7 million dollars without them exactly telling the public what for ( thank you Carlos Garcia, not you) - but the least you can do is help those who actually need that money and support , which are our houseless neighbors- it’s time to actually invest in resources - that will benefit those oppressed by the white supremist delusion

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    Rev Susan Valiquette over 3 years ago

    I support the the increase of shelter beds. We need a short-term solution for addressing the inhumane conditions experienced by those who have no shelter.

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    Elizabeth Casey over 3 years ago

    Im a social worker with people with a mental illness. Many are homeless and stay at CASS and Andre House. Last year one of my clients died of hyperthermia on the streets of Phoenix. My clients and others deserve safety in a shelter and a path to permanent housing

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    James McFadden over 3 years ago

    I volunteer at Andres House and have seen the hardships that unsheltered people face. I urge the City Council to vote in favor of expanding shelter beds at CASS and Andres House.

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    Kelly Kwok over 3 years ago

    Please vote yes to add shelter beds and low barrier shelter with Andre House and Cass. The city cannot continue to avoid this. Many of your constituents know the issue, know the unhoused and at-risk neighbors, and are watching what you will do or not do. There is no more time to wait. Vote yes now.

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    Mary Popovich over 3 years ago

    Please approve this application so that more homeless people can get needed shelter.

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    Shawn Pugh over 3 years ago

    The city of Phoenix has a long history of ignoring the issues of the unsheltered. The city of Phoenix is very comfortable letting the non profits and do gooders take the wheel and make them beg just to continue to side step the simple needs of the homeless. When is the right time? When does the City do what the public demands? When does the City use our money the way we ask? When does the City do something in the name of human rights? From my point of view ... Never! I support you his agenda!

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    Janette Corral over 3 years ago

    I work downtown on 6th Avenue and Jackson. I have seen the impact of the lack of shelter space as I come and go from work every day because people have been living on the streets. Through my work, I know firsthand that my clients who desperately want shelter cannot find a place to rest and feel safe. We owe it to our community members experiencing homelessness to provide them shelter. I am in support of adding shelter beds at CASS and Andre House.

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    Emily Cowles over 3 years ago

    I am in support of this agenda item for the good of our community!

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    jackie rifkin over 3 years ago

    As a volunteer who has worked with the unsheltered for several years, I strongly support the addition of beds to both CASS and Andre House. It's fine to say that there should be regional answers, but people are dying now on the streets for lack of beds. The staff and volunteers at Andre House and HSC have put so much work into drafting an acceptable plan that will alleviate much pain and help the neighborhood..the time is to move on this is now.

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    Ashley Wise over 3 years ago

    I urge you to vote "yes" in support of additional shelter beds & a low barrier shelter. Stability is imperative for our unhoused citizens as they navigate their way out of poverty & homelessness. Additional beds & a low barrier shelter provide the first step in providing that stability. This can not be seen as anything other than a positive step for the city of Phoenix & (ALL of) the citizens you as councilmembers represent. The current lack of concern is troubling. Please do the right thing!