Meeting Time: February 03, 2021 at 2:30pm MST
The online Comment window has expired

Agenda Item

62 Public Hearing - Amend City Code - Ordinance Adoption - Rezoning Application Z-SP-2-19-7 - Southeast Corner of 13th Avenue and Madison Street (Ordinance G-6799)

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    James Newell over 3 years ago

    I'm an ASU student working in a club of about 20 people dedicated to learning about and addressing issues of homelessness. This situation has been at the forefront of our discussions for the past few weeks, and we, along with our friends and family members, are unanimously in support of this request. People are dying while waiting for a decision to be made–we have a responsibility to them, please do the right thing.

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    Bianca Ibarra over 3 years ago

    This problem is only going to worsen if this is not approved. A bed is one of the most important items for us as humans. Not having a secure place to sleep is nothing short of tragic. Having more shelter beds can help individuals in need take the first step in getting off the streets which snowballs into helping them get back on their feet.

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    Jennifer Clowery over 3 years ago

    I live near 15th Ave and McDowell and work frequently at courts downtown and there has obviously been an exponential increase in the number of people currently experiencing homelessness in this city. It's shameful to keep them fenced in a few city blocks, living in tents if they are lucky, or out in the open or under cardboard if they are not, instead of allowing more shelters and beds to be available in this city. Do what's right and approve this item!

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    Debbie Kariuki over 3 years ago

    I write this pledging my full support for the rezoning and increase of resources allocated to Andre House/Human Services Campus! The increased beds will only positively impact the Phoenix community by finding a place for so many displaced individuals-- especially in a time where unemployment and eviction are rising. We need this!

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    Sierra McMartin over 3 years ago

    I fully support allowing the Andre House to rezone to provide more shelter beds for our unsheltered neighbors. Imagine for a moment what it must have felt like to be unsheltered during the heavy rains we experienced these past weeks. You have the power to change that reality for hundreds of members of our community. Please, exercise some empathy by voting yes for this measure. Lives depend on it.

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    Claudia Deley over 3 years ago

    I write in absolute solidarity to increase the amount of beds, accessibility (sanitation, bathrooms, medical care, etc.) and nourishing provisions at HSC and support for groups like Andre House who help our friends in the Phoenix streets experiencing houseless-ness. This would be a beneficial change that is not just limited to houseless people. When everyone has the opportunity to feel healthy and safe, we can do some wonderful things that would radiate throughout the entire community.

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    Wil Meister over 3 years ago

    We need more shelter beds! Even before COVID-19 hit, emergency shelters like CASS had to turn hundreds away per month due to a lack of capacity. Now, we're facing a booming housing market at the same time jobs, unemployment, and rental assistance are hard to find. If we don't put give resources to and empower unhoused people, we will effectively be signing off on mass scale suffering.

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    Paris Moore over 3 years ago

    Please give Phoenix more shelter beds. This city desperately needs them. We are only asking for the ability to provide beds. Why is this taking two years just to get more beds. Please increase the number of beds allowed.

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    Hannah Smith over 3 years ago

    City council should vote to approve this measure as homelessness is on the rise in Phoenix and shelter capacity is limited due to Covid-19.

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    Sara Richter over 3 years ago

    The Andre House/Human Services Campus is only asking for zoning, not funding. This is not a matter of financial resources and there are benefits for the city—it would be a financial windfall. It is far cheaper to house people than to keep them housless, especially when the city wouldn’t be funding the additions.

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    Jessie Wickersham over 3 years ago

    This is such a reasonable, tangible mode of support for those members of our community who struggle day by day to fulfill the most basic of needs. It is a time-critical measure; please move forward with approval.

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    Nicole Ealy over 3 years ago

    I am a resident of Phoenix and fully support measure to increase the number of shelter beds.

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    Angeles Ixehuatl over 3 years ago

    As a Phoenix resident, I support this agenda item.

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    Joanna Carr over 3 years ago

    Adding shelter beds to the HSC/Andre House is critical to reduce harm to individuals experiencing homelessness in Phoenix. 500 unsheltered people died in 2020 and this is wholly unacceptable at any time. Shelter is a pathway to permanent housing and every human deserves a safe home. We are at a critical point in time where moving the needle on access to shelter and services is possible and imperative. The rezoning will help save money and save lives. Please vote to approve this proposal.

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    Anesia Groves over 3 years ago

    The city cannot drag this out any longer. Over 500 unsheltered people died in the past year while 500 a month were turned away due to lack of beds at the Human Services Campus. The city can alleviate some of this need right now by approving this expansion and providing these much needed beds to the community. People need sleep to do anything else. More beds will lead to a better quality of life for the entire community. Approve this expansion today.

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    Isobel Romberger over 3 years ago

    This city looks upon its unhoused residents like they are a nuisance and a problem instead of people in need of aid and compassion. It forgets their humanity. We fail them. Before the city became a hotbed for corona virus transmission and the economy took a blow we already had need to increase the number of shelter beds and create a low barrier shelter. This city is hot enough to kill in the summer and cold enough to kill in the winter. Now we have the virus. Unhoused folks deserve shelter.

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    Lauren Watford over 3 years ago

    I support the measure to add more shelter beds. It’s in the best interest of the community to house more individuals, which will promote dignity, increase homeless individuals’ access to needed services, prevent unnecessary death due to heat related illnesses, and decrease the number of people forced to sleep on the street. Please vote in support of measure #62.

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    Amanda Salvione over 3 years ago

    The city cannot drag this out any longer. Over 500 unsheltered people died in the past year while 500 a month were turned away due to lack of beds at the Human Services Campus. The city can alleviate some of this need right now by approving this expansion and providing these much needed beds to the community. People need sleep to do anything else. More beds will lead to a better quality of life for the entire community. Approve this expansion today.

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    Timothy Schmaltz over 3 years ago

    I urge you to to vote on the increase in shelter beds. These beds are urgently needed particularly during this pandemic. Thank you for your consideration.

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    Alejandra Bucon over 3 years ago

    I am a Phoenix resident and I support the increase of shelter beds. Last week, I enjoyed the cold weather staying inside my home with a cozy blanket and warm drinks. But people experiencing homelessness didn't have that! They were outside in the cold, which can mean a life-threatening condition. Let's be compassionate and welcome them to a place they can rest and be safe. We don't know if one day we could be in the same situation. The space for beds is already available! Please approve the beds.