Meeting Time: February 03, 2021 at 2:30pm MST
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Agenda Item

62 Public Hearing - Amend City Code - Ordinance Adoption - Rezoning Application Z-SP-2-19-7 - Southeast Corner of 13th Avenue and Madison Street (Ordinance G-6799)

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    Mariah Orozco over 3 years ago

    We need to help those on the streets and take action. Ignoring the fact that they need help is selfish and heartbreaking. We need to do our part. If we have the means to provide beds for those that need them they 100% should be provided.

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    Maxana Goettl over 3 years ago

    Add more shelter beds. As elected officials, your responsibility is to this community. Choosing to prioritize policing & property over accessible shelter beds is violent. Our houseless neighbors deserve better.

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    Ryan Avery over 3 years ago

    If we aren’t going to provide housing for the homeless then we need to provide more shelter beds at least. Especially during this pandemic, this should have happened years ago though.

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    Andrea Orozco over 3 years ago

    Housing and shelter are fundamental to the well-being of a human being. Currently, there are hundreds of people without homes, and this past year the numbers only increased as a result of COVID-19. I urge the City Council to vote in support of rezoning and adding additional beds, which will improve the livelihood of many people.

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    Lindsey Myers over 3 years ago

    In the last few years, there has been a significant increase in houseless individuals who are medically vulnerable without any corresponding increase in shelter beds. Research is clear without the stability of shelter, people not only remain houseless, but their wellbeing deteriorates. People need shelter for safety, stability & health. The longer this need is ignored the more people deteriorate & the situation worsens. Shelter is the 1st step toward housing. Without shelter, there is no housing

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    Elisabeth Carpenter over 3 years ago

    Over 500 unsheltered people died in the past year while 500 a month were turned away due to lack of beds at the Human Services Campus. The city can alleviate some of this need right now by approving this expansion and providing these much needed beds to the community. People need sleep to do anything else. More beds will lead to a better quality of life for the entire community. Approve this expansion today or you'll be directly contributing to human suffering.

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    Dominic Scheuring over 3 years ago

    There is great need for more shelter beds -- the resources and spaces of places like Andre House and StVdP are overwhelmed. Get these residents of our beloved city off the streets and into a bed.

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    Kirene Bennett over 3 years ago

    As a resident of Phoenix I fully support the amendment to increase shelter beds at the Human Services Campus and Andre House. The addition of these beds is a crucial first step in order to get our unsheltered neighbors off the streets and on the path to permanent housing. The City has the power and all the resources necessary to provide a safe place for folx in need; please vote to do so on Wednesday as the lives of so many depend on it.

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    Casey Suchomski over 3 years ago

    I used to work at Andre House 2017-18. During my time and since ending my time as full-time staff member, every now and then I get a text message. These messages say something along the lines of "John Doe died yesterday on the street from dehydration". Messages also say "I found Jane Doe lying dead on the sidewalk". It's heartbreaking to hear of so many beautiful people dying. Let's do something about it and give people a place to rest their head at night. Those on the street's lives matter too.

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    JoAnn LowneyCoplin over 3 years ago

    Creating one of the largest shelters in the nation in the middle of a community will not help its clients nor the community. Most of the people living on the street near the HSC campus are not seeking its shelter. They are habitual drug users and do not want to be inside. Those wanting shelter have specific needs, better served by small shelters. Please support the recommendations of the Planning Commission which demonstrate a balance for all – including area families and businesses.

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    Hailey McCourt over 3 years ago

    Giving more beds to houseless individuals is the right thing to do. We cannot allow people to senselessly die on the hot AZ streets when there is space for them! Do the right thing!

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    Kharli Mandeville over 3 years ago

    I support the measure to add more shelter beds. There is a great need for this assistance in our community and we have the means to make it happen! Please vote in favor.

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    Michael Rodgers over 3 years ago

    Approval of this special permit stands in direct opposition to the homeless initiative which states shelters should have no negative impact on neighborhoods in which they reside and operate. The HSC has shown little willingness to make the health and safety of the neighborhood a priority for SEVERAL DECADES and expanding their capacity will only make the problems much, much worse. Neighborhoods all over the city are watching closely, as we will know by your actions what we can expect next.

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    Anthony Manchego over 3 years ago

    I fully support increasing beds. Too many of our neighbors lives are lost due to not having shelter. People should not be getting turned away and denied a place to sleep. No more deaths on the street! No more investments in police until we put the community FIRST!

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    Jennifer Dangremond over 3 years ago

    I've been involved with the Human Services Campus/CASS since 1999. All along there's been a need for more beds and services. This specific effort has been in process for two years. It's not a perfect solution and yet, it is a solution for the men and women who find themselves stuck on the streets through the rain and cold, only soon to be followed by extreme heat. The City can do better and should do better. Let's get these beds open!

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    Leah Terry over 3 years ago

    500 unsheltered people died on the street this past year. Neighbors in the area in the proposed shelter bed permit increase have concerns that have been heavily addressed in the long list of stipulations. No resources for housing our residents is possible without allowing them a place to sleep safely and night and store their possessions. The additional shelter beds can accommodate the close to 1,000 people using services in "the zone" everyday. INVEST IN SOLUTIONS NOW. THIS IS YOUR CHANCE.

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    Jose Valdez over 3 years ago

    I support the increase of shelter beds. We just saw how the Phoenix weather, such as the rainstorms, can have a negative effect on the homeless in the city. People need access to shelter and access to resources to keep them safe.

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    Corin Puckett over 3 years ago

    As a resident of Phx AZ, I support the additions of shelter beds but not more poliecing as everyone deservs a safe place to sleep. Protect people over property, provide for the people, the City of Phoenix has failed short so many times in providing support of its very own community.

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    Jeff McMullin over 3 years ago

    Increasing shelter beds without increasing facilities is a commonsense approach to assisting those who sleep outside the Human Services campus. This brings people indoors at night. This is not an invitation to bring more people to the area. As a resident of Gilbert, Tempe business owner, and contributor to the Human Services Campus, I appreciate the city of Phoenix supporting the Human Services Campus, and all Maricopa county residents providing services to those experiencing homelessness.

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    Gabrielle Honda over 3 years ago

    I was trying to help an unhoused woman who was fleeing a violent partner a little while ago. She said she would accept my help getting her to a shelter, but there were no beds available. I spent the evening with her, giving her what I could, calling shelter after shelter, non-profit after non-profit to try to get her set up with some stability, and nothing. I was shocked and outraged. It was such a hopeless situation. We need more beds.