Meeting Time: June 17, 2020 at 2:30pm MST
Note: The online Request to Speak window has expired.
The online Comment window has expired

Agenda Item

24 Adoption of the Final 2020-21 Operating Funds Budget (Ordinance S-46715) ***ADDITIONAL INFORMATION (SEE MEMO)***

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    Erika George about 4 years ago

    Please consider directing these funds towards resources for our future. Consider including funds for teachers, supplies, and the health of our youth.

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    bee bohannon about 4 years ago

    Please consider moving some of the allotted 745.000.000 for police towards community programs or small businesses as they try to get on their feet from covid

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    Aaron Werner about 4 years ago

    The $745 million budget for Phoenix Pd that has supposedly been reduced is 300% larger than what is reasonable for a city our size. Source:LAPD’s entire budget is less than $200 million. Our city with far few residents has no justification for that level of expenditure. This is not coming from a transplant liberal, I’m a born and raised independent, voting Arizonan. Vote no on this budget and reallocate the funds to invest in our communities instead.

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    Alexis Creighton about 4 years ago

    I demand that the City Council vote no on the 2020-21 Phoenix City budget. Consider reducing the funding allocated for police and instead allocating those funds to departments and areas that directly benefit your residents, including affordable housing and housing assistance, human service, and community and economic development. We need your help to make Phoenix a better and safer place for all people.

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    Ryan Case about 4 years ago

    I oppose the proposed budget allocated for PHX PD.

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    Anthony E about 4 years ago

    I strongly oppose the budget for 2020-21 as is. The PPD is incredibly overfunded and continuing to cut funds for community programs and funneling more money into the police force does not help anybody. Please cut the police budget and reallocate those funds towards things like education, healthcare, housing, public transit, and programs that make our community more secure. The citizens of Phoenix are counting on you to do the right thing! Vote NO and prioritize the citizens you should represent!

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    Zachary Bryant about 4 years ago

    Defund PHX PD. Invest in education, health, housing, and the community.

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    Julie Shanahan about 4 years ago

    I’d like to see funds allocated to underserved community programs like public health and education. I believe an investment in these areas will reduce police intervention by contributing to safer and more effective resources.

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    Bailey Noone about 4 years ago

    Please use these funds elsewhere in our community

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    Ian Derk about 4 years ago

    The Phoenix PD has consistently ignored calls to restrain its spending. The police department has grown, but the number of cleared violent crimes has decreased. Giving more money to a department that fails to manage its existing budget properly is irresponsible.

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    Taylor Baumel about 4 years ago

    As a resident of Phoenix district 7 I strongly oppose this budget which allocates excessive funds to our extremely violent police force. I can attest firsthand from living in the heart of downtown, the police force is not protecting or serving anybody here. Defund the police and redirect funds to city programs and services that will ACTUALLY strengthen and benefit our community.

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    Mallory Quigg about 4 years ago

    Mayor Kate Gallego, I read In an article you said, “being a mom makes you think about things more long-term, you think about what kind of city you’re going to leave behind for your family. I wanted a phoenix that he would love”
    As a mother myself, the kind of budget you and your fellow Council members have proposed will not be creating the kind of city that I would be proud of, nor should you. Defund the Police department and give that money to services that our community truly needs.

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    Samantha Barry about 4 years ago

    Please vote no on a budget increase for the police and re-allocate those funds back to the community.

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    Raul Bencomo about 4 years ago

    I demand that the City Council vote NO on the 2020-21 budget on June 17th. Phoenix needs more mental health and youth programs. Especially with COVID-19, the $242 million to housing, human services, and community development will not be enough. Of the $745 million spent by the council on policing, a MINIMUM of $40 million should be moved to mental health and youth programs. Thank you.

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    Thomas Garcia about 4 years ago

    I did not support this budget until we address the public safety crisis and systemic racism of our police department. We need to reform and reallocate funds to support public safety.

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    Zoe Shannon about 4 years ago

    Start the process of defunding the Phoenix PD by not funneling in even more money to an already over funded police force. Use this money to proactively build a safer, thriving community.

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    Murphy Bannerman about 4 years ago

    I demand that the City Council vote NO on the 2020-21 budget on June 17th. Phoenix needs more mental health and youth programs, not an increase in police funding. Especially in the middle of a pandemic, only $242 million to housing, human services, and community development is NOT enough. The $745 million spent by the council on policing should be moved to mental health and youth programs.

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    Daniel Sagadraca about 4 years ago

    As a Phoenix resident and taxpayer, I oppose the over-inflated budget that is being allocated to the PHX PD—we don’t need militarized police forces that incite violence. Instead, use those funds to improve our schools, housing, and community development.

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    Liana MacNeill about 4 years ago

    I am a citizen of Phoenix District #4 and you need to know that I am opposed to any budget that increases funds to the police. Despite their pledge to serve and protect, it has NEVER felt safe in Phoenix precisely because of the police. Enough is enough! I demand that you vote NO on the 2020-21 budget. We need clean air and quality schools, not an increase in police funding. The $745 million allocated to policing should be moved to mental health and youth programs and environmental restoration.

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    Bethany Garrett about 4 years ago

    The proposed budget for police is far too high. There are other parts of our community that desperately need that funding and better suit the needs of our community. Fund a better future.