Meeting Time: June 17, 2020 at 2:30pm MST
Note: The online Request to Speak window has expired.
The online Comment window has expired

Agenda Item

24 Adoption of the Final 2020-21 Operating Funds Budget (Ordinance S-46715) ***ADDITIONAL INFORMATION (SEE MEMO)***

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    Neekole Rae about 4 years ago

    We NEED police, we NEED dispatchers, we NEED first responders, we NEED equipment and we NEED training! There is never enough money for police departments as it is! Defunding or cutting the budget only harms the community and puts every resident in the Phoenix PD jurisdiction in harms way.

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    Ted Myers about 4 years ago

    Please remove the 25 million increase for the Police and reallocate to direct community services.

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    Andi Hensen about 4 years ago

    I support funding our police department. The city needs to provide training, equipment, and be able to recruit and retain quality officers to keep our communities safe.

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    CHARLOTTE RHEINGOLD about 4 years ago

    I strongly oppose this budget. Less funding needs to go to Phoenix PD. Instead, the money should be invested in education, housing, and community development. Certainly public education before police funding!

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    Lindsey Calvin about 4 years ago

    Please defund the Phoenix police department and reallocate money into programs and policies that will help to better our communities and the citizens living in them.

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    Taylor Smothermon about 4 years ago

    Defund the police and allocate money towards helping the people without shelter, food, and water in our communities. Fund education, mental health services, free public transportation, and community gardens.

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    Taylor Clifton about 4 years ago

    Oppose! To increase the budget for the PPD at a time when your constituents have been pleading in the streets for a well strategized plan to defund police is a complete lack of respect for the community. Please drastically cut back these funds meant for the PPD and reallocate them into programs that will enrich our community instead of hold them back. A good place to start would be our schools, as we are currently the 3RD WORST education system in the country. WE NEED YOU TO DO THE RIGHT THING!

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    Megan Vanbuskirk about 4 years ago

    I, Megan Vanbuskirk strongly oppose the budget proposal. Phoenix has proven to be blatantly inadequate in properly supporting mental health, drug abuse and public education. The police have not proven to be effective in improving the lives of people with little resources, people of color and people who suffer from mental health or drug abuses issues. Please reallocate funding from the grossly enlarged police budget to support mental health, drug abuse and public education initiatives.

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    Caleb Alatorre about 4 years ago

    There has always been a systematic stigma with the police targeting minorities and it needs to stop. We should be allocating the resources to better benefit Phoenix and our educational system.

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    Edward Verderame about 4 years ago

    If you haven't figured out that throwing money at the police solves nothing by now, you don't deserve to be in your position. This is an insane amount of money for strategies that have proven ineffective. FUND GOVERNMENT SOCIAL PROGRAMS THAT ACTUALLY HELP PEOPLE, FREE POLICE UP TO DO THEIR ACTUAL JOBS. REALLOCATE THE FUNDS!

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    Bill Morlan about 4 years ago

    As a business owner near the Human Services Campus, I agree that the City needs to invest more in community development, mental heath and affordable housing to address homelessness. Until this happens, however, I request that the City allocate money to fully fund police patrols in the neighborhood 24 hours a day. This is needed to protect the people experiencing homelessness as well as the residents and business owners in the are.

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    Christian Jenkins about 4 years ago

    I strongly oppose this budget. The PHX PD is allocated far too much money that could be utilized to better help the community. Fund programs such as housing, community development, education, etc. and defund PHX PD.

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    jayden owens about 4 years ago

    As a tax payer and life long Arizona resident I am demanding that you take action to commit to helping our community and giving our citizens the help they need. This help doesn’t come in the form of policing. This comes from money being redirected from our broken police system into resources for the community. More money to schools, homelessness, housing..etc. PLEASE PLEASE hear me, hear your community and cut the police budget and put funds into better resources for our people.

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    Holly Behr about 4 years ago

    I oppose the proposed budget increase. These funds would better serve the Phoenix community if they went towards programs for our underserved populations, additional funding to support our amazing teachers, and other community services to strengthen our social connections. The PHX PD should work on community outreach, increased accountability, and rebuilding trust instead of increased funding. I urge the Council to vote NO.

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    Ashlynne Pesch about 4 years ago

    I strongly oppose this budget. The PHX PD is allocated far too much money that could be utilized to better help the community. Fund programs such as housing, community development, education, etc. and defund PHX PD.

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    Cara Redding about 4 years ago

    I oppose this budget because the money is unjustly allocated. There is far too much money going to the police department, and this money should be distributed towards more beneficial community services, such as mental health services, education, COVID-19 relief, and public housing. This fair reallocation of police funding will be the first steps to real reform.

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    Melissa Bromley about 4 years ago

    Cut this budget by AT LEAST 50% and reallocate the funds to community services and education. Listen to the public. We want to defund the police. We want different services to respond based on the call. Fund those programs. It’s working in states who implemented changes.

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    Corey Caulkins about 4 years ago

    I demand that the City Council vote no on 2020-21 budget today. The budget includes a $25 million increase in funding to the Phoenix PD, one of the deadliest police forces in the nation, while affordable housing, human services, and community and economic development remain underfunded. Why is adding $25 million to a budget spent on stockpiles of ammunition, riot gear and tear gas more important to you than the health of our children and the livelihood of our communities?

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    Nate Shipp about 4 years ago

    Support and fund our community – Not the enemy

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    Claudia Ludi about 4 years ago

    Please re-allocate some funds from police funding to support local agencies in the areas of health care, housing and education. . Special attention should be given to behavioral health and homelessness services. Our police force should not be expected to handle individuals suffering from mental illness. The time has come to re-evaluate the role of the police in our community and begin to scale it down. Our police are expected to handle more than what they should.