Meeting Time: February 03, 2021 at 2:30pm MST
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Agenda Item

*63 ***ADDITIONAL INFORMATION (SEE ATTACHED MEMO)*** (CONTINUED FROM DEC. 16, 2020) - Public Hearing - Appeal of Hearing Officer Decision - Abandonment of Right-of-Way - ABND 200534 - Various Segments generally located south of Jefferson Street and north of Harrison Street (railroad tracks) between 7th and 13th Avenues

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    Maggie Orr over 3 years ago

    Stop criminalizing homelessness that the government can end.

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    Helen Mendizabal over 3 years ago

    Oppose privatization, people before property.

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    Caroline Meek over 3 years ago

    I oppose privatizing sidewalks.

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    James Newell over 3 years ago

    Please do what's right––these are people who need our empathy and our help.

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    Debbie Kariuki over 3 years ago

    The privatization of sidewalks only endangers the homeless population by paving way to criminalize being unsheltered!

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    Bailey Maddox over 3 years ago

    Privatizing sidewalks is an act of outright violence against unsheltered folks and is absolutely unacceptable. I strongly oppose this item.

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    Ryan Orr over 3 years ago

    Unless the city is willing to invest more in affordable community housing, then DO NOT criminalize EXISTING in these spaces!

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    Kelly Kwok over 3 years ago

    Stop criminalizing houselessness. Vote no on item 63 which privatizes the public easements and sidewalks. If voted in, this will further displace and criminalize our neighbors. We must support unhoused people by voting no on item 63 and yes on 62.

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    Anita Nath over 3 years ago

    Criminalizing unhoused community members is inhumane.

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    Ryan Avery over 3 years ago

    Arresting those who can not find or afford shelter is cruel and dehumanizing.

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    Elisabeth Carpenter over 3 years ago

    Criminalizing unsheltered folx is inhumane and cruel, especially because this city continuously fails to provide adequate services to help our unsheltered neighbors. City council needs to treat its unsheltered constituents with basic human decency and respect by opposing this item AND supporting item 62 to add more shelter beds.

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    Hailey McCourt over 3 years ago

    Houseless individuals should not be arrested for being on the streets. Providing resources and shelter (I.e. adding shelter beds per agenda item #62) is the way in which to help individuals not take as much space outside and providing more trash reciprocals and bathrooms etc will help keep neighbors and businesses happier. The issue is not the individuals, (they will simply move elsewhere) the issue is a lack of resources for people experiencing homelessness.

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    Kharli Mandeville over 3 years ago

    The criminalization of houselessness is cruel and inhumane. Please oppose this item. I implore you to instead look to providing more tangible means of support for the people in our communities who are in need of shelter (ex. adding shelter beds as is proposed in agenda item #62).

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    Anthony Manchego over 3 years ago

    I strongly oppose! Everyone should be afforded proper shelter! The criminalization of homelessness by PHX PD is cruel and inhumane. GIVE THE SHELTERS YOUR SALARIES!!

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    Jamie Bonnell over 3 years ago

    support for this item would more care for profit and property than the survival and dignity of people in this city - people to whom you are accountable. rather than further punishing and dehumanizing your neighbors and constituents for the city's failure to provide garbage cans, restrooms, shelter beds, affordable housing, etc, we call on you to oppose this item and start rebuilding the community's trust in you as a governing body with integrity.

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    Cydney Guess over 3 years ago

    This is inhumane.

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    Jose Valdez over 3 years ago

    I oppose finding new ways to criminalize the homeless. This clearly will worsen the situation rather than help provide the resources needed to help these people. It is clear that property matters more than human lives and that is not right. The focus is also clearly on arresting more people than providing assistance to them. This is not right.

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    Samantha Pesqueira over 3 years ago

    Stop criminalizing homelessness.

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    Gabrielle Honda over 3 years ago

    I oppose the criminalization of homelessness, and that's what this measure will do. We need more resources, more services, more support. It is the compassionate, human thing to do. Further, to have one's needs met allows for growth and stability at the individual and community level, and that's what we need. We need more shelter beds (i.e. support of agenda item 62) and not further grounds to respond to homelessness with policing.

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    Wil Meister over 3 years ago

    We need to get real about what's going on in Phoenix. People are in a precarious position, and they're at even greater risk if they don't have shelter. Tearing apart the communities that have formed by necessity will only be even more disastrous. Shift your attention towards treating all constituents with basic dignity instead of bending to the whims of a few business owners who are only concerned about themselves.