Meeting Time: June 08, 2020 at 11:00am MST
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Agenda Item

2 Reconsideration of Item 44 from the June 3, 2020 Formal Council Meeting - Adoption of the Tentative 2020-21 Annual Budget (Ordinance S-46650)

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    Megan Allison over 4 years ago

    Do not decrease the police funding. I support rule and order. Do not decrease funding to our police force.

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    Sara ChimeneWeiss over 4 years ago

    I urge you to allocate at least $2.5 million of the PPD's approx. $770 million to a CRB to ensure the PPD no longer has impunity when officers do wrong. The PPD has shown it needs accountability and oversight. It will increase crime to cut education, mental health/addiction services, services for the elderly and homeless and other means to strengthen our city drastically while increasing PPD's budget. A city can't function when almost all of its budget goes to police, and we are getting close.

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    Donna Nanni over 4 years ago

    I support the current budget. Please do not defund our police. Blue Lives Matter!

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    Victoria West over 4 years ago

    I wholeheartedly support our Phoenix Police Department and are very grateful for them! They serve, protect, and put their lives on the line repeatedly, despite a shortage of officers. I support the budget, and if anything it should be increased. Thank you PPD!

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    Kori Borns over 4 years ago

    Our officers need funding! Extra training or equipment requires more funding. Defunding them will do nothing but hurt the community and make other first responders jobs a lot more dangerous!

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    Emily Black over 4 years ago

    I support our law enforcement!! There are more good officers than bad! They need funding, so that they can support our community!

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    Amy Hurley over 4 years ago

    Support! We need our police officers! Thanks for all the sacrifices these men and women do on a daily basis!

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    A Z MacFarland over 4 years ago

    The budget as written would spend more on the PD than on the library, parks&rec, the convention center, HHS, the Office of Art and Culture, planning and development, housing, community&economic development, neighborhood services, PCDIC, and the court combined. The PD needs to be held accountable to our community. Please fully fund the Office of Transparency and Accountability out of the PD. We cannot have yet another citizen die at the hands of those who are sworn to protect and serve us.

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    Daniel Clark over 4 years ago

    If you had asked me last year I'd have said we need more funding for the PD. But the more I see these police departments using excessive force on their fellow citizens I realized that the system is completely broken. The police need to be completely reformed. Bust up the corrupt unions, require schooling and licensing just like so many other professions, and require each cop to carry their own liability insurance! Instead fund healing professions like EMTs, mental health care, etc.

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    ER Ri over 4 years ago

    I support funding for the Phoenix PD- 99.9 % of our officers are good cops- they love their community & want the best for all. They go out everyday to make a difference. They need funds to have the training & equipment to better themselves; to serve their community- we all need to stand & work together to make our community better. God bless our city!

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    Emily W over 4 years ago

    We SUPPORT Phoenix Police! Cutting funds would be detrimental to the city. Officers already have a thankless job, even more so right now. We support the men and women in blue. We pray for their safety and thank them for their courage.
    It is disheartening to even see this as an option. Emotions are high and I feel this is a knee jerk reaction to show power. Defunding our officers would be the biggest mistake.

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    Alexander LoCurzio over 4 years ago

    Phoenix PD is ranked one of the most lethal police department in the country. It is time we reign them in, pull their resources and militarized weapons and reinvest in accountability and community. No more bloated police budgets that make no one safer. No more military weapons for cops. We defund education and public services to fund this? Absurd. A 25% cut is long overdue, and perhaps too little.

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    Nicky Walker over 4 years ago

    I oppose the current allocated funds for tte 2020-21 fiscal year. Our community is asking that you invest in the Office of Accountability and Transparency with 2.6 million dollars from the police budget, and move the Phoenix PD budget into community services like affordable housing, education, and social service programs. Funding the militarization of PD is part of what has gotten us here. Please, invest in our community instead!

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    Blair Smart over 4 years ago

    I strongly oppose reconsidering the current budget with regards to reallocating funds from public safety to other areas. The police department has been understaffed for years which leads to officers without backup. This intern causes more situations where force is necessary to control situations. Reduced funds for the PPD will only increase these circumstances and therefore be more dangerous for citizens and officers. We need more officers with more training. KEEP THE BUDGET AS IS.

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    Meaka Escobedo over 4 years ago

    I support funding the phoenix police budget. It is common sense that training requires money, as well as decent salaries to aquire and retain good officers who run toward the danger to answer those 911 calls. Support our officers and give them the tool and the means to have a positive impact on the community!

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    Cari McLean over 4 years ago

    I fully support our first responders and do not agree with defunding them at all. I do agree the community needs more resources but defunding our police is not the answer

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    Rikki Cadwell over 4 years ago

    Do NOT defund the Phoenix Police! These officers need training and equipment to keep our streets safe. Defunding the department will only result in more use of force cases due to lack of training, backup or resources. We need the police, please give them the tools they need to do the job right.

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    Hannah Miller Smith over 4 years ago

    I oppose the current allocated funds for the 2020-21 fiscal year. Please redirect those funds into programs that heal, serve, and build communities. Phoenix police department is ranked one of the highest for police violence. Diversifying and training is not enough. Continuing in the status quo will not lead to the healing and justice that PHX needs. Fully fund the CRB and OAT and reallocate $25 million into mental health and youth programs.

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    Annie Chavira over 4 years ago

    I will always support our First Responders! Not many men/women take the responsibility of protecting our community while we are at work, sleeping and while we are doing in our daily life. Thanks Phoenix PD!

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    Sharon Richert over 4 years ago

    I support the current budget do not take away from our police and fire.