Meeting Time: June 08, 2020 at 11:00am MST
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Agenda Item

2 Reconsideration of Item 44 from the June 3, 2020 Formal Council Meeting - Adoption of the Tentative 2020-21 Annual Budget (Ordinance S-46650)

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    Ashley Dee over 4 years ago

    I think the already underfunded and understaffed Phoenix Police Department is the problem. We need to help, train, and educate our officers to retain the people we have, instead of cutting them off at the knees.
    In order to see the change we want in the world, we need to support those who are passionate for that change. I think that will start from within, instead of driving out and driving away those who can make that difference. Keep their funding, don’t take it away!

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    Julie Dennis over 4 years ago

    I do not support defunding our police department!

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    Laura Newport over 4 years ago

    I support the Phoenix police department! We NEED police!

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    Cynthia Burgos over 4 years ago

    Do not de fund police

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    Valerie Swenson over 4 years ago

    We must fund our police department. Without those willing to step in the gap and deal with the worst parts of humanity we all descend to the worst forms of ourselves.
    Law enforcement on the streets need functioning equipment, better training, and more support if they are going to do their job well.
    Those who hate authority won’t stop with law enforcement.

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    Christina Montoya over 4 years ago

    The men and women in blue of Phoenix who serve and protect the Community deserve more. Vote to support and fund them, the community needs to come together not be torn apart causing more chaos. Racism come in all shapes and forms and Garcia embodies all there is. It is a shame the men and women put their lives on the line to protect and serve while members of the counsel intentionally try to harm the community, it is disgraceful. The Police Department deserves better.

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    Marcus Reid over 4 years ago

    Phoenix Police budget is bloated. It is way higher than many other cities. Moreover, it is true that more intervention before crime happens would be way more effective. Do to the amount of trauma we experience including from the police here we need to put more towards the community at this time.

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    Sara Frey over 4 years ago

    Support!! we need the funding to be better and have more resources. If you want us to be able to be more efficient at our job on the street we need the funding to access better and more training. This not only helps police it also helps the fire dept.

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    Nadine Alauria over 4 years ago

    I FULLY SUPPORT our Phx PD and support passing the current budget as is. Phx PD is at the same number of Officers as 10 years ago! Our City cannot afford to have any less Officers than we have now. Defunding the Police is not an option. The majority of our Phx PD are trustworthy, hard working amazing Officers who put their life on the line. I'm a Phx Native. Our families have had businesses in Phx for 95 years combined. We support our Phx PD! THANK YOU for your SERVICE.

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    Ronnie Rabel over 4 years ago

    I fully support funding the Phoenix Police Department.

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    Diem Lanakai over 4 years ago

    I am writing to ask council members to refuse to adopt a city budget until significant funding cuts are made to the Phoenix Police Department and the money is reallocated to support affordable housing, community health, community development, and the full funding of the Community Oversight Board. Defund the Phoenix PD.

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    Sarai Richter over 4 years ago

    Phoenix PD have consistantly proven that they are not here to serve and protect—they're here to terrorize the community and grossly abuse their power. To be in favor of the budget proposal as it stands is to be in favor of perpetuating the terror and abuse. Police violence doesn't deter crime, and mass incarceration has proven to make communities less safe. We're beyond the point of a reform; the only way to make Phoenix safer is to defund Phoenix PD and reinvest in our struggling communities.

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    Zoe Mhungu over 4 years ago

    I oppose the current allocated funds for the 2020-21 fiscal year. Please redirect those funds into programs that heal, serve, and build communities. Phoenic police department is ranked one of the highest for police violence. Diversifying and training is not enough. Please reconsider. Continuning in the status quo will not lead to the healing and justice that PHX needs. I urge you to reimagine how our communities are kept safe.

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    Caitlin wood over 4 years ago

    FUND Phoenix first responders! If you want to see change in the department, support additional training and diversified staffing. Keep Phoenix safe

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    Brenda Cook over 4 years ago

    I support fully funding the Phoenix police department. We need our officers now more than ever!
    The large majority of the men and women on our police department are respectful, professional and have high integrity. They are sickened by recent events and those actions do not reflect all officers. Phoenix PD has always had a good relationship with the community. We need to support our officers and fully fund the department.

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    Faith Nieznanski over 4 years ago

    police & fire must be fully funded if we want to attract the type of men and women we all need. This is a difficult profession that becomes more so daily. If the compensation isn’t adequate, the quality of the workforce will suffer. Do what we all need and deserve, fully fund the police and fire budget. Rather than Defunding give them Pay raises. It is appalling & disturbing that these men & women Put their lives on the line everyday & now you want to take more for them? Shameful

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    KM Branston over 4 years ago

    I support the budget and the continued funding of our police department!

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    Julie Miller over 4 years ago

    The city can't afford to lose money. We are short officers with a city this big already. Please keep the funding to keep our communities safe!!!

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    Lori Cooper over 4 years ago

    Support our police officers

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    Beck Scott over 4 years ago

    This not only affects law enforcement, but also fire. Both of these first responders are an important aspect of our city and defunding them will only create an even bigger shortage of people available to answer calls, help our city, and train in order to strengthen community relations. You’d do the city of Phoenix a huge disservice by defunding any of our first responders.