Meeting Time: June 08, 2020 at 11:00am MST
Note: The online Request to Speak window has expired.
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Agenda Item

2 Reconsideration of Item 44 from the June 3, 2020 Formal Council Meeting - Adoption of the Tentative 2020-21 Annual Budget (Ordinance S-46650)

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    Diandra Adamczyk over 4 years ago

    Council members you must listen to your community and to the cries of our Nation. Change is overdue. It is clear that we must defund the Phx PD and redistribute those funds to programs/infrastructure that heal and support our community. It's a slap in the face that after having your server broken out of overwhelming opposition to the near 1 billion dollar budget to public safety last week, that a 25 million dollar raise to the Phx PD is being proposed. This is not okay! Who do you serve?

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    Melissa Forbes over 4 years ago

    As a resident of the Downtown Phoenix area, I have seen the way police have militarized against peaceful protestors. It is critical that civilian oversight be fully funded ($2.5M or more) to prevent continued deaths by police force in our communities. Do not pass a budget that was created before the deaths of Dion Johnson, George Floyd and so many others.

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    Ashton Skinner over 4 years ago

    I am a Phoenix resident (85003) and I urge you not to oppose the 2020-21 budget as it stands. Please vote to allocate $3 million to the Office of Accountability and Transparency and Civilian Review Board in the budget. It is time for you to take immediate action and defund the police. Invest in programs in our communities that improve our health and lives. Vote against the $25 million pay raise for police and fund youth programs and mental health services by $25 million. Thank you.

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    linsay evans over 4 years ago

    I oppose any budget that does not fully fund the Civilian Review Board and the Office of Oversight and Accountability.

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    Dulce Arambula over 4 years ago

    The Phoenix PD doesn't need to have an increase in their budget. When school sessions start in the fall, they won't be like our usual sessions before the covid pandemic, we need the funds to support teachers and to protect them, all school staff and especially our students. Why does PD need $25million more? Pay teachers more, education is more important than buying riot gear or other militarized equipment. Defund Phoenix PD!

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    Alex Forbes over 4 years ago

    I oppose a budget that increases funding for Phoenix PD. The militarization of our police must end. It does not make our city safer, but makes us react aggressively and disproportionately is used against communities of color. We must enact a smarter safety budget that focuses on community outreach over punishment.

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    Aaron Marcus over 4 years ago

    Pass the budget as it is. The proposed budget is needed to maintain a professional police department that has served all in the community. This budget will help to ensure continued proper training of police personnel.

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    Dawn Alvarez over 4 years ago

    The Phoenix Police Department needs to be funded. Do not reallocate police funds to other areas. An increase in crime will ultimately lead to lost revenue for the City of Phoenix. Also, some of the "opposed" comments are actually in support of funding the police if you read their comments. Do what is right and safe for the City of Phoenix and pass the budget.

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    Jena Ingram over 4 years ago

    I support the budget without any amendments or cuts to Public Safety. Finance Director Barton has already given several options to fund the Ofc of Accountability using other ways than money already earmarked for our budget. I'm a permanent resident of the City of Phoenix and vote.

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    Jason Silberschlag over 4 years ago

    While my businesses on 1st St. in downtown and at sky harbor will see only 50% of last years sales, the proposed budget for public safety has gone up. If I understand correctly, sales taxes fund part of this budget. Now is the best time to defund the police responsibly and carefully, without emotion, to better serve our communities with the resources we all need.

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    Lynne Lagarde over 4 years ago

    If you do not vote for full OAT funding you are continuing to turn a deaf ear to your residents and all who are asking for fair policing. Our black and brown communities who still feel a knee on their necks need a message of support not a symbolic slap in the face. Your vote would send a powerful signal that you hear them and the PD would still be adequately funded. To fail to do so tells them you are ignoring their legitimate concerns.

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    Tory Roberg, Phx Resident - District 5 over 4 years ago

    Do not pass a budget without fully funded the Civilian Review Board and Office of Oversight and Accountability for Phoenix PD. Invest more money in community programs.

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    Jes Sandoval over 4 years ago

    The police need to be funded. Reallocation will be foolish and ultimately cost the city more money.

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    Kinsey Welsh over 4 years ago

    I strongly oppose the budget as it stands. Money should be allocated to social services who are well trained to help the community. Too much is asked of the police as it is. The council should begin discussing the role of police in the community. If funds are used to strengthen the community, provide support and opportunities, then there is less need for police. Please listen to your community. Please defund the police.

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    Jacqueline LaPlante over 4 years ago

    I oppose the current budget and urge that you reallocate a majority of the funds allocated for PHXPD to public services.The current budget would spend more on the PD than on the library, Parks & Rec, the Convention Center, HHS, the Office of Art and Culture, Planning and Development, housing, Community & Economic Development, neighborhood services, PCDIC, and the court combined. PDs that have implemented increased training have not seen a decrease in brutality. Direct the money to our community

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    C R over 4 years ago

    I support Phoenix police and know that the budget needs to be passed in order for them to do their jobs get the training they need and to support the community they serve

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    Renee Zea over 4 years ago

    Do not defund the policy department.

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    Barbra Heller over 4 years ago

    Stop pushing the blame off on our Phoenix LEO! They do not deserve this! They are underfunded, underpaid and OVERWORKED! They are frustrated at always being your janitor!

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    Zach Toporek over 4 years ago

    I fully support reallocating public funds previously designated for PPD to social services that support PHX communities. The Phoenix City Counsel needs to demonstrate where its priorities are-- do we stand for a militarized local police force, or housing unhomed Phoenicians, providing physical and mental helath care to at risk communities, and providing healthcare professionals with necessary PPE to ensure their safety during the Covid-19 epidemic? Move funding from the police to the people.

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    Branden Turley over 4 years ago

    I oppose defunding the police and the overall plan to allocate more money to the Office of Accountability and Transparency. Defunding the police, an organization built on the protection and preservation of society, is the first dangerous step in the manifestation of chaos. Have we not learned from our past, or how about our present situation. Just in the last 2 weeks we have all witnessed uncontrollable violence and absolute mayhem nationwide, and without the police, where does it stop?