Meeting Time: June 17, 2020 at 2:30pm MST
Note: The online Request to Speak window has expired.
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Agenda Item

24 Adoption of the Final 2020-21 Operating Funds Budget (Ordinance S-46715) ***ADDITIONAL INFORMATION (SEE MEMO)***

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    Jose Echeverria Vega over 4 years ago

    My name is José Echeverría Vega. I’m a Phoenix resident in district 6, represented by the deplorable Sal DiCiccio. I demand that the City Council vote NO on the 2020-21 budget on June 17th. We need more funding to education, affordable housing, and community resources benefitting citizens directly, not an increase in police funding that has done nothing but terrorize communities of color. To have only $242 million to housing, human services, and community development is shameful.

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    Josselyn Berry over 4 years ago

    Before you vote today-Why is adding $25 million to a budget spent on stockpiles of ammunition, riot gear and tear gas more important to you than the health of our children and the livelihood of our communities? What does it say about our city that we have a budget that allocates only $242 million to housing, human services, and community development combined and then $745 million to the police. We need to fund our PEOPLE, not police.

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    Sawyer Goforth over 4 years ago

    I oppose the vote of 25 million more dollars that are stolen from the very people they harass to go towards the Phoenix PD. The deadliest PD in the world should have the funds reallocated towards Mental Heath, therapeutic, and educational services instead of buying a 9 ton 10 foot tall armored truck. Please look towards the future of the country instead of yourselves. Thank you.

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    Louis Edwards over 4 years ago

    Increasing funds for the police department is definitely not the answer. I strongly oppose any increase. The increase in funds can go towards programs that strengthen our community and support growth, not adding to an already inflated and militarized police force.

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    Felix Ixtabalan over 4 years ago

    I demand that the City Council vote NO on the 2020-21 budget on June 17th. The Phoenix Police Department is ranked highest in the country for cases of police killing civilians. Funding the police department will not create change but make us feel more insecure and unsafe. Police Brutality will not end if we increase their budget. This budget should go to mental health services, youth programs, after-school care, adequate housing, employment opportunities, education,

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    Celina Jolly over 4 years ago

    OPPOSE!! I oppose the adoption of the 2020-21 budget. There is no need to allocate 25 million MORE into the Phoenix Police Department while other services are seriously underfunded. Defund the police and invest in your communities.

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    Amanda Mollindo over 4 years ago

    I do not support the $25 million increase for the Phoenix Police Department. That funding would would be better utilized to support resources that would support the wellbeing and growth of our community, such as education, health services, housing, and so much more. Surveillance and criminalization is only amplifying disparities in our city.

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    Samantha Estes over 4 years ago

    Please don't use community funds for while we're in the middle of a pandemic. Please. This is not the time - we NEED that money elsewhere

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    Angela Ngo over 4 years ago

    Please reallocate the proposed funding to police towards other community services that are already underfunded. It has become clear to the world that the police are grossly overfunded while education has been extremely underfunded. I am tired of watching my teachers slip into a second or even third job because they are underpaid, I am tired of seeing classroom sizes get bigger as we fail to have enough funds to support more teachers and more programs. Why cripple the community to boost policing

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    Rachel L over 4 years ago

    I oppose the 2020-21budget. Instead of increasing the police department's budget, more money should be spent on making the community better. There needs to be an increased focus on education, social services, and reducing homelessness. The police will not solve those problems.

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    Jocelyn Refermat over 4 years ago

    PHX PD is receiving way too much funding. Please please please reconsider putting that money into programs for mental health, youth, housing, etc. The PHX PD cannot he responsible for everything, we need to fund programs where people are properly trained for each given situation instead of tacking it on to police responsibilities.

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    Kara Roschi over 4 years ago

    Budgets like the one on y'alls' desks help CREATE the conditions for what we're calling "criminality". Based on the numbers, Phoenix itself, as a city, its identity, its main value, is *policing* with some other underfunded services piddling about. And that's ridiculous. FUND our health, education, non-violent social services, opportunities, quality of life— DO THE WORK of addressing root issues, not punishing communities for the obvious and manufactured outcomes of these kinds of budgets.

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    Jerri Fields over 4 years ago

    The police department should be funded even more! Taking away from their budget will only see crime increase in every neighborhood. They are already grossly understaffed for a city as large as Phoenix, and we are growing!

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    Kelley Karnes over 4 years ago

    I oppose the City's budget giving $25 million increase to the police department without addressing their excessive use of force disproportionately on people of color. Money needs to be reallocated to Human Services and Housing to better address the needs of of our communities. This money should go to providing more counselors, social workers, mental health services, housing, etc., instead of to the police department that isn't equipped to handle the issues these services address. Thank you.

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    Linsey Bungener over 4 years ago

    I’m in opposition and urge for revisions to be made. The allocation towards public safety is excessive and needs to be more equally distributed to efforts such as community cleanup, drug rehabilitation/proper drug education (emphasis on proper), mental health services, and public education above all else.

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    Ariel Motz over 4 years ago

    This budget does not reallocate the $25 million increase for the Phoenix Police Department budget to mental health and youth programs. OPPOSED!

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    Brandon Sours over 4 years ago

    I 100% oppose adopting the 2020-21 budget. There is zero need in allocating 25 million more to the Phoenix Police Department while other services are incredibly underfunded. Defund the police and invest in your communities. There is ZERO evidence that a higher police budget equals less crime. Phoenix PD have the highest incidence of violence against civilians in the United States. INVEST in our community, not the police. BLACK LIVES MATTER.

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    Damon Dominguez over 4 years ago

    I oppose this budget. We should defund the police department and instead fund programs that help communities with their real issues. Police reform does not work because you cannot trust that police will hold other police accountable. With the amount of money we give the police, we could fix the core issues in our communities many times over. Please do what is right and support the Defunding of the police department and funding of comunity support services.

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    Shelby Lemme over 4 years ago

    Money should be reallocated to community supports like education. Police are grossly overfunded and that money should be dispersed more evenly.

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    Kristi Vasquez over 4 years ago

    I support the passing of the city budget. I vehemently oppose any sort of defunding of the police department. I value living and working in a safe environment and any sort of decrease to our already understaffed police department is ludicrous. Listen to the tax paying citizens of Phoenix and protect our homes and livelihoods by keeping our police intact. Support them because by doing so you support all law abiding citizens of Phoenix