Meeting Time: June 17, 2020 at 2:30pm MST
Note: The online Request to Speak window has expired.
The online Comment window has expired

Agenda Item

24 Adoption of the Final 2020-21 Operating Funds Budget (Ordinance S-46715) ***ADDITIONAL INFORMATION (SEE MEMO)***

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    Lisa Olson over 4 years ago

    Please reallocate the $25 million increase for the Phoenix Police Department budget to mental health and youth programs.

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    Priyanka Mohanty over 4 years ago

    I oppose this budget due to the exorbitant amounts of money being allocated to the Phoenix Police Department. They are considered the most dangerous in the country - our communities need that money instead to support expanded mental health services, affordable housing, accessible transportation, and well-funded public education. These investments will actually benefit us in the long run and we the people are demanding that you listen to us - you are our representatives and accountable to us.

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    Emily Oake over 4 years ago

    Please fund other programs that actually assist residents of Phoenix instead of the Phoenix PD. If you fund things like housing, job training, domestic violence assistance, the need for police diminishes and their funding can be reduced.

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    Colby Peterson over 4 years ago

    Vote NO on this budget. I oppose $744 million going towards policing when that money could and should be used to enrich the community by giving it to public schools or using it for housing programs, infrastructure, etc.

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    Jessica Aragon over 4 years ago

    I’m a resident of District 4. I want my tax dollars to go towards building up our communities, not over-policing them.

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    Sean Sweat over 4 years ago

    Reduce the police budget to only what is necessary to handle violent situations. Move all the rest of the money ($hundreds of millions) into social services and community-based solutions.

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    Xanthia Walker over 4 years ago

    Please vote no on the proposed budget. Please remove funding from the police so that funding can be allocated to appropriately resource programs that support community wellbeing and prevent the need of police in the first place.

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    Danielle Ferguson over 4 years ago

    I oppose this budget and the high amount allotted to the Phx Police Department. More funds need to go into investing in our community. The budget needs to invest in programs that support mental health, affordable housing, safe and affordable after school programs, education, affordable medical and health services. These are investments that will provide long-term benefits and reduce crime.

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    Candy Serrano over 4 years ago

    Our communities strongly feel that the proposed budget DOES NOT represent our needs. We do not need $96,000,000 allocated towards police force, while community services, community development, and human services receive less than 30,000,00 each. We strongly suggest that resources given to police force be reallocated to mental health services, community programs, affordable housing, after-school care, and employment opportunities.

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    Ayesha Vohra over 4 years ago

    Phoenix PD is one of the most violent police departments in the US. Our Black and POC Phoenix communities consistently bear a disproportionate brunt of police violence; violence protected by PLEA. The bloated police budget harms all of our communities by taking dollars from real community health and safety programs. Councilman DiCiccio, unfounded claims on your twitter and podcast that those seeking an equitable budget want to use police budget's to "hire protesters" is a blatant lie.

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    Sid Femino over 4 years ago

    Vote no on adoption of this budget to send a message to the people that you ALSO notice the blatant disparity in proposed value of enrichment of our community and the lives of its residents, versus the proposed value of continuing to criminalize them. Vote no on the adoption of this budget to send a message that you will not continue to enable the ongoing and unchecked violence of the deadliest police force in America. Reallocate police funding to housing, health, education. Black lives matter.

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    Cherilyn Walley over 4 years ago

    Vote NO on this budget and vote NO on the $744 million for Phoenix police. Redistribute the funds to programs that will lift people and communities, improve our city, and remove the threat of an overmilitarized police force that targets people of color.

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    Kari de Jong over 4 years ago

    Please please do not allocate these extra funds to Police. The police is already funded astronomically compared to social and community services. This is a great opportunity to fund the very programs that would eventually make it unnecessary for the Police to have such a vast overreach! Thank you.

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    Nicholas Pesch over 4 years ago

    Phoenix deserves better funding of community resources, especially during a pandemic that will require community service organizations to quickly adapt to an uncertain future. Reconsider why you feel the need to priorotize a reactive, historically violent, and historically racist department over protective, preventitive initiatives that work FOR the community, not against it.

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    Monique Kelson over 4 years ago

    We have already made it insanely clear that we do not agree with this budget. How can you dedicate so many funds to the police department as they kill its citizens? Where is the money for housing, community outreach, and education? Why are we LAST for education, and FIRST for police brutality? Do not approve this budget.

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    Jennifer Howe over 4 years ago

    Before you vote today, answer this: Why is adding $25 million to a budget spent on stockpiles of ammunition, riot gear and tear gas more important to you than the health of our children and the livelihood of our communities? Why do you continuously take from the community instead of supporting it? Providing better infrastructure helps reduce crime, not cops. November is coming quickly.

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    Tim Magrady over 4 years ago

    Fund our communities not the police

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    Bri Sullivan over 4 years ago

    I oppose this budget and the high amount allotted to the Phx Police Department. More funds need to go into investing in our community, mental health resources, education, housing and access to health. The budget needs to invest in programs that support mental health, affordable housing, safe and affordable after school programs, education, affordable medical and health services. These are investments that will provide long-term benefits and reduce crime.

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    Samantha McAninch over 4 years ago

    These funds need to be redirected to the community, healthcare, and education. Our violent and aggressive police force does NOT need more funding.

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    Kayla Mager over 4 years ago

    The police are already INSANELY overfunded compared to other programs that do far less harm to our citizens. The best way to PREVENT crime is to invest in the infrastructure (both social and physical) that supports your community. Take that money and put it to good use. Prevention over reaction.