Meeting Time: June 17, 2020 at 2:30pm MST
Note: The online Request to Speak window has expired.
The online Comment window has expired

Agenda Item

24 Adoption of the Final 2020-21 Operating Funds Budget (Ordinance S-46715) ***ADDITIONAL INFORMATION (SEE MEMO)***

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    Betsy Linnane over 4 years ago

    I oppose this budget. We have one of the deadliest police forces in the country, we should not be rewarding that with a police budget that dwarfs all other department budgets. We need to better fund our schools, mental health services, parks, libraries, and public health. This is what will
    Make our community safer, not more weapons and brutality.

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    Carrie Schmertz over 4 years ago

    I strongly oppose this proposed budget and urge council members to vote NO on this measure. Instead we need more investment in our community. Let's put that money into education, community development, mental health and human services. Let's use this money to benefit and strengthen our community at its core so we can be better for ALL of our residents.

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    Emily Bernstein over 4 years ago

    I vehemently oppose the budget allotment for Phoenix PD. The nation’s deadliest police force does not deserve a raise. Their budget needs to be DECREASED and put towards services that proactively keep our community safe. Thank you to the councilmembers who voted in favor of establishing a civilian review board, but the $3 million for this committee should come directly from the police budget surplus.

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    STEPHANIE CHRISTENSEN over 4 years ago

    Please re-allocate some of the $721 million funding for police into the rest of our community. There are so many other sectors who need it, and that reinvestment will lead to less crime and more prosperity in the future. Arizona is 48th in education! COVID-19 is rampaging our state right now. Healthcare workers lack PPE! Our police officers can do their jobs with much less.

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    AJ Marsden over 4 years ago

    I support the budget - Police & City services. Safe & healthy neighborhoods can already happen NOW. Officers respond to 1,900+ calls DAILY. Support good officers, nearly all are. We have City departments, agencies, organizations, & VOLUNTEERS: reduce crime, Neighborhood Services, youth engagement, drug addiction, mental health, job placement, housing, faith based, clean ups, libraries, schools. We are off to a good start. We can all ENGAGE & VOLUNTEER IN THE COMMUNITY now, build partnerships.

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    Selene Aldrete over 4 years ago

    I oppose the adoption of this budget. I believe it is important to disperse the funds to other programs that may better our community. It’s important for us to start thinking about defunding the police and making our communities stronger. Put the funding towards education, health and other preventative measures.

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    Janelle Wilke over 4 years ago

    I oppose the adoption of this budget for Phoenix PD. Please reallocate this budget into programs that nurture communities, especially communities of color who need it most in health, education & welfare. Money that could uplift our state shouldn’t be used to militarize it.

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    Jake Bartelds over 4 years ago

    Please defund Phoenix PD and put more money into the community. More police funding does not make policing more effective. Militarizing the police only serves to make them more violent, please divert the funds used to purchase weapons of war for the police back into the educational system, affordable housing, and the community in general.

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    Ashley Pruitt over 4 years ago

    I oppose the adoption of the budget in its current state. The disproportionate amount of funds that go to Phoenix PD should be redirected and distributed to alternative community-based solutions that support mental health services, affordable housing, education, and others that are severely underfunded.

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    amanda Morales over 4 years ago

    I am against funding the police over funding education and community enhancement. Vote NO on $744 million for PhxPD. Defund police budget and invest in educating and enhancing our community.

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    Bridget Daley over 4 years ago

    I am opposed to this budget. We are in the midst a national pandemic yet the police department receives 42% of the city's funding while people are suffering to survive, especially the black community in Arizona. Only $242 million is going to housing, human services, and community development COMBINED?! We need to do better and draw money out of a police system that is clearly broken and money will not fix it.

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    Madelyn Harris over 4 years ago

    I strongly oppose the budget for the Phx PD, we need investment in our community. Reallocate those funds to our states desperate education system, healthcare, adequate housing, mental health/trauma resources, and transportation. Our militarized police force is doing more harm than good to our city. Listen to the people and defund PhxPD.

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    Sonali Madahar over 4 years ago

    I oppose the budget. The Phoenix PD does not need more money coming in when we could be reallocating those funds to resources like public transportation, education, hospitals, housing, etc. Listen to what the people are saying, listen to what we want! Stop ignoring the sheer amount of your constituents that oppose this budget, this is NOT what the people of Phoenix want! I demand using 25% of the PHX PD budget for the resources listed previously— we want investment in our community.

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    Jamie Leland over 4 years ago

    I oppose this budget. A citizen review board does not do enough to end police violence. The city of Phoenix needs and deserves policing alternatives and investments in mental health and trauma services, education and after-school care, adequate housing, healthcare, and employment opportunities. I ask that you reallocate 25% of police funds to programs that will help heal our community by addressing root causes of crime, not destroy it through racist and reactionary violence.

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    Brittany Dover over 4 years ago

    I strongly oppose agenda item #24
    Vote NO on $744 million for PhxPD. Defund police budget and invest in our communities.

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    Gina Baker over 4 years ago

    I oppose the currently proposed budget and demand that the $745 million allocated to the police be reallocated to community services, housing, public transportation, education, and mental health services. Our city’s police are too militarized and it’s be shown CONSISTENTLY that they are NOT here to serve our community’s best interests.

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    Nathaniel Ray over 4 years ago

    We desperately need money moved from police into other areas. Look around you! Listen to the people!

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    April McCue over 4 years ago

    Come on city leaders! Think outside the box and listen to your constituents. This is your job to listen and enact what WE want to see. We want An additional 25% of the Police budget to go to community programming and health promotion (but led by the communities most impacted). We’re begging you- trust Black people! Black Lives Matter

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    Czarina Perez over 4 years ago

    I oppose the $745 million budget that is currently being allocated to Phoenix PD. These funds should be reallocated from the police budge to other public services and programs such as school and youth programs, mental health services, homeless outreach (especially in DT PHX area), etc. to hopefully lower the need for police intervention. Police are not properly trained and do not have the capacity to address every single social issue and should not have to. Please vote no. Thank you.

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    Gabby Klein over 4 years ago

    I oppose the suggested budget plan. Funds need to be redistributed in a way that supports community resources and education rather than police.