Meeting Time: June 17, 2020 at 2:30pm MST
Note: The online Request to Speak window has expired.
The online Comment window has expired

Agenda Item

24 Adoption of the Final 2020-21 Operating Funds Budget (Ordinance S-46715) ***ADDITIONAL INFORMATION (SEE MEMO)***

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    Demetra Presley over 4 years ago

    We demand a budget that prioritizes people, not police! The solution to systemic racism is not another year of the Phoenix PD receiving 42% of the city’s general funds. The solution is not them receiving a nearly $25 million budget increase while the programs investing in communities are threatened with 25% cuts due to COVID-19. Our community needs housing, human services and community development -investment in community services, NOT more police!

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    John Larson over 4 years ago

    I would like to see a more diverse budget plan moving forward with more options focused around improving the community rather than policing it

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    Alex Forbes over 4 years ago

    I oppose the current version of our budget until we appropriately fund community based programs. We also must end the militarization of our police.

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    Chrisal Valencia over 4 years ago

    I oppose the adoption of the budget in its current state. The disproportionate amount of funds that go to Phoenix PD should be redirected and distributed to alternative community-based solutions that support mental health services, affordable housing, education, and others that are severely underfunded.

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    Melissa Forbes over 4 years ago

    Reconsider the proposed $944,680,555 allocated to our public safety department for the 2020-21 fiscal year. Our community asks that you redirect funds to programs that heal and educate our community. Increase the proposed $24,760,742 and $26,837,014 budgets for community development and community enrichment.
    Phoenix deserves policing alternatives and investments in mental health and trauma services, education and after-school care, adequate housing, healthcare, and employment opportunities.

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    Leslie Adams over 4 years ago

    I oppose the current allocation of funds to the police department. Safety and community health can and should be achieved through other community programs and services that are woefully underfunded. Please do not adopt the budget in its current state

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    Amy Bliefnick over 4 years ago

    I oppose this budget. The city of Phoenix needs and deserves policing alternatives and investments in mental health and trauma services, education and after-school care, adequate housing, healthcare, and employment opportunities.

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    Shaun Savage over 4 years ago

    I oppose the allocation of an additional 744 million of tax payer dollars to the Phoenix PD. These funds should be invested in health and mental services instead. Thanks!

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    Sandra Sidoti over 4 years ago

    I am opposed to this budget. In ANY time, much less the times we currently live in, the Police Department receiving 42% of the city’s general funds is insane. I urge you to vote against a budget that allocates only $242 million to housing, human services, and community development COMBINED and $745 million to the police. If these other services were properly funded, police would not need to be called upon to handle issues they have no business or training in solving. Please vote no. Thank you.

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    Jeffrey Hawkinson over 4 years ago

    I oppose the current allocation of funds to the police department. Safety and community health can and should be achieved through other community programs and services that are woefully underfunded. Please do not adopt the budget in its current state.

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    ellaine villano over 4 years ago

    As a city I demand we explore Community Alternatives to Policing. These alternatives would include education and implementation for community members, organizations, and city employees and departments on Restorative Justice Practices, Conflict Mediation Skills, creating Crisis Networks within communities, and constructively rehabilitating community members without involving current systems of oppression.

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    Kenosha Drucker over 4 years ago

    Please divert funds from PHX PD to support housing, healthcare, mothers & children, those experiencing homelessness, and education. Investing in these departments will actually support our community and help us grow together.

    PHX PD is statistically one of the most violent in the nation, and PHX needs an alternative. Police reform historically does not help prevent future police brutality, PHX needs alternatives to police.

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    Julie Black over 4 years ago

    The Public Safety budget is largely disproportionate. Invest these funds into our community programs instead to ensure all residents in our city actually feel safe and supported.

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    Itza Jarquin over 4 years ago

    Defund the police & fund our communities! We NEED funding for affordable housing, transportation, education, environmental protections, healthcare... To vote in support of this 2020-2021 fiscal budget is to ignore the DEMANDS OF THE PEOPLE YOU WORK FOR. The deaths of black and brown people will be on your hands & we will remember who ignored our demands. You will be unemployed and ostracized from OUR community if you vote in favor of this budget. Defund the murderous PHXPD and fund our futures.

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    sam kay over 4 years ago

    Vote NO on the 2020-21 budget. One of the most violent police systems in the states does not need more funding, the funding needs to go towards community programs that will truly protect &serve all of the people of this state. We also need a promise that the cuts will not come from community services, instead they'll be taken from the police department. An overfunded police department is unsafe for the community. Please vote no, do the right thing, and take care of us.

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    Abolish ThePolice over 4 years ago

    Vote NO on the 2020-21 budget. Police do not aid in supporting a safer community. Funds should be directed towards housing, education, mental health services, and healthcare. In the midst of a pandemic financial support for the healthcare system is vital. At all times funds for the police are funds toward a less safe community. PHX PD does not protect nor serve the community, they perpetuate violence, especially towards black and brown people.

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    Annalise Bracher over 4 years ago

    I am strongly opposed to an increase in the already excessive Phoenix PD budget. The Phoenix PD, with the highest number of police killings of civilians in the US, has repeatedly shown its failure to protect the community and has disproportionately put the lives of Black and brown residents in danger. Listen to our community and work to better it by redirecting these funds to education, affordable housing, mental health services, and public transit.

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    Alyssa Peralta over 4 years ago

    This already passed. End of discussion. Until you make yourselves more available to your communities, I have zero faith in you. The police have always been there for District 8 when Carlos Garcia failed time and time again. We need police in our communities.

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    Olivia Lugo over 4 years ago

    I demand that the City Council vote NO on the 2020-21 budget on June 17th. Phoenix needs more education and community development funding, not an increase in police funding. Especially in the middle of a pandemic, only $242 million to housing, human services, and community development is NOT enough. The $745 million spent by the council on policing should be moved to education, mental/public health services and community development.

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    Defund Police over 4 years ago

    In the end, it truly does not matter which budget you pass. There is no stopping the revolution. People all around the world are not only realizing that the walls of corruption and systematic oppression are much smaller and much thinner than they thought, but they’ve already taken action. And it will be dismantled piece by piece, brick by brick, and rebuilt in a way that benefits our civilization. There is no stopping now, though you may deny yourself out of existence.