Meeting Time: October 14, 2020 at 8:30am MST
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Agenda Item

3* Federal and State Law on E-Cigarettes (Vaping)

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    William Sagert about 4 years ago

    Prohibition does not work.

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    marc slis about 4 years ago

    I'm a 56 yr old father of 3. I smoked for 41 yrs. I tried and FAILED to quit smoking for 30 yrs with every method available. I walked into a vape shop by accident in 2014 and quit INSTANTLY, BY ACCIDENT, with flavored vaping products and have been smoke-free for over 6 yrs now. I’m healthier than I’ve been in decades thanks to these flavors and would likely now dead, without them. Do not ban these life-saving flavors, denying other adults the same chance at life that I was given.

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    Tamara Mcqueen about 4 years ago

    So many reports have concluded that youth use of nicotine in any form, including e-cigarettes, is unsafe, causes addiction and can harm adolescent brain development, which impacts attention, memory and learning. E-cigarettes can also expose users to harmful and carcinogenic chemicals such as formaldehyde and lead. Studies have found that young people who use e-cigarettes are more likely to become smokers. Let’s educate our kids and parents about the harmfulness of these products and ban them!!

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    Ryan Hess about 4 years ago

    Im opposed the ban because adults like flavored vaping as well, I even make my own flavor for my own consumption! Personally the way I feel, if flavors were the problem they would’ve banned alcohol years ago! How many kids under the age use alcohol?

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    Debone Jabroni about 4 years ago

    I oppose this flavor ban. Flavors such as dessert related, candy related, mint flavored, etc. are a crucial part to the quitting process and banning them would decimate an entire industry in this country. The adults that use these products and run these small businesses are registered voters that you rely on for support during election times. Alienating your constituents is a sure fire way to guarantee unemployment.

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    Mike Felling about 4 years ago

    I oppose the ban mostly for two reasons. 1) Flavors are crucial to helping adult smokers to stop and they are not the first, nor second consideration with kids who try vaping. 2) Enacting a ban will not stop adults from vaping flavors but it will drive them to the black market, where product quality is always suspect. If you ban flavors the injuries and deaths from using black market products will be on the Phoenix City Council.

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    Josh Stewart about 4 years ago

    Keeping these products away from adults does not serve the public in any way. I STRONGLY oppose this.

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    Morgan Julian about 4 years ago

    Banning flavors will only be detrimental to the adults, who are legally purchase vaping products. It's asinine to think that being over the legal age means you can't enjoy flavors. Passing a flavor ban will only punish those adults who use these products to stay away from traditional combustible tobacco products. To chastise those who adhear to laws and regulations is absolutely ludicrous. Reflect on 1920; alcohol prohibition. Our past is there as a teacher, not a guideline.

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    Charlie Dantzler about 4 years ago

    I oppose this as a consumer. I have no dog in this fight, other than seeing a lot of older consumers able to stop smoking by using flavored vapes. It's already illegal for minors to use these. By imposing a ban, you'll only be punishing the law abiding folks trying to choose less harmful option to cigarettes, which we know are deadly. People have been vaping over 10 years, I don't buy "this is brand new, we have to wait and see the long term effects" when 400,000 people per year die.

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    Jessica Halliburton about 4 years ago

    Banning Flavors would be detrimental to the health of adult vapers. Fruit and dessert flavors helped me to quit smoking and even quit vaping. I was never successful with any other form of quitting. Living with Asthma and being a smoker, I was in the hospital at least once a year for asthma issues. After switching to vaping using my blueberry cake flavor, I was NOT hospitalized again! PUBLIC HEALTH is at risk if you ban these choices for Adults.

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    Brooke Myers about 4 years ago

    I have been employed by a vapor company for 5 years. In the last 5 years I have helped so many people. I have worked in the store front, firsthand experience with knowing people and what they need. I have also worked in our lab, where our e-liquid is made. If you ban flavors, I will not only lose my job, I will lose the ability to help others know that they are not alone, and they can stop smoking too.

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    Veronica Ga about 4 years ago

    I oppose the flavor ban. thank you

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    Jamie Killin about 4 years ago

    I support this ban.

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    Tammy Michaud about 4 years ago

    I oppose a flavor ban on vaping products! You will kill small businesses and threaten the lives of thousands of AZ constituents who have made the switch to a less harmful alternative to smoking.

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    Michael Rajewski about 4 years ago

    I'm 51 and have vaped for 7 years. Please quit pandering to the cigarette companies by going after the ONE smoking cessation product that's have a significant impact.

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    Sidhu Madu about 4 years ago

    This measure would very bad for small business owners! and Arizona is under devolving state we are not California state. I'm New business owner and we have problem with light rail construction too. i invested all my savings and i'm not at all happy with this BAN. please don't kill small business.

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    David Kopilovitch about 4 years ago

    I oppose the flavor ban. Or do you really want to relive the 1920's?

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    Jess Rayan about 4 years ago

    I oppose the flavor ban
    Vaping is at least 95% safer than smoking.

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    Katie Birtel about 4 years ago

    I strongly oppose a flavor ban! It would force me to close my vape shop in Phoenix. My employees would lose their jobs. 98% of e-liquids we sell are flavored. We only sell one tobacco flavor. Adults like flavors! Until someone suggests banning tobacco cigarettes, there should be no question about the legality of flavored vaping. Vaping is at least 95% safer than smoking according to the 35,000 doctors that make up the Royal College of Physicians. Enforce existing laws to curb underage vaping!

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    Jennifer Cruz about 4 years ago

    I oppose the flavor ban