Meeting Time: February 03, 2021 at 2:30pm MST
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Agenda Item

*63 ***ADDITIONAL INFORMATION (SEE ATTACHED MEMO)*** (CONTINUED FROM DEC. 16, 2020) - Public Hearing - Appeal of Hearing Officer Decision - Abandonment of Right-of-Way - ABND 200534 - Various Segments generally located south of Jefferson Street and north of Harrison Street (railroad tracks) between 7th and 13th Avenues

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    Sushil Rao over 3 years ago

    Strongly Oppose.

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    Valeria Juarez over 3 years ago

    I strongly oppose this as homeless people are still humans and it should not be criminalized to not have a home. Police should not be allowed to harass homeless people solely for the fact that properties do not not want them there.

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    Lisa Wayland over 3 years ago

    I oppose #63. We should not criminalize our unsheltered neighbors. Prioritize human life over property!

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    Jenna Horner over 3 years ago

    As a resident of Phoenix I strongly oppose this attempt to waste money and resources on things that benefit no one. The people of this community must be prioritized over property. This would do much more harm than good.

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    Alex Frost over 3 years ago

    Strongly oppose. Support our Unsheltered neighbors!

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    Alexandra Lesnik over 3 years ago

    I strongly oppose this item. The Phoenix Police should not be given any more reason to harass people experiencing homelessness. They find more than enough of that on their own. Instead of working on accountability, we are discussing this incredibly harmful measure. That makes no sense. Oppose this item and begin to work in the right direction.

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    Jenny Strickland over 3 years ago

    Strongly oppose.

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    Katelyn Parady over 3 years ago

    Oppose. Criminalizing people only does one thing: creates more pain and suffering, for everyone.

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    Courtney Wielgus over 3 years ago

    Stongly oppose. Criminalizing homelessness only serves to perpetuate it and it's especially egregious when the city has gone out of its way to deny our unhoused neighbors options for getting off the street (ie shelter beds).

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    Rebecca Denis over 3 years ago

    We need to stop criminalizing the homeless, abandoning the easements and displacing the unsheltered population even further is gross and negligent. We need more resources for the homeless and we need to do better now. Selling off our city and this land doesn't solve the problems around inequity and lack of affordable housing. It's just a mask, the problem will still exist. This city council consistently displays its lack of humanity and care for all the citizens of our city.

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    Cole LarsonWhittaker over 3 years ago

    Why does the city council continue to try to pass legislation that further criminalizes homelessness. This city does so little already to help unsheltered people, and now this city council wants to criminalize those same unsheltered people they refuse to help?? The police already intimidate and harass unsheltered people for trying to survive, and you want to give them more authority to do so? This council needs to start looking at how to help people instead of how to further oppress them. Oppose

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    Eva Rincon over 3 years ago

    I oppose the displacement of our unsheltered neighbors.

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    Dailen Rogers over 3 years ago

    This is immoral. I find it to be unchristian also. Are we to treat our neighbors as if they are not welcome in their own city.. I want to bring it to your attention that the residents of the community that your seeking to round up were the only people who didn't have a chance to provide input. How can the city consider this without first asking the residents who will be directly affected; because they aren't land owners? because they don't have internet? I hope the Mayor can enlighten us.

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    Ryan Finn over 3 years ago


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    Eric Brickley over 3 years ago

    Passing this without a plan In place to shelter the individuals that are currently living on public land is wrong.

    A human should have a place to exist without being criminalized. Arresting people, who are only living where the police have forced them, is immoral and callous indifference to the health and safety of at least 150 Human Beings.

    This city needs to increase the services available if it hopes to not have people suffering Serious Mental Illness and Addiction living on easements.

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    Corey Dillier over 3 years ago

    I strongly oppose item 63 and believe we should not be criminalizing homelessness. It’s time for the city to stop prioritizing property over people.

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    Kalina Ikonomova over 3 years ago

    How can we value property over the lives of our unsheltered neighbors? We cannot allow business owners to displace and criminalize our neighbors and further gentrify Phoenix.

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    Jane Doe over 3 years ago

    As far as item 62 I think we need more than just 500 more beds! For item 63: This place has been here a long time you can huff & puff & them boys (cops) still gonna be down here. The police come & arrest us for no reason other than being homeless which makes getting off the streets even harder. When your homeless you don't have no civil rights. The zone to me is a prison but with no resources all they gonna do is send me to another prison if this goes through; just another day but it's immoral.

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    Jane Doe over 3 years ago

    As I sweep & Clean on 5th and madison my response to item 62 and the way it looks down here is we need more resources such as the 500 more beds; showers day and night for everyone; more dumpsters; and port a potties at least 5 of them on 5th and madison. As far as item 63 security alone is already crazy and threatening peoples lives let alone the cops who already harass us. We don't need more cops to threaten and arrest us.

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    Taylor Granat over 3 years ago

    This is an unneccesary move that would only further criminalize our city's homeless. We cannot continue to do nothing for this population of Phoenix and punishing them for the consequences.