Meeting Time: February 03, 2021 at 2:30pm MST
The online Comment window has expired

Agenda Item

*63 ***ADDITIONAL INFORMATION (SEE ATTACHED MEMO)*** (CONTINUED FROM DEC. 16, 2020) - Public Hearing - Appeal of Hearing Officer Decision - Abandonment of Right-of-Way - ABND 200534 - Various Segments generally located south of Jefferson Street and north of Harrison Street (railroad tracks) between 7th and 13th Avenues

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    Monique Garcia about 4 years ago

    This is directly harmful to people I do not agree with this.

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    Sarah Ford about 4 years ago

    When did criminalizing houselessness ever fix the issue or make things cheaper for taxpayers? NEVER! Privatizing public spaces is nothing more than a lazy attempt to further marginalize the most vulnerable in our city. Punitive measures don't solve problems, they only send more tax dollars to the endlessly greedy prison industrial complex which already targets the poor, BIPOC, and LGBTQ+. If you have any sense of equity or humanity, vote NO on this inhumane attempt to cage those who need shelter

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    Luci Davis about 4 years ago

    I strongly oppose this measure. Privatizing these easements only furthers the approach of policing unsheltered folks, which is a waste of public funds, a craven way of dealing with our fellow humans , & does nothing to address the roots that contribute to homelessness. Short-sighted greed will rob our City of its soul & decency, & will never contribute to a safer, richer, & more prosperous Phx. We can END homelessness in this City, if only we have the courage to try. No. 63 impedes that goal.

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    Killy Wenger about 4 years ago

    I strongly oppose

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    Jena Chalmers about 4 years ago

    Please vote to oppose this measure.

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    Alexis Campbell about 4 years ago

    I strongly oppose.

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    Marianna Estrada about 4 years ago

    strongly oppose.

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    Lauren Schellhase about 4 years ago

    Strongly oppose.

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    Rachael Okerlund about 4 years ago

    I strongly oppose this criminalization of houselessness. The literal least we can provide people is a warm place to sleep, anything less is inhumane.

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    Anna Xland about 4 years ago

    Oppose this attempt to criminalize homelessness

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    Mark Sharma about 4 years ago

    This will make it more challenging for the homeless to leave their situation

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    Claudia Deley about 4 years ago

    Humans over property, every single time!!! Always and forever. Please, Phoenix, add more shelter beds. It is easy to say no when you have a shelter of your own but this calls for some serious compassion and kindness, something of which we could all use way more!

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    Kara Hyland about 4 years ago

    I work in DT Phoenix a couple blocks from this area. I, along with many other residents and employees, use these streets and areas frequently. These areas should not be privatized. If this is for the purpose of criminalizing and victimizing homelessness even further, that would be unthinkable. I do not want my city sending that message.

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    Jessie Wickersham about 4 years ago

    Strongly oppose this attempt at further criminalization of our unhoused community.

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    Cynthia McWhorter about 4 years ago

    I oppose this 100%. Why would we want to make it even harder for the unsheltered community in Phoenix to get back on their feet? You'd rather they be in jail? It disgusts me to see our city council act with such a lack of compassion towards those in our community who need the most help. Just because you are unsheltered does not mean you are a criminal or a bad person. A helping hand is needed here, not handcuffs. Let's not "kick" our neighbors while they are down. Help goes further than harm.

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    Alena Maves about 4 years ago

    Criminalizing homelessness any further during a pandemic is heartless . IF AZ DOESNT HAVE SHELTER where do people go ? IF Phoenix DOESNT COVER HOUSING where do people go? Oppose any action that only further harms people!

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    ella wood about 4 years ago

    it’s not a crime to not have a home.

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    Tyler Hainlen about 4 years ago

    Strongly oppose. Criminalizing the homeless isn’t helping our city or it’s citizens (including the homeless of course). We need to allocate funds towards programs that actually help these folks get back on their feet. We can fix this problem by lending a hand instead of threatening a fist. Oppose 63.

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    Marisa Marek about 4 years ago

    I strongly oppose.

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    Marcus Pittaluga about 4 years ago

    This is craven. The fact that our municipal government is even considering these inhumane motions disgusts me. Strongly oppose.