Meeting Time: February 03, 2021 at 2:30pm MST
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Agenda Item

*63 ***ADDITIONAL INFORMATION (SEE ATTACHED MEMO)*** (CONTINUED FROM DEC. 16, 2020) - Public Hearing - Appeal of Hearing Officer Decision - Abandonment of Right-of-Way - ABND 200534 - Various Segments generally located south of Jefferson Street and north of Harrison Street (railroad tracks) between 7th and 13th Avenues

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    Jane Doe over 3 years ago

    I'm for the beds but then what? We need more resources than that. We need a whole new structure, attitude, and resources to help homelessness in Phoenix. These policy makers seem to be bafoons.

    Moving the people out doesn't solve the issue I mean where do they go somewhere else? It's like putting a band aid on a gunshot wound.

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    Gregory Lloyd over 3 years ago

    Maintain the zone and support those experiencing homelessness

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    Jane Doe over 3 years ago

    Item 62 Provide More Beds. item 63 Thats Cold Man!

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    Jane Doe over 3 years ago

    It's all economics we need jobs, housing, resources, etc. More taxes we pay should fund these proposed beds. We instead shouldn't be considering selling our streets and sidewalk which are investments of our taxes to private corporations for no other reason to punish the poor! Why not put some of that money into our communities?

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    John Doe over 3 years ago

    I have a family and a dog. I was an electrician. I had it all but got injured. Now I'm here along with my brother we buy and sell to provide resources to others here. I'm against criminalizing homelessness instead I'm for more beds and resources that's whats needed not arrests.

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    Emilie Gonzalez over 3 years ago

    The Zone should continue to be some form of sanctuary for our unhoused. They need stability, not aggravation to upset those who utilize this space.

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    John Doe over 3 years ago

    I come to "the zone" for supplies including food, water, and warmth. I was sent here when I relapsed I have no where else to go. Forget this we need more beds not persecution.

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    John Doe over 3 years ago

    Item 63 just isn't right there just stuck here there just homeless a lot of souls will be affected if this goes through. I am in support of item 62 to provide more resources and beds for homeless individuals.

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    John Doe over 3 years ago

    This place "the zone" helped me move forward but, I'd still like to see more people get into beds it's just better.

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    John Doe over 3 years ago

    The Police come & arrest us from the area like bullies I don't like bullies they control our movement to keep us here in the "zone" but then come and arrest us... My screws are getting looser every day but God keeps me intact. I support more housing (beds) for us out here; I mean where is our funding?

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    Tammy Wray over 3 years ago

    This has been a zone for unhoused people for DECADES. Don't permit private companies to displace them.

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    Harper Rowan over 3 years ago

    It is unacceptable to criminalize community members that find themselves without homes. It is unacceptable to further harm folks that need community support, not privatization of biased systems that perpetuate harm over and over and over again. I oppose agenda item 63 and I urge Phoenix City Council to oppose this as well. Once again, you community asks you to listen and show up through transparency with your actions. We will continue to show up, when will you?

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    amanda Morales over 3 years ago

    I do not support Item #63 as it further criminalizes house less neighbors. Do not give Phoenix PD further range to harass those without shelter

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    Hayley Platt over 3 years ago

    I strongly oppose criminalizing those suffering from homelessness. It is the cities responsibility to help and aid those suffering, not lock them up. This will not so anything to stop the cycle of homelessness and will further trap people in the cycle.

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    Lauren Corallo over 3 years ago

    I strongly oppose criminalizing our unsheltered neighbors. Further traumatizing and brutalizing those experiencing homelessness will only do harm.

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    Karen Olson over 3 years ago

    It is unacceptable to criminalize community members that find themselves without homes. It is unacceptable to further harm folks that need community support, not privatization of biased systems that perpetuate harm over and over and over again. I oppose agenda item 63 and I urge Phoenix City Council to oppose this as well. Once again, you community asks you to listen and show up through transparency with your actions. We will continue to show up, when will you?

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    Tina Luna over 3 years ago

    I strongly oppose item 63. The last thing we should do further criminalize homelessness. If Item 62 is approved this will start to alleviate the houseless issues in this area. Why don’t we give the proposal to add shelter beds some time to work? Item 62 is offering shelter beds and item 63 is a billy club and I trip to jail. This does not make sense. The houseless don’t need more policing that will further traumatize them. They need care and compassion.

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    Erin Moore over 3 years ago

    Please oppose this item. We should be taking care of each other, not bullying those with less resources.

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    Becca Taylor over 3 years ago

    I respectfully urge the City Council of Phoenix to Oppose Agenda Item 63 . Pleas if you want to represent us all then you need to represent those without voices. Our unsheltered neighbors deserve life and resources. Invest in people and life. Thank you.

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    Veronica Wollenzier over 3 years ago

    I strongly oppose this item. This is just another way for Ohoenix PD to target, harass, ticket, and criminalize our unsheltered neighbors. People come before property City Council....if you are worried about the easements, fund services for our people!!!