Meeting Time: June 03, 2020 at 2:30pm MST
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Agenda Item

44 Adoption of the Tentative 2020-21 Annual Budget (Ordinance S-46650)

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    Vincent Gonzalez over 4 years ago

    Instead of spending excessive amounts on an excessive police force, we should be using it to improve our communities. We should be advocating for a less militarized police and a more just place for our citizens. We should also fund the Civilian Review Board.

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    Parker Heyden over 4 years ago

    I ask that funds are redirected from the PHX police force which has statistically proven to be the highest in the country for civilian deaths, to programs that works to enrich and heal our community. The entire country has long shown that diverse police forces and intensive training has not and will not end police brutality. We need funds redirected to programs like those centered around mental health, after school care, affordable housing, trauma care, job opportunities, and sustainability.

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    Morgan Taylor over 4 years ago

    I support funding for police officers!

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    Sean Norton over 4 years ago

    Defund the police. Our tax dollars are better spent elsewhere.

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    Alec Featherston over 4 years ago

    We need to fund more police oversight, not more on the police. We cannot expect the police to serve us when there is no oversight in place and no repercussions. How can you trust someone with full authority and not accountability? Spending on community development shouldn't be a fraction of what we spend on the police; one is treating the symptom while the other is treating the problem. We need to spend money fixing peoples problems instead of treating them like they're the problem.

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    Christine Rosenthal over 4 years ago

    I am a proud resident of DTPHX and have seen the city grow in the last years.We have seen the rise of homelessness due to lack of affordable housing, access to healthcare, and lack of shelters beyond the metro Phoenix area. We have seen a need for improvements in public schools. What we have NOT seen is a increase in crime large enough to warrant nearly a billion dollars in funding. Please reconsider the allotment of these funds to go towards community development and enrichment.

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    Cole Seefus over 4 years ago

    This is the wrong message to send to our community. We are protesting police misconduct. This budget, as proposed, essentially rewards that misconduct. It would be better used funding programs for community enrichment and education. Prove to us that you are listening when we take to the streets. Prove to us you care. Defund Phoenix PD.

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    Angie Taylor over 4 years ago

    I fully support the Phoenix PD. I am urging you to approve the budget and support our PD.

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    Margaree Bigler over 4 years ago

    We ask that you redirect funds from Phoenix Police to programs that heal & educate our community. The City of Phoenix needs/deserves policing alternatives/investments in mental/physical health, sick leave, employment, education/after-school care, career services, and sustainability/environmental justice. Phoenix statistically ranks highest in the US for cases of police killing civilians. We’ve seen implementing various trainings have not and will not end police brutality. Move this money.

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    Edward Apraku over 4 years ago

    Please reconsider the proposed $944,680,555 allocated to our public safety department for the 2020-21 fiscal year. Our community asks that you redirect funds to programs that heal and educate our community. Increase the proposed $24,760,741 and $26,837,104 budgets for community development and community enrichment.

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    Arilyn Streety over 4 years ago

    STRONGLY oppose

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    Margaret Shalley over 4 years ago

    I am a resident and community volunteer in District 7. I fully support our police and oppose defunding the department. The vast majority of police are like us in that they want to work and serve and be safe, and they do not deserve to be painted with a broad brush as bad because of the actions of a few. Public safety is a priority for the MAJORITY of Phoenix residents, so I ask we pass this budget with no last minute changes to continue to fund critical public and safety services for all.

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    Brent Armstrong over 4 years ago

    Please consider decreasing the proposed budget outlay to the police department by 25% and redirect funds to community and social programs. Throwing money at a continually militarizing police force will not solve the problems of police brutality and citizen safety.

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    Dustin Pace over 4 years ago

    Because Phoenix PD is one of the most violent in the nation I urge you to reconsider your proposed budget and reallocate funds for police to community programs with a cut of at least 25%. I ask that you also fund a civilian review board for police accountability and also a relief fund for undocumented immigrants as well as ending the collaboration with Phoenix PD and ICE.

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    Brittany Taylor over 4 years ago

    I oppose the proposed budget for Phoenix police department. That money can help other community outreach programs. Phoenix Fire can have their portion as they typically do help community members. Allow them to have items to help our homeless during the summer. Phx PD is notably violent and uses unnecessary force up to and including murder. We want them to be held accountable, not receive more money to continue terrorizing the community.

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    Camille Johnson over 4 years ago

    I strongly oppose the $944,680,555 allocated to our Public Safety Department for the 2020-21 fiscal year; especially those funds which support a police department that is statistically ranked highest in the country for cases for police killings. I encourage the funds be redirected to increase the proposed $24,760,742 and $26,837,014 budgets for Community Development and Community Enrichment and invested in trauma, mental health, educational, and healthcare services.

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    Amy Axelrod over 4 years ago

    Please recognize that the budget for our public safety department could be better evaluated and reduced in an effort to better fund other public programs that are in need of support. If these programs (arts, education, transit, mental health, etc.) are recognized as positive agents of change in our community, those of us who work for and serve these industries will be able to better serve the people and our state.

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    Paulette Fernandez over 4 years ago

    The fact is: if the current budget set aside for the Phoenix Police Department passes, you will lose more trust and respect from the community than you already have. If you're so worried about officer safety, you have to build a bridge between them and us where respect is mutual. That is not done via more guns. That only implies you don't care about the high number of civilian killings and police brutality. The money needs to go to our communities—to the PEOPLE. We will not stay silent, either.

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    Owen Rogers over 4 years ago

    I oppose item #44 because I do not believe that the police should have little to no oversight on their decisions by the people they are meant to protect and serve.

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    Esmeralda Ramos over 4 years ago

    Please do not fund the police department. They do not need more funding, they need to refinance the large tax payer funds they already have in place to better training of officers.
    If you are proposing a high increase in funds, this means we have the funds needed for our education system to be funded properly. Please use those funds for community wellness. Thank you.