Meeting Time: June 17, 2020 at 2:30pm MST
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Agenda Item

24 Adoption of the Final 2020-21 Operating Funds Budget (Ordinance S-46715) ***ADDITIONAL INFORMATION (SEE MEMO)***

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    Cody Schellhase over 4 years ago

    This money needs to go to other services within the Phoenix community! The Human Services Campus needs beds, public schools are grossly underfunded, vets need better resources, the list is endless. This amount of money going to the police department is a misuse of public funds and your constituents DON'T WANT IT. Please do the right thing for the human beings of this city. STRONGLY OPPOSED!

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    Akhila B over 4 years ago

    Defund the Phoenix Police department and allocate the money towards communities (ie the arts, mental health services, housing, education, etc).

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    MEGHAN COLLIER over 4 years ago

    Police budget is already grossly swelled while our education and community budgets are sorely underfunded. Oppose this budget and increase the education and community outreach so Arizonans can have a hope for brighter future
    Defund the police, invest in communities.

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    Ilsen Suarez over 4 years ago

    On November 3rd Mayor Gallego, and city council members districts 1, 3, 5, and 7 are up for re-election. We demand the end to the racist police terror that wreaks havoc in our brown and black communities. These communities are ones that are severely underfunded. We the people, will make sure you are not re-elected unless you divest from Phx PD, and invest in funding community resources that address the root problems of poverty, mental health, and education. Reform does NOT work.

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    Tabitha Denson over 4 years ago

    I strongly oppose the increase in the PHX PD budget. I urge you to listen to your constituents and reconsider what public safety means by reallocating the proposed funding toward community investment through education, healthcare, housing, and mental health services. Not only will a bigger and stronger police force in PHX never be equipped to address the ways in which our government has failed its people by defunding crucial social services, but it will engender even more violence and murder.

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    Naomi Solomon over 4 years ago

    I oppose this increase in the police department’s funding. A gradual defunding of the Phoenix PD is necessary and urgent, as these funds should be allocated to more community based forms of public safety, such as mental health programs, housing, and education.

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    Matthew Lacey over 4 years ago

    I oppose ordinance S-46715. We want Phoenix PD to be defunded and the money directed towards education, affordable housing, and community services/programs that deter crime.

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    Nicole Ealy over 4 years ago

    I strongly oppose Ordinance S-46741, the Adoption of the Final 2020-21 Capital Funds Budget. Defund the Phoenix PD and reallocate our taxpayer dollars to policies + programs for community development and community enrichment. PHX PD is ranked as one of the most violent in the country based on their obscene number cases in which police end the lives of civilians. Our community is in dire need of investments in mental health services, education, after school and child care, and adequate housing.

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    Robert Cooper over 4 years ago

    I strongly oppose a budget that increases funding for the police force when we have the lowest performing public education system in the country, as well as one of the most violent police forces in the country. Please reevaluate this budget and invest in what is important to our community.

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    Kyle Cooper over 4 years ago

    We do not need to give our police force a raise in the midst of global protests against police brutality, while our police force is a major offender. We should instead allocate funds to more educational and social programs which are going to actually help our citizens.

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    Anju Sekar over 4 years ago

    Defund the Phoenix Police Department and allocate the funds towards communities, schools, housing, and mental health services.

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    Erin Moore over 4 years ago

    Please defund the police and put the finding into health, education, housing, and community enrichment. They are threatening citizens ability to live a happy and safe life and their union isn’t responding supportively and willing to make necessary changes.

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    Derek Scace over 4 years ago

    We want the PD defunded and the funds rerouted to education, community, and mental health resources.

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    Alejandra Guillen over 4 years ago

    I strongly oppose funding for the Phoenix Police Department for the 2020-21 year. Instead, please put those funds towards education and other programs that enrich our communities.

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    Sydney Blissick over 4 years ago

    The police in Phoenix foster an environment of fear and distrust. They already have sufficient funding, and it’s time for Phoenix to step up and stop putting a band aid on social problems. Please consider allocating money to community funds supporting sustainable low income housing, education, mental health, public health, social workers and community enrichment. Please use your power for good, and please use your power to help create positive change that can begin today.

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    Corey Jones over 4 years ago

    I urge you to reconsider the proposed $944,680,555 for public safety for 2020-21 fiscal year, instead increase the $24,760,742 and $26,837,014 budgets for community development and community enrichment.
    The Phx PD statistically ranks the highest in the country for police killing civilians. Training will not end police brutality.
    Phx needs policing alternatives, investments in mental health and trauma services, education and after-school care, housing, healthcare, and employment opportunities.

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    Taylor Nolan over 4 years ago

    Defund the Phoenix Police Department. The city of Phoenix needs and deserves policing alternatives and investments in mental health and trauma services, education and after school care, adequate housing, health care, and employment opportunities.

    Defund the Phoenix Police Department and allocate 2020-2021 city funds to policies and programs that will create and sustain a safe community.

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    KRISTEN MATTA over 4 years ago

    Defund Phoenix PD. Invest instead in our communities, schools, housing, and mental health services.

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    Kathryn Male over 4 years ago

    The police already receive an obscene amount of money and still do not do their job correctly. This money could be better used in programs that actually enrich our communities - such as education, affordable housing, accessible healthcare, and mental health services. Stop damaging our community and start building it up instead.

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    Elsbeth Pollack over 4 years ago

    Phoenix has one of the deadliest police forces in the nation. Other cities are taking steps to defund the police, recognizing the ineffectiveness, structural racism, and violence in their departments. Defunding would allow other services to support our community in ways that we need it, through appropriate responders focused on community wellbeing. Consider the message that you are sending by increasing funding to the police and not looking to alternatives-- that black lives don't matter.